Ana Marques
I am an experienced and qualified professional in rural development and animal production, with over 15 years of experience in coordinating sustainable projects, standing out for my ability to implement innovative solutions and establish strategic partnerships that promote community development and environmental sustainability.
Since 2012 I have been collaborating on development projects in Angola, with a greater focus on the Province of Namibe. The first collaboration was the implementation of the PRODEP project, which aimed to improve the production system of cattle and small ruminants in the semi-arid area of the municipality of Virei, with the long-term objective of the sustainability of natural resources and the proliferation of animal production without the introduction of major technologies. A project that had partnerships with the Provincial Government and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. I recently finished my career in Angola, having served for almost five years as Provincial Coordinator of the FRESAN project, a project of great relevance in Portugal's cooperation in Angola and whose main objective is to contribute to the reduction of hunger, poverty and vulnerability to food and nutritional insecurity, through the sustainable strengthening of family farming, in the southern provinces of Angola most affected by climate change. During this period, I was responsible for coordinating the FRESAN office and team in the province of Namibe, which included defining the joint strategy with provincial partners, planning, monitoring and following up on activities in the province and institutionally representing the project with Angolan partners and international organizations. In recognition of his excellent coordination, priority setting and time management skills, he was entrusted with the coordination of the pastoral component and the research institutes.