Frederico Dinis
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Portuguese (1974) lecturer, practitioner-researcher, intermedia composer at the interface between performance and new media technologies that seek to represent a figurative space-time, combining sound and visual narratives with unusual spaces. His work has been embraced by museums, concert halls and public spaces and events in Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, South Korea, Brazil and Mexico.
He holds a PhD in Art Studies – Arts/Drama and Performance Studies at the University of Coimbra (Coimbra, PT) and a degree in Informatics Engineering also from the University of Coimbra (Coimbra, PT). He is a Researcher of CEIS20 – Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra (Coimbra, PT) and Affiliated Scholar at the SELMA – Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory of the at the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies at the University of Turku (Turku, FI).
As a practitioner-researcher his projects focus on specific places analyzing, throughout the research and creation process, the role of memory in the configuration of individual and collective identities, seeking to reflect on the importance of site-specific and sense of place, and the relationship between performativity and memory representation, taking as a starting point the interaction with the places and the appropriation of memories and archives and exploring their sound and visual aspects.
He is also a Member of EASTAP – European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance (Paris, FR) and Member of Ob.EMMA – Electronic Music and Media Art Observatory at CITCEM – Transdisciplinary Research Centre “Culture, Space and Memory” of the University of Porto (Porto, PT).
He has developed more than 30 site-specific practice-as-research projects and presented the results of these projects at several conferences and events.
As a solo artist, he has released seven electronic ambient music works (slower pace of existence, 2019 [CD, vinyl & digital]; perhaps only as a memory reconstructed, 2019 [K7]; sinuous sensations hypnotic emotions, 2018 [CD box, 7CDs]; perhaps only as a memory, 2018 [CD & digital]; fragments of emotions, 2015 [CD & digital]; chilled winter sunrise, 2013 [CD]; gentle breeze at sunset, 2011 [CD]). His sonorities are hybrid and integrate a set of influences: ambient, drone, soundscape, soft noise, and minimal electronic, and his compositions fall back on field recordings, atmospheric textures and evolving patterns, marked by fragmented rhythms.
He is also the author of the book “Sinuous Sensation Hypnotic Emotions: Visual Ambiences” (Flying Thought, 2018) and several scientific papers (peer-reviewed) and book chapters (peer-reviewed) on themes related to Art & Technology, Cultural Studies, Digital Arts, Memory Studies, Musical Studies, New Media Arts, Practice-as-Research Methods, Site-Specific Arts, Sociology of the Arts and Theatre & Performance Studies.
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Cultural heritage
Cultural Management
Digital Culture
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Performing Arts
Visual Arts
3 years ago
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