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Super Tineri ASIRYS Association is a non-profit and non-political organization, established in 2009 in Romania, which engages leaders for positive and sustainable change for their communities.
The MISSION of Super Tineri – ASIRYS is to support the progress of communities in all fields.
Its priorities are:
* To create opportunities for young people to develop themselves personally, professionally, and socially so they can create positive change in their communities
* To promote the interests of youth on a social, cultural, educational, physical and economic level
* To promote the recognition and acceptance of diversity as a means to create equal opportunity for all individuals
* Promote the values of civic responsibility
* Ensure cohesion between economic development and social development in order to ensure long-term prosperity of the community.
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Education and Training
Youth Workers
6 years ago
Education and Training
Arts Education
Cultural heritage
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
6 years ago
Education and Training
Youth Workers
Europe for Citizens
European Politics
7 years ago
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