Sotirios Karagiannis
I work as a Senior Business Development Consultant in a well-established business consulting firm based in Greece. At the same time, I am a Candidate in Finance at the University of Peloponnese, Department of Economics and my research interests are Empirical Corporate Finance, Financial Management and Financial Derivatives.
I have relevant professional experience in financial and business advisory for funding of SMEs under National Operational Programmes, as well as in co-funded Programmes ( Interreg, ENI, Erasmus+, EMFF, UIA etc.). I am mainly involved in and International co-funded projects (fundraising, project management, budgeting, drafting research proposals, consortia management).
In 2017, I achieved the successful assessment of proposals of total budget EUR. Furthermore, in 2017 I achieved the successful assessment of co-funded business plans under NFRS for SMEs of total budget 1,1m EUR. I have also professional experience in financial analysis, market research, studies for public bodies, financial structuring advising on corporate or project finance operations and I have experience in the Balkan business environment.