Dimitra Toli
Looking for Partnership
The 2nd middle school of Katerini is located in the center of Katerini, a town of approximately 60,000 inhabitants at the foothills of Olympus. About 250 students aged 12-14 attend our school. What is remarkable about our school is that it is an inclusive school. A Roma community lives in our town, whose children attend our school program. Our school is the key factor for them to be in close contact with the rest of our community and share their experiences and culture with the rest of our students. In this way our school fights prejudice by being an open embrace for all students. In addition, every year our school welcomes refugees students, who are Syrians, Kurds, Iraqis, etc. For their inclusion in Greek society, a "Priority" Educational Zone operates at the 2nd Middle School of Katerini. This is a class, where refugees students are taught the Greek language in order to be able to attend the rest of the school program. So, our students, in addition to the compulsory program [New and Ancient Greek Language, Foreign Languages (English, German, and French), History, Maths, Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics), Technology, I.C.T., Geography, Art, Music, P.E.], are taught to socialize and accept diversity. This is a major step for young people to become able to live in our multicultural world and support European values. After the compulsory program there are several clubs at our school (drama group, choir, debate group, STEM group etc.), offered by school teachers. These clubs give our students the opportunity to cultivate their special talents and get to know themselves better. As a result, school groups participate in competitions and many other events. We would also like to emphasize the fact that the school team, in addition to the 30 teachers, includes a social worker, as well as a psychologist in order to support students in need. In conclusion, our school is an innovative one, open to society.
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