Fondazione Solidarietà Caritas onlus
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
The Foundation Solidarietà Caritas onlus is a non-profit organization based in Florence (Italy) which - in all its projects and activities - puts the person as a whole at the center of its attention. We try to respond to the needs of poor, marginalized and vulnerable people by offering them hospitality, support, guidance and training courses, but also basic services such as canteens, showers, etc.
Whether they are adults, elderly, prisoners or ex-prisoners, single women or with children, separated or divorced fathers with no economic resources, families, young people, immigrants or asylum seekers, sick people (including HIV / AIDS), minors, unaccompanied foreign minors, people who are victims of addiction or homeless people ...: anyone who is in conditions of need is accompanied along a path towards autonomy and the affirmation of their human dignity.
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Capacity Building
Social Affaires and Inclusion
Child Care
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
Aid to Refugees
Education and Training
Adult Learning
European social fund (ESF)
Migrants and Refugees
Human Rights
4 years ago
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