iNNOS Project and Innovation Consulting Private Company
iNNOS Project and Innovation Consulting Private Company (iNNOS PC) is an SME active in projects' planning, implementation and management, which are funded under EU (structural funds), National and Regional resources. We work closely and in partnership with a wide range of clients from different sectors and regions across public and private sector to assist them achieving their strategic, operational and commercial objectives by delivering added value packages of services and products.
iNNOS PC , provides innovative services in the following business areas:
- Programm/Project Management and Coordination Consulting
- Engineering Consulting
- Financial Consulting
- ICT Consulting
- Innovation Consulting
Today, iNNOS PC , utilizing its accumulated know-how and the experience and scientific background of its founding directors, is able to successfully carry out any project relevant to the following fields of interest:
- Regional and Local Development
- Multicriteria Decission Making
- Business Development
- Environmental Management, Monitoring, Modeling, Auditing and Certification
- GIS and Remote Sensing Technologies' Applications
- Spatial and Urban Planning
- Drones Applications
- Agricultural Development
- Thematic Tourism Development
- Public Infrastructures
- Smart cities applications and Approaches
- Cultural Development
- ICT Applications
- Technology Transfer
- Statistical Surveys
- Energy Consumption Modeling