Cluster of Applied Earth Sciences
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Us
Welcome to the information web page of the Cluster of Applied Earth Sciences, CAPES! Our cluster provides access to R&D&I capacity & state-of-the-art expertise in applied geoscience subjects, including hydrocarbon and geothermal research, as well as radioactive waste repository and environmental protection.
The Cluster of Applied Earth Sciences is a hub in Central Europe for high tech companies and earth science laboratories offering state of the art services and solutions in:
- Mining, raw material, hydrocarbon exploration,
- Geothermal research,
- Research activity related to radwaste disposal projects,
- Environmental management,
- R&D&I projects.
CAPES uniquely delivers integrated expertise based on the knowledge pull of our member companies representing the highest standards of geoscience discipline and well established practice. Our organization is a client oriented and inspiring hub of innovation driven companies, laboratories, universities and R&D&I centers.
The overarching vision of the Cluster of Applied Earth Sciences is to provide comprehensive, fast and tailored services to our clients. We are committed to offering our clients quality, the best value on reasonable price.
We are proud that CAPES and its members thrive. CAPES is also an active partner of the GeoEnergy Europe, a European Union metacluster partnership aiming to contribute to the industrial deployment and market uptake of sustainable geo-energy.