Sásd és Térsége Nonprofit Kft
Jun 9, 2022
About Me
Sásd és Térsége Terület- és Humánfejlesztési Nonprofit Kft. (Sásd and Surrounding Area Regional and Human Resource Development Nonprofit Ltd.) Was founded in 2009 in Pécs, Hungary. We aim to improve the living conditions, social life and career options of disadvantaged people, stimulate the economic growth as well as building up, strengthening and supporting the private and entrepreneurial sector in the area. Furthermore, our organization operates the Hegyháti Szociális Alapellátási Központ, which provides support for children and adults living with disabilities, and manages an emergency, home-based service system for the elderly.
In the past we have worked with:
- The local government of Sásd to create health awareness and perception forming programs
- Klebelsberg Intézményfenntartó Központ to develop high school programs
- Országos KID egyesület – SEL in Action teaching social and emotional skills in schools
- (Believe in Chidren Barnardo’s, CEIPES, Szociogramm Nonprofit Ltd.)
Our primary operations revolve around:
- Alternative solutions for elderly care
- Supporting people living with disabilities
- Community psychiatrist services
- Improving the lives of people suffering from dementia
- Community development
- Providing labour market services for disadvantaged people (minorities, mothers, disabled people)
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