Assimakis Chadoumellis
Looking for Partnership
The Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP) was founded in 1992 in the facility of the old French Mining Company of Lavrion (Compagnie Française des Mines du Laurium), at the initiative of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), aiming to host and promote research and business activities. The LTCP’s facilities include industrial, laboratory, and professional premises of a high aesthetic and architectural value, most of which were built during the period 1875-1940. It consists of mining processing facilities so as administrative and ancillary buildings. The site used to host industrial activity until 1988. During the 120 years of the factory’s operation, it has been subjected to various transformations, renovations, and additions to line up with the demands of each technological evolution. Today, the Park occupies a space of 60,78 acres, which includes 41 building units of a total area of 25,000 sq. m., and constitutes a protected national monument as a whole. (Ministry of Culture, 1992). Until now, 19,76 acres of facilities and several buildings have been restored, highlighting the LTCP is a unique monument of industrial archaeology and architecture.
The industrial buildings have been reconstructed, combining the evaluation of the historical forms with contemporary functionality and house a variety of new and innovative businesses, NTUA’s laboratories, as well as cultural and educational ;LTCP has been supporting young Greek scientists since its inception, to try their research work in real conditions. It is a place where knowledge and technology are produced and where they are applied in practice. Moreover, some large-scale NTUA research projects are being implemented at the LTCP. At the same time, it is a place for the demonstration of innovative technologies on products and services. It is a destination for visitors with a variety of scientific, educational, and business interests. Finally, it is an ongoing experiment of osmosis of a Public University with the local community in a direction of development, a stable bridge of communication between the National Technical University of Athens and the broader Greek ;LTCP´s creation, on the same site where the beginning of the industrial revolution of Greece was sealed, revives memories of the past and stresses the effort for appropriate development. Simultaneously, the site’s supervision by the National Technical University of Athens, the first educational institution in the country with such strong links with technology, innovation, and development on the one hand, and the synergies that the Park develops, on the other hand, offer a significant added value in this effort.
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Capacity Building
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Tourism
Cultural heritage
Industrial heritage
Creative Europe
Cross-border cooperation
Artificial Intelligence
3 years ago
Interested in a Partnership (Assimakis Chadoumelllis, site manager Lavrion Tec...)
Business Support Organisation
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Cultural heritage
3 years ago
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