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motion of the use of sustainable and low energy buildings and constructions in Latvia and Estonia (Active through Passive!)
Start date: Jan 31, 2010, End date: Jul 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of the project is to help to reduce the use of energy, thus contributing to a larger energy independence of Latvia and Estonia via using sustainable and low energy building principles. This is achieved by sharing of know-how among the professionals of both countries, joint tools and standard technical solutions for energy efficient building. One of the major goals of the project is raising of professional capacity regarding the low energy consumption buildings. A special training module on low energy and passive house building for architects and engineers has been developed, including elaboration of a model building that is in line with the architectural design and climate conditions shared on both sides of the border. This training module has been already applied during six three-day pilot training courses/workshops for the specialists from both countries. Achievements: Project has also formed a working group developing evaluation guidelines and criteria for sustainable and low energy buildings, rating system for sustainable and low energy buildings and adjusted special procurement criteria for the design and construction of such buildings. These project specialists are also developing master solutions and draft drawings for three public buildings with low energy use (Tartu Technology Park in Estonia, kindergarten building in Strenči and Ērgļi vocational school in Latvia).Besides the mentioned activities, project also focuses on public awareness rising about energy efficient building. This is done with project's interactive website, comprehensive printed and electronic (downloadable as e-book) info material about the low energy consumption buildings for the designers, architects and other professionals. Various articles have been published on the topic in regional and national media, and six seminars for wider audience (residents, house managers/owners) have been carried out. In addition, open doors event has been organized in the low energy building examole - kindergarten in Valga.Read more under! More information please find at:
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  • 85%   289 524,45
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia - Latvia (EE-LV)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants