Erasmus + KA1: MultipleQ

6 years ago


Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

The project „Multiple Q” is connecting organisations, youth workers, volunteers and young people to work in a proactive and innovative way in order to design a quality approach for youth work, improving the methodologies and the capacity to work with young people. The project aim is to develop an innovative curriculum to be applied by youth workers and organizations in order to both improve and prove the youth work impact and value in the lives of young people and for society.

The project wants to involve at least 10 partners and consists of 3 main activities:

- 1 Training Course to create an innovative curriculum to work with youth in schools and public institutions (8 days),

- 1 Community activity: Pilot the non-formal curriculum in a local school,

- 1 Seminar to share the good practices and experiences, and improve the methodology (8 days).

The main results of the mobility will be to launch and to pilot a new scheme/approach of non-formal learning, involving new methods and new forms of practical training. Each partner organisation will select 2 or 3 participants, for the training course, over 18 years old, with relevant experience in youth work. For the seminar, the organisation will select one youth worker, a teacher and one active youth from the school involved in the project. Both mobilities will take place in Romania. The activities are connected therefore is very important for the partner to be locally involved and to send the youth workers of the organisation. If you want to be a partner in our project, please send us your PIF to:

office(at)supertineri(dot)org, not later than 29 January 2019.

 Education and Training
 Youth Workers

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