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INSPIRACE V EVROPĚ – Šance pro každého
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project inspiration in Europe - chance for everyone was focused on intensification of professional expertise of school management and other school employees. We have expected that it will become real inspiration for our teachers and that it will contribute to their professional growth and creative thinking which will be used in lessons. High - quality education supported by varied teaching methods belongs among our school priorities. Thanks to the project we continue to cooperate with European schools through eTwinning and we are also starting to use CLIL. In the period between 2014 - 2016 have 7 teachers and school management been educated in different parts of Europe. The aim of this project was to improve language competences of non - language teachers and school management. For teachers who teach languages this project should have offered plenty of new work methods which are commonly used in education in other European countries. All the aims which we have set for this project we were able to acomplish.

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