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12 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jan 29, 2013, End date: Jan 29, 2015,

Rivers, lakes and coastline are important resources of the Programme area, which supports water tourism development. Both – in Latvia and in Estonia water tourism is part of active and nature tourism with high development potentials. Existing tourism offers so far is limited to the local market and is concentrated in most popular areas, but the number of rivers suitable for boating is larger, acce ...
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Via Hanseatica (VH) is a tourism route connecting St Petersburg, Narva/Ivangorod, Tartu, Valga/Valka, Valmiera and Sigulda in the Programme territory. In addition to the abovementioned towns the route passes through areas rich in nature and cultural heritage. As VH is a tourism route passing Russia, Estonia and Latvia, and its potential is based on the diversity of these countries, the most effici ...
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Be good at sport through three countries (Be good at sport)

Start date: Apr 13, 2013, End date: Oct 12, 2014,

To encourage the co-operation in sports between Valka (Latvia), Valga (Estonia) and Novodevyatkino (Russia) municipal volleyball, football and floorball teams. To organize international sports competitions in volleyball, floorball and football in Valga, Valka and Novoe Devyatkino;To improve floorball, volleyball and football resource basis by acquiring sports equipment and uniforms;To organize tr ...
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Valga - Valka Railway Station Renovation (VVRS)

Start date: Jan 29, 2013, End date: Jul 29, 2014,

Riga-Pskov railway line was officially opened in 1889, had Riga as main station. Pskov and Valga operated as second-class stations. At the same year Valga railway junction was opened, which was seriously damaged in WWII. The new station building that Valga town has today was completed in 1949. Over the years the station building has been renovated little by little depending on available finances, ...
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The project will allow Estonian youth from Valga (EE) to study in the Valka Art School (LV) in future. As there is no separate art school in the twinning town Valga, the Valka Art School will be developed as a joint arts education centre, offering educational programs also in Estonian language. ...
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Cost-effective low-energy advanced sustainable so1utions (CLASS1)

Start date: Nov 1, 2007, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

The Municipality of Stenloese has decided to strengthen the energy requirements for a new settlement to be erected in the municipality. In this new settlement 650 dwellings will be constructed in the years 2007-2008 to a low-energy standard referred to as "low-energy class 1" in the Danish Building Regulations. This requirement means that the energy consumption will be 50 % below the new energy re ...
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...nd six seminars for wider audience (residents, house managers/owners) have been carried out. In addition, open doors event has been organized in the low energy building examole - kindergarten in Valga.Read more under! More information please find at:
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Increasing the attractiveness of Valga-Valka (IAVV)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

The project has been implemented by the twin-towns of Valga and Valka to increase the attractiveness of the common areas and provide larger choice of public services for tourists, businesses, and local Latvian and Estonian communities. Achievements: During the project, ...
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Go cycling through Vidzeme and Southern Estonia (ViSoEst by bike)

Start date: Jan 3, 2009, End date: Dec 22, 2010,

To strengthen cycling tourism in the region of Vidzeme and Southern Estonia, this project connected the bike roads and smaller routes in both countries and developed an impressive cross-border route Tour de LatEst.  This route goes through both countries and its length is 1075 - 1296 km (with shorter and longer options). It is very versatile - by taking this route, one can learn about the heritage ...
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Baltic Euroregional Network (BEN)

Start date: Jul 11, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2008,

The objective of the Baltic Euroregional Network (BEN) was to promote spatial development and territorial integration in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by strengthening Euroregions as competent partners with national authorities and international institutions, and by building a network of Euroregions for continuous capacity-building and sharing of experience. In order to achieve the objectives, the p ...
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Post-soviet military residential areas and it surroundings are in a very specific situation – on one hand these are destroyed territories that are more or less unique (in comparison with whole area), on the other hand we have a substantial number of such territories counted as military territories by the members of Warsaw Pact. The transnational co-operation between these countries is a chance to ...
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Baltic Tangent

Start date: Jan 3, 2005, End date: May 2, 2007,

The Baltic Tangent (BT) project derives from the unsatisfying socio-economic situation in large parts of the BT area. The peripheral location in relation to the main transport infrastructure corridors in the BSR, constitutes a serious disadvantage for economic and labor market development of partnership regions in the Baltic States, Scandinavia and Russia. The BT project therefore has focused on h ...
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