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Volunteering is for Everyone

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Context of the project:Even though there is quite large number of organizations supporting volunteering in Bratislava, since 2002 there was no place where potential volunteers and foreigners living in Bratislava willing to volunteer could come and actually find a volunteer opportunity. The only way they could do so – till September 2013 was the website Everybody who is willing t ...
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... them. Second stage is the local work that includes the outreach and trainings for local NEETs, focusing on the development of the employability skills. Meanwhile there will be a mobility of 19 EVS volunteers between all participating countries. The last stage is the dissemination and exploitation of results, where each partner will organize one daylong dissemination event. Since the concept of wo ...
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Supporting Communities, Encouraging Potential, NI 2016

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

This project, Supporting Communities, Encouraging Potential NI 2016, will host 13 long term EVS volunteers on placements in Northern Ireland. The volunteers and Sending Organisations are from Italy, Cyprus, Belgium, Germany, France, Latvia, Czech Republic and Poland . Placements will be for 12 months starting between February and September 2015 and will build on previous experience of hosting EV ...
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Rural Healthy Development

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Title of the project: "Rural Healthy Development"Type of the activity: KA 1 - Youth Exchange Programme CountriesVenue: MontserratPlanned dates of effective implementation: 10 -20 May 2017Working methods used: Non-formal educationIn this KA 1 - Mobility - Youth Exchange called "Rural Healthy Development", youngsters between 18 and 28 years old, accompanied by leaders with no age limit, from dif ...
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Love&Hate III: Youth for Online Tolerance

Start date: Jan 11, 2016, End date: Mar 10, 2017,

Love&Hate III: Youth for Online Tolerance is a project in protection of human rights and European values in the web space. It will include 13 volunteers form four countries – Germany, Portugal, Italy, Great Britain and Spain – and will last fourteen months., with the volunteers split into two groups, namely A1 with 3 long-term volunteers who will stay 12 months and 10 short-term volunteers who wil ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Our project was for 4 volunteers who worked together and made value for themselves and for the organization through non-formal education. In the end, 6 volunteers took part in the project due to the earlier departure of two of them and project was successfully done. Main goals of the project were intercultural education, fulfilling of eight key competences of volunteers and EVS support of program ...
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Promoting Volunteering in Bratislava Region

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Context of the project: Even though there is quite large number of organizations supporting volunteering in Bratislava, since 2002 there was no place where potential volunteers and foreigners living in Bratislava willing to volunteer could come and actually find a volunteer opportunity. The only way they could do so – till September 2013 was the website Everybody who is willing ...
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Let’s discover other capacities. Let’s learn together

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

The present Project, "Let's discover other Capacities. Let's learn together" Young Volunteers Have owned eight of Germany, Austria, Hungary and France. (2 boys and girls 6) The Project has consisted in providing support, (with the aim of improving the quality of life of People with Something About the type of intellectual disability and / or Mental disease) into the different groups and services o ...
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Leading for Inclusivity in Europe

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2015,

Sex, Love and Erasmus+ is a youth exchange involving 44 people from countries within and neighbouring the EU. Teams from Estonia, Egypt, Russia, Tunisia, Armenia and Kosovo will join a British team for an 8 day exchange in Brighton, UK. Throughout the week they will explore relationships, with an emphasis on sexual minorities and barriers to inclusion in civil society and the labour market. Partic ...
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YW+YE-Meeting the other

Start date: Mar 2, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2015,

"Meeting the other" was designed as a project with two related activities. First a training course was held, spanning 8 days in April 2015 and counting 24 participants, which was a concrete testing ground for organisers, youth workers and youth leaders alike of concept and methods in the field of Intercultural Learning. As a direct follow-up of this training course, the project included a 12-day ...
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Еко фестивал Копринка 2015

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The main idea of the project is to enable the volunteers to participate in our organization’s cooperation with other institutions in order to arrange thе local ecological festival - “Korinka 2015”- for fifth time in a row during the period of 28-31.05.2015. The project will take place in Bulgaria, the Municipality of Kazanlak, during the famous Festival of roses in the city. This project enables t ...
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...ility of public finance and on the process of institutional and capacity building in CC and PCC. Recognizing this common challenge, NET-Age aims to improve the coordination among public-private (ONG, volunteering) stakeholders to overcome obstacles in the field of elderly assistance, encouraging them to work in partnership at local and Adriatic level and deliver innovative social-health services f ...
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Diet Sharing

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: May 16, 2015,

The idea of the Italian association “L’isola che non c’é” for the youth exchange Diet Sharing comes from the desire to promote cultural diversity and social inclusion, bringing together people from different cultures and backgrounds, by the knowledge of different culinary cultures. The region of Puglia, which host this project, is known as a symbol of the Mediterranean diet which belongs to its cu ...
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Intercultural learning and inclusion at AFS Hungary

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

The project involves one volunteer who – with the support of our staff and volunteers - develops and organizes various information events, presentations and workshops all across Hungary for young people from 14-30 about intercultural/global learning, social inclusion and understanding, various AFS and Erasmus+ programs, including EVS. The volunteer will have the opportunity to develop initiatives ...
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Grow with the Flow

Start date: Jun 18, 2014, End date: Mar 17, 2015,

The project Grow with the Flow is a voluntary service program, lasting 6 weeks. It involved a number of 10 volunteers coming from Spain, UK and France and the hosting community is in Baia Mare, Romania. The activities are hosted and coordinated by Team for Youth Association. The main focus of the project is develop basic competences of the volunteers in preparing and implementing non-formal educa ...
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Mobility for All - contact making seminar

Start date: Aug 2, 2014, End date: Feb 1, 2015,

Ce séminaire se déroulera à Namur entre le 8 et le 13 septembre 2014. Il rassemblera 15 associations de 6 pays différents autour du travail avec les JAMO. Les associations prenant part à ce projet ont comme comme point commun de vouloir faire de la mobilité une réalité pour tous. Notre travail au quotidien nous a démontré combien une expérience à l'étranger est enrichissante pour tout jeune tant ...
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Youth workers hunt learning!

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The "Youth workers hunt learning!" project is implemented by Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca in collaboration with 10 NGOs active in the youth field from Malta, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, UK, Bulgaria, Portugal, Hungary, Poland and Germany. The partners have different experience in EVS projects, some of them having implemented many projects up to this point, other being at the beginning of the a ...
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Start date: Jun 20, 2014, End date: Dec 19, 2014,

TOPIC: Entrepreneurship and European citizenship. TITLE: YOUROCRISIS ALTERNATIVES. We worked in a youth exchange in Turkey on the Euro - crisis preceding developments and possible solutions. Also in 2013 Deméter developed a Youth Initiative called Social Economy = Social Equality, where participants from 5 European countries (Poland, Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal and Spain) investigated the social e ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2010,

The goal of the group EVS-project "Capacity Building Stage XIV" is to promote volunteering and youth activism and to improve cooperation and networking among NGOs. The hosting projects directly Involve people from disadvantaged backgrounds and socially excluded parts of the society. Volunteers are going to assist in centers for socially disadvantaged and/or disabled children, youth and elderly peo ...
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2011 has been officially designated the European year of volunteering by the EC. One of the best ways to celebrate year of volunteering is the further development of existing voluntary services. It is responsibility towards the youth we are working with to provide them with the highest quality of voluntary service which will allow them to learn and develop through participation, as well as contri ...
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Voluntary Work-Out

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

The European Year of Volunteering-2011 is an opportunity to raise awareness of volunteering as a tool for personal development, and a form of active citizenship that contributes to more inclusive, sustainable and peaceful societies. The evaluation meeting ' Voluntary work-out: Strenghtening European Voluntary Practice' aims at strengthening international voluntary projects by evaluating their im ...
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EYV 2011 - Volunteering Matters!

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

The project EYV 2011 - Volunteering Matters, on the occasion of the European Year of Volunteering 2011, aims to take stock, raise awareness and promote the benefits of volunteering programs and practices in the participating EU and partner countries for young people and for society as a whole. By contributing to the activities to mark the EYV 2011 and the IYV+10, this project is a unique opportuni ...
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The SEMINAR "Sharing-Leaming-Protecting: Volunteering as the tool for sustainable environmentalprotection" Kljuc, Bosnia-Herzegovina, M* of March- 22nd of March 2011 in the fiamework of the YOUTHin ACTION program is dedicated to the discussion of working experiences and strategies in their work withyouth within the fields of education for sustainable development, pedagogical aspects of environment ...
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Volunteers wear PRADA

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

The project with the title 'Volunteers wear PRADA (PR. A.ctivism D.evelopment Achievement) -Fashion trends in international youth and volunteer movement' will gather 33 activists from 14 youth and voluntary organizations from all over Europe for an international training course that will take place in Ukraine in March 2011. On one hand, the project will address the more 'traditional' but highly im ...
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The project Volunteering 2011: Global Strategies for Global Challenges is the opening of a process in which youth organisations from all over the world, together with young people and institutions of the field will debate, create and decide on the main priorities and strategies of the Volunteering Movement both for 2011 and for a long term strategy, which will be defined at the end of the project ...
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...together.The aim of this training course is to provide learning opportunity in an intercultural setting for young people interested to gain competences for being young leaders of international youth volunteering activities.Objectives:1. To provide participants with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes on the subjects of good governance of volunteering actions/projects and/or their NGOs an ...
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"SOSO for Youth" is a training course for youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers active in the youth field whose aim is to build capacities of 24 youth workers from 14 countries, for designing and managing projects for young people by introducing them with the Social Software and other Web 2.0 tools.The training course will also provide space for partnership building and developing new projec ...
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The project aims at producing innovative training methodologies and strategies useful to foster self confidence and self consciousness in the professional lives of people with mental handicap. The partners have a great experience in the field of the individual use and re-use of specific formal and informal competences, know how and communicative skills of mental handicapped people. An independent ...
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Activism - a lifestyle

Start date: Feb 1, 2010,

"Activism - a lifestyle" is a 6-day international training course that will bring together 24 participants from 8 countries (Cyprus, Greece, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and Turkey) in the village of Petrindu, Romania, to explore the topic of youth activism and ways to promote and enhance it. The main objective is to stimulate the participants' potential for action and improve thei ...
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...ial justice and peace. Partners on this project are from Russia, Georgia, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania and Island. HostirrgOrganization is Volunteers' Centre of Vojvodina from SerbiarT-otal-number of participants will be 32 including stuff members.Seminar will be consisted from methods that allow participants to get involved actively and ...
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"Intercultural learning" can be one tool in our efforts to understand the complexity of today's world, by understanding others and ourselves a bit better. Moreover, it can be one of the keys to open the doors into a new society. "Intercultural learning" may enable us to better face the challenges of current realities. We can understand it as empowerment not just to cope personally with current dev ...
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Moving Generation 6

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

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Volunteering for children Rights

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

"Volunteering for Children Rights" ¡s 3 month EVS multilateral project promoting Intercultural Dialogue and Social Inclusion as main target children. It will deal with sending 9 European volunteers coming from Italy, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Portugal, Germany, Greece and England to Kenya, "Ghana; " Mozambique ana' South Africa. There, our volunteers will be involved in a wide range of tasks and d ...
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Training course "Innovations in management of local volunteering services through European cooperation" isorganized in cooperation between Youth Cultural Center Bitola, SEEYN and 33 other partner organizations from24 Programme and SEE countries. Training will take place in Bitola, FYR Macedonia and it will last for 7 workingdays during November 2009. Training will gather 35 participants, mainly yo ...
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Capacity Building Stage XIII

Start date: Aug 1, 2009,

The goal of the EVS-project "Capacity Building Stage XIII" is to promote volunteering and youth activism, provide possibilities for young people to be involved in volunteer activities, and improve cooperation and networking among NGOs.Many of the projects take place in remote regions and directly involve people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Volunteers are going to assist in centers for socially ...
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You(th) for Human Rights

Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

Over the last years the issue of Human Rights has become a core element of the public debates. Media, public institutions, NGO's, foundations, … they all have made their voices heard. At the same time we need to recognise that it are children and young people who suffer most from the violations of Human Rights, mostly because they are considered to be voiceless. As a result they are also not re ...
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Balkan is Europe

Start date: Jul 1, 2008,

During this individual EVS project will Student association of Primorska host a volunteer from Serbia. Project will primary take place in Koper and surroundings. Project will be divided in three parts. Volunteer will primary work on organizing and coordinating contact making events, exchanges and other projects among youth organizations from Western Balkan and EU members. Secondary will focus also ...
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...nd, Portugal, Romania, Spain and the UK are coming from countries that are experienced in HIV and AIDS education and prevention.This 5 working days training course will bring together youth workers, volunteer coordinators of youth NGO's and project supervisors of current and future EVS host organisations in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention from the EU and EECA countries to empower them to network ...
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... fromBosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Gerogia, Moldova, Ukraine, Cyprus, Portugal, Italy, Romaniaand The Netherlands lived and learned together, in order to understand the multiple formsactivism can take (volunteering, philanthropy, responsible behavior towards theenvironment, political activism, etc)Our target group was youth workers/youth leaders who are actively involved in the youth field.The train ...
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