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Vzděláváme s J. A. Komenským
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Professional development of teachers consider to be very important and necessary today. Therefore, we decided to participate in the project. Our project consists of two parts: The first one relates to teachers who teach English language beginers in our school. Through this course, they deepen and strengthen knowledge of the language. Language course will be attended by three teachers. The second part of the project focuses on shading in Turkish schools with which we cooperate on the preparation of an international project - European symbols. Turkish partner will be the coordinator and will log the project activity in KA2. So we want to know more about the Turkish education system, used forms and methods of work in the different subjects, their management work and establish relations. Four people will go to Turkish school - school director, deputy director and two teachers of English, one of them is also the coordinator of international projects. Before travel, all participants will meet to discuss and plan the strategic points. Especially the shading mobility solutions , which will set out the objectives we want to achieve , areas on which we focus . We expect that the foreign trips will meet our expectations which we want to achieve. This means that teachers who will attend an English language course will improve especially in conversation and utilize this knowledge obtained in the classes. We also believe that they will work on new , more diverse forms and methods of teaching that will increase students' motivation . By visiting partner school in Turkey, we expect to draw new insights and inspiration. And both the control and management of the school as well as in other methods and forms of teaching that are typical for the country , but with us still untested . Next, we focus on the running of schools, leisure activities, as well as the location of nearby schools . All this can be beneficial for us and inspiration for our future work.
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