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15 European Projects Found

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Good Start to School

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) provides the basis of lifelong learning and has become a policy priority in most European countries. Research, conducted by the OECD and the European Commission, recognises that ECEC brings a wide range of benefits, such as social and economic, better child well-being and learning outcomes, more equitable outcomes, reduction of poverty and better social an ...
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New volunteers nest

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The New volunteers nest is a safe place of cooperation and personal development for volunteers from different nationalities. It is dedicated not only to EVS volunteers but it includes also Czech and Roma volunteers cooperating with hosting organizations. This creates space for intercultural understanding and European togetherness via peer learning. Each person from the team individually brings the ...
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Innovative Technologies for Active Language Class

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Innovative Technologies for Active Language Class is a three-year ERASMUS+ strategic school partnership. It involves eight secondary schools from Czech Republic, France, Greece, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Spain and Turkey. All the latter cater for pupils of diverse ethnic and cultural origins. Most of these learners come from underprivileged families with low opportunities for learning, travel ...
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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - with joy of learning

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Recycling is one of the most common of all environmentally beneficial activities. Schools play a major role in the education of tomorrow`s consumers and decision makers. In our project we involve our pupils, staff and local society and authorities in reducing the amound of waste produced by our home, school and town and this will give them a broader perspective and start them thinking wider respon ...
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Successful Scientists

Start date: Sep 8, 2014, End date: Sep 7, 2016,

...Castanyers is a small rural school with approx. 85 children on role students. It is located in a Natural Park called Montseny. Children have fewer opportunities to experience the wider world. Czech - Základní škola Protiví is in a small town of approx 5,000 with 400 children age 6 - 15 and 28 staff. Children are mostly Czech but there are some of Slovak, Belarussian, Vietnamese and Ukraine origin. ...
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INSPIRACE V EVROPĚ – Šance pro každého

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Project inspiration in Europe - chance for everyone was focused on intensification of professional expertise of school management and other school employees. We have expected that it will become real inspiration for our teachers and that it will contribute to their professional growth and creative thinking which will be used in lessons. High - quality education supported by varied teaching metho ...
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CLIL jako nová výzva

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The project called "CLIL jako nová výzva" was created because of the necessity of involving modern approaches in order to develop language skills in different foreign languages (such as English, German, French, Spanish and Russian) at the primary and lower secondary school. The principal aim of the project is to train primary and lower secondary school teachers in CLIL methodology and modern and ...
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Vzděláváme s J. A. Komenským

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

Professional development of teachers consider to be very important and necessary today. Therefore, we decided to participate in the project. Our project consists of two parts: The first one relates to teachers who teach English language beginers in our school. Through this course, they deepen and strengthen knowledge of the language. Language course will be attended by three teachers. The second ...
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Spolupráce bez hranic II.

Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: May 30, 2008,

Nový projekt spolupráce se Základní školou a Gymnáziem v Kaletách rozšíří již uskutečněné společné akce a obohatí je novými aktivitami při upevňování česko - polských vztahů.
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Spolupráce bez hranic

Start date: Jan 31, 2007, End date: Feb 27, 2008,

Již 13 let se setkáváme se Základní školou a Gymnáziem v Kaletách. Pravidelně pořádáme družební akce dvakrát ročně ve Vítkově a v Kaletách. Tuto vzájemnou spolupráci rozšíříme o další zážitky, zkušenosti a poznání.
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Tímto projektem navazujeme na první projekt, který jsme již realizovali v loňském roce a nazvali jsme ho z Z V.B. do BGB za sportem a poznáním I. V současné době právě dochází k jeho uzávěrce. Prioritami našeho nového projektu jsou dvě akce, které chceme realizovat na počátku června 2006. 1. z nich je 3. sportovní setkání žáků 3 škol ze 3 zemí. ( Třetí školou a partnerem je VS Riedlhütte v Bavo ...
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Celková koncepce projektu sestává z 5 částí, které žadatel spolu s partnery projektu hodlá ostupně realizovat: - terénní prezentace (řeší přihlášený projekt) - naučná vlastivědná stezka pravěké Předmostí - Mamutov II (2. fáze výstavby skanzenu pravěku) - expozice pravěku v muzeu - přírodovědná školní stezka Projekt Předmostím až do pravěku–1. etapa zahrnuje vybudování terénní prezentace his ...
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V našem projektu Z V.B. do BGB za sportem a poznáním I navazujeme na naši dřívější spolupráci a společné akce, z nichž ty poslední se uskutečníly v roce 2003 - společný výstup na Třístoličník (učitelé) a v roce 2004 sportovní utkání žáků tří škol v německém Riedlhütte (žáci). V červnu 2005 se uskuteční sportovní utkání žáků tří škol v rakouském Baumgartenbergu. Touto akcí proto začínáme náš pr ...
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Project traditional crafts wanted to remind the young generation the beauty of traditional crafts and does not want most of the traditional crafts fell into oblivion. The words combination "golden craft" has historically been hold and we would like to realized to young generation in the time full of computers and HI-technology. We wanted to show our students the original crafts, familiarize them ...
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The project would like to describe and analyse the situation with integration and social inclusion in different schools in different European countries.The project aims to find wider contact between two parts of the world : between people(and groups of people, pupils with special educational needs and etc) that need help and people( pupils, groups of people, parents, organisations, local authori ...
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