Evangelia Daratsanou
A talented and resourceful Project Manager, with over 20 years of experience in National and European funding projects and a coveted 100% success rate in Funding proposals. Evangelia is highly adaptable in multinational environments, having worked with teams in over 10 European & other countries. She has excellent presentation and business development skills acquired in International projects meetings.
Evangelia holds an MA in Marketing Management (De Montfort University Business School), and a "Ptychion" in Business Administration (Athens University of Economics & Business). She is active in the field of EU projects since 1996 and she has significant experience in the planning, management and exploitation of transnational projects at European level and connected activities, such as research, implementation and dissemination. She has been working in projects in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation, SME’s development, employment, vocational training, both funded by direct and structural funds.
She, currently, consults SME's for the optimum exploitation of co-funded investments and modern business tools and products.
She is a member of the registry and the approved list of the investment plans evaluators authorized by the Greek competent authority EFEPAE.
Co-founder of the Hellenic Evaluation Society, member of the European Evaluation Society. She is currently attending a joint Master's Degree in Business Law.
Co – author of a scientific paper regarding the “Online Research for the Impact of ICTs on Greek Women’s Employability and Entrepreneurship”
iJAC ‒ Vol. 10, No. 1, 2017 (International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning).
She is a co- founder of Stratigon Finance, a start-up investment and entrepreneurship consultancy based in Attica, with a head office in Kifissia. It is the result of a joint effort by two highly experienced female consultants with a great track record and international experience.
Stratigon focuses on SME creation, competitiveness and extroversion. The company directs its core business towards SME consulting on strategic planning, business modeling, innovation strategies and actions, biding or and achieving public and European funding for ;