Q-PLAN International Advisors
Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL is an innovation and management consulting company that possesses valuable know-how and expertise in the design, management and co-ordination of European policy studies, research projects and support actions in several scientific fields. On top of these, the company provides hands-on support to both public and private sector clients in the design and implementation of their innovation and research strategies as well as in the implementation of their international networking and knowledge transfer activities.
Q-PLAN services include: business modelling and planning, feasibility studies, market studies, access to finance and business development services (>400 cases in the last decade), as well as development and implementation of Management Systems to be certified and/or accredited for clients active in all business sectors. In addition, Q-PLAN provides hands-on support to high growth potential SMEs, contributing to the design, management and implementation of their innovation projects, as well as of their international networking and/or collaboration activities.
Since 2005, the company has led or participated in more than 35 research and policy studies and H2020/FP7/FP6 projects, mainly as consortium leader (coordinator) and/or innovation and exploitation manager. In the framework of these projects, it has successfully carried out numerus activities aiming at implementing desk research exercises and deploying large-scale surveys with a view to mapping perceptions (needs, concerns, preferences, etc.) of targeted audiences and mining meaningful insights to fuel qualitative and qualitative analysis while translating the collected data into actionable knowledge.
Within this context, the expertise of the company encompasses the management of large international studies and projects, the implementation of EU-scale comparative analyses fuelled by desk research, in-depth interviews, observation activities, large-scale surveys and quantitative and qualitative analyses, the elaboration of case studies at European, national and regional/local level and their extensive investigation in terms of success factors, barriers and socio-economic contexts to highlight good practices and address transferability aspects, the development of handbooks and toolkits (both off-line and on-line using contemporary interactive means and interfaces) and finally, the drafting of EU research and policy analyses, reports and recommendations. In addition, Q-PLAN has successfully organized multiple international conferences, co-creation workshops, focus groups and several training and knowledge transfer activities and events.
Finally, to assure the high quality of its provided services and the continual improvement in all aspects of its function, Q-PLAN has implemented a Quality Management System, certified according to ISO 9001:2008.
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Regional Policy
Horizon Europe
6 years ago
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