Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
PIC 949047516
Full legal name (National Language) ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΙΑΚΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ
Full legal name (Latin characters) ANAPTYXIAKO KENTRO THESSALIAS
Translated legal name: Developmental Centre of Thessaly
Acronym AKETH
Address 4 Fournonision
Country Greece
Region Thessalias
Post Code 421 31
City Trikala
Telephone 1 +302431024697
Telephone 2 +302431079767
Fax +302431079768
Type of Organisation NFP EDU-VET
Is the partner organisation a public body? NO
Is the partner organisation a non-profit? YES
Description of our organisation:
Anaptyxiako Kentro Thessalias Educational Group – AKETH-EG [Developmental Centre Of Thessaly -EG), located in Trikala, Greece, is a nonprofit organization accredited by Greek National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – EOPPEP. AKETH-EG was founded in 2004 in Trikala – Greece. AKETH as a nonprofit organization uses its surplus revenues to further achieve its purpose or mission. Its revenues derived by its activities operating as international VET provider, offering counseling services and providing e-solutions through AKETH lab.
Mission statement
AKETH is aligned with the strategic framework about fighting the rising levels of unemployment –particularly among young people – the confrontation of the same risk which threats high number of adult workers while phenomena of social exclusion and the increase of poverty are more and more appearing threatening the social cohesion and standard of living, through the improvement of provided education/training in terms of quality and efficiency. AKETH's mission is to provide certified education & training opportunities, counseling & personal development in order to contribute in their life improving.
Organizational Structure
AKETH-DCT operates as a typical nonprofit organization. It is governed by the board of directors. The board is responsible for the policy of the organization and derives its jurisdiction from the Constitution of the Organization. The board's work is coordinated by the chair and the board may organize itself into various committees responsible for carrying out different operations. An executive director is responsible for the management of AKETH according to the strategic direction set by the board. She is also responsible for the day-to-day operation of AKETH.
Performing Areas
1.IVET & CVET area: is divided in two departments
EU projects & programmes
AKETH’s Roles:
- Sending Organization
- Host organization
- Intermidiary organization
- Consortium coordinator
- Courses provider
National project & programmes (NPA)
AKETH’s Roles
- Training Provider
- (Continuing – VET) provider
- (Initial VET) provider
- Center for the rational use of agricultural medicines by Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food Examination Center
- Adult Trainers Examination Center
- Adult Trainers Center
- ICT Examination Center by Cambridge-Vellum
- Examination Center for the rational use of agricultural medicines.
2.Consultancy services (CSSA) is divided in:
- Administration services
- SMEs Counseling
- Career Development
3.AKETH lab (AKETHLab): comprises three depts:
- Development & Design, Customization and Supporting on management apps/tools, and apps/tools
- AKETH Innovation Robotics
- E-learning platforms development
As an accredited VET Centre, AKETH is obliged to follow the requirements of Greek National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – EOPPEP, that require those teach/train adults following accredited (formal) courses and exams to hold a teaching qualification. Therefore, AKETH “uses”, accredited trainers/teachers in order to provide/offer courses and training to learners either in national or in international level.
The diversity of the adult learning sector calls for a range of skills and the skills of AKETH’s trainers including:
- The ability to overcome complex and specific barriers to learning
- The ability to consult and negotiate with employers regarding the organisation and provision of resources and facilities
- Knowledge of the working environment;
- The ability to tailor training to meet specific needs
- Excellent and adaptable communication skills
Supporting Guidance System
AKETH, following the requirements of Greek National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – EOPPEP provides individual support to learners facing specific challenges, like ‘coaching’, ‘mentoring’, counseling, career guidance, career development, personal action planning through its Supporting Guidance System to increase the employability of the learners, facilitating the learning process for people who they are in job market or they are unemployed.
Through this process, AKETH, can get an overview of the skills that need to be strengthened and employees can increase their awareness of their own training needs. This approach requires the Job Profiles to be tailored to each individual company with the best profiles being differentiated to different job roles and scenarios.
Methodological Approaches
AKETH’s trainers use, depending on the situation several methodical and didactic approaches. These include, but are not limited to:
- learning to learn initiatives;
- blended learning;
- collaborative learning approaches;
- ‘bite-sized’ approaches to delivery;
- innovation in embedding basic skills into vocational qualifications;
- integrating basic skills programs in the workplace;
- experimenting with different formats of basic skills provision;
- teaching and counseling as a training strategy;
- formative and summative evaluation of training;
- integrating learning into workplace scenarios;
- taking into account current developments in working life;
- mapping reading and writing skills;
- individual support and feedback before, during and after the training;
- integrating a positive attitude towards training into a company’s ethos;
- individually adapted training sessions that meet the needs of learners;
- intensive courses that consider the needs and background of learners;
- contextualization of learning in real-life scenarios;
- training at work using real employment scenarios;
- embedding personal and social development (PSD) within learning;
- qualifications and personal development as incentives for high achievers;
- qualifications that support sustainable skills development;
- appropriate support for learners with a specific learning disability (SpLD);
- recording, tracking and reporting of basic skills performance;
- resource and feedback orientated learning.
Accredited C-VET (Continuing – VET) provider by National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – EOPPEP. Reg Nr. 2347-10
Accredited I-VET provider (Initial VET) by National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – EOPPEP. Reg Nr. 2347-10
Accredited Adult Trainers Examination Center by National Organisation for the Certifications of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – EOPPEP Reg. Nr. 38410/31-10-2013
Accredited Adult Trainers Training Center by National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – EOPPEP
Accredited ICT Examination Center by Cambridge-Vellum
Accredited Training & Exam Center for the rational use of agricultural medicines by Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food
Accredited ICT centre for teachers of public education schools by Greek Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" Reg. Nr: 5571
AKETH’s staff has been invited in Erasmus+ workshops by Greek National Agency in order to present managerial aspects of Erasmus+ projects implementation.
Our organization is making a constant effort to contribute substantially to equal access to knowledge in the society, to promote sustainability, healthy behavior and to shape a better future for humans. One of our main objectives is to promote entrepreneurship and personal initiative, as we believe it’s the main way to help people get through the hard situation of unemployment that strikes many countries in Europe.
1st place for the team AIRGears of AKETH Innovation Robotics Lab at the Regional Competition Educational Robotics of Thessaly
2nd place for the team AIRGears of AKETH Innovation Robotics Lab at the National Competition Educational Robotics of Greece
AKETH also, has been awarded for the implementation of its exemplary vocational education and training projects under Leonardo da Vinci programme over the past year from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY - Greek National Agency).
AKETH is member of
- Hellenic Association of Continuing Vocational Training Centers.
- European Network for Transfer and Exploitation of EU Project Results
- Drop’pin community -Europe’s youth opportunities platform
- EPALE membership community for Adult Learning in Europe
- School Education Gateway
Indicative Local partners/network:
AKETH holds a wide network of local, regional and national level partners/institutions which are involved
in project activities depending on the scope and objectives of each of our projects. Some of them are:
- University of Thessaly
- Technological Educational Institution of Thessaly
- Research Group of Spatial Informatics, SenseLab, of the Technical University of Crete
- Municipality of Trikala
- Municipality of Karditsa
- Chamber of Commerce of Ioannina
- Chamber of Commerce of Karditsa
- Association of Employees of Trikala
- Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Thessaly
- Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Epirus
- Administration Region of Thessaly
- Directorate of Secondary Education of Trikala
- Directorate of Secondary Education of Karditsa
- Directorate of Secondary Education of Arta
- Institute for Research & Technology of Thessaly
- Thessaly & Sterea Ellada Regional Health Care Authority
- Association of Social Inclusion & Mental Health Care
- Association of Regional Development & Mental Care
- Mental Health Center of Athens
- Agricultural cooperative of Trikala
- Agricultural cooperative of Kalampaka
- Panhellenic Union of Crafts & Wood Association
- Panhellenic Union of Agriculturists
National Programmes
AKETH implements informal continuing training programs aiming at the link between training and employment, programs against to social exclusion aimed at helping the unemployed get back to work, programs for self-employed, in training programs. Continuing VET programs include theoretical training and internships. Its training activities aim at maintenance, renewal, upgrading and modernization of the professional knowledge, competences and skills of the unemployed, who need expertise in order to seek work/job and of the employees, employers, people in labour market. who want professional development. The last 5 years, AKETH has implemented, 138 training projects under the supervision of the Greek Manpower Employment Organization.
AKETH also, implements projects under the “Training Voucher” programme, which aims to achieve a structured path for the entry of unemployed in the labor market, which will potentially lead to a placing in the private sector of the economy. The main Implementation Body of this programme is Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity.
AKETH has undertaken the implementation of 58, “Training Voucher” projects, training 1100 unemployed people.
Furthermore, AKETH has implemented 5 projects and trained 120 unemployed people in the field of Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
As far as the operation of AKETH as Training & Exam Center for the rational use of agricultural medicines, 1200 people have been trained and certified by AKETH.
EU Projects:
518135-LLP-1-2011-1- IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
54182-LLP-1-2013-1- ES-COMENIUS-CMP
546193 - - ES - 2013- R1
2013-1-GR-1-LEO 02-15057