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7 European Projects Found

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Innovative e-services for water supply management (E-Water)

Start date: Oct 10, 2010, End date: Apr 9, 2012,

...recise accounting of supplied and consumed volumes of water. Thus, clients pay for the amount of water actually consumed and not for the hidden leaks or stolen volumes of water. That is why Kraslava, Utena, Preili and Livani municipalities and their water utility companies have decided to collaborate on this project.The aim of the project is to develop an automated meter data reading system for co ...
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Latgale region and Utena County both see tourism as the key industry of their future economic revival. This project is a continuation of previous projects of the Latgale region and Utena County. Former projects were aimed at establishing joint tourism destinations. Previous cooperation has lead to greater administrative capacity, further development ideas and a common strategy.The project aims at ...
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Culinary Heritage Europe (Culinary Heritage)

Start date: May 31, 2003, End date: Nov 29, 2005,

This cooperation wants to create new and improve existing strategies relating to regional development within the small-scale food sector. The partners aim to raise the level of economic activity within their regions by combining small-scale food production and culinary experiences. Culinary experiences add value to the products by focusing on cultural, historical or other interesting aspects of th ...
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WIN - Women Innovating Networking is about NETWORKING AS A MEANS FORMOTIVATING ENTREPRENEURSHIP with underpreviledged groups in the servicessector.The project involves organisations from Spain,Poland,Lithuania,Germany,Italy,United Kingdom and Latvia.They combine expertise on entrepreneurial networking, familylearning, recognition of prior knowledge with a purpose to reach the projectobjectives, i. ...
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One of the ways for the development oftourism in the euroregion “Country of Lakes”that covers the bordering regions of Latvia,Lithuania and Belarus is based on culinaryheritage concept promoting local traditionalcuisine.The project promotes cross-border tourismdevelopment in the territory of euroregion“Country of Lakes” thus contributing tobecoming well-being region, improvementof tourism infrastr ...
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Latgale (LV) and Rytų Aukštaitija (LT) regionsboth see tourism as a strategic key industry intheir economic revival thus the project ideais to promote regional tourism developmentbased on the branding of the cross-borderregion Baltic Country of Lakes.The implementation of the project resultsin the increased awareness about BalticCountry of Lakes as an attractive tourismdestination and higher numbe ...
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...heir countries each face a problem ofcentralization and slow development. Thusthe idea is to use the new regenerationapproach for revitalization of border citiesof Daugavpils, Kraslava (LV), Zarasai, Utena,Visaginas (LT) and Braslav, Novopolotsk,Verkhnedvinsk (BY) by involving theminto the cross-border network where thecharacter and function of each city isdefined and realized.The project strength ...
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