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16 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background Cities in the EU are extremely vulnerable to climate change. They are facing growing climate change impacts such as increased precipitation and extreme floods, more frequent and stronger storms, and periods of more extreme heat and cold. Climate change also negatively affects infrastructure, impedes access to basic urban services, and reduces q ...
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Background Important priorities of Polish environmental policy are related to the requirements set out by the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), with special attention paid to urban water ecosystems because of their importance for the quality of life. The head of the Bzura River and the system of Arturówek Reservoirs are used for recreational activi ...
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The project aims to reinforce support for dyslexic students in mainstream education through foreign languageteacher training.Dyslexia can bring about serious educational consequences which leave their imprint on social and emotionalwell-being of an individual, during school years and later on in adulthood. Individuals with dyslexia are prone toencounter difficulties in foreign language study, vary ...
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Family learning in foster families

Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

Family Learning covers all forms of informal and formal learning that involve more than one generation. Families are not only our first and most important teachers, they also teach us the most important things in life. The values, attitudes and culture that we learn from our families can stay with us throughout our lives. However, family learning in the traditional understanding becomes difficult ...
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The project targets all 6 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) of Lot 5 and all three target groups. It will provide students and staff from these countries, as well as from EU countries participating in the project, mobility opportunities that will greatly enhance their experiences and provide them with skills that will be valuable for their careers. The partners ...
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The PUEDES acronym reads for the Spanish translation of University Engagement in Economic and Social Development (Participación Universitaria para El Desarrollo Económico y Social en Latinoamérica). The project is promoted by a partnership of HEI that are strongly engaged (University Engagement is the motto of the project) in the scientific, economic and social development of their regions and cou ...
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The project Erasmus Mundus Broadening Educational ExpeRiences (EMBER) is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA2) consortium comprised of twenty partner higher education institutions and four associated partners from Western/Central/Eastern Europe all the way to the South Caucasus. The consortium includes institutions from all five of the Lot 5 countries targeted by the Eastern Neighbourhood and Partners ...
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The EU is the world’s largest producer of scientific output but is much less effective than US or China and India in exploiting it through e.g. patents, licenses and spin-offs. The Technology Transfer Manager (TTM) helps interested parties (universities and research centers on one side, and firms on the other one) to turn a research result or prototype into a commercial product. He/she researches, ...
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Our project responds to the EU policy on (e-) inclusion and trains adult educators to use new technologies (mobile learning, using apps with iphones/smartphones) to increase participation in lifelong learning by marginalized groups – e.g. seniors or migrants - whose traditions or circumstances have not brought them into contact with formal learning or IT skills.This train the trainers course reach ...
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The reason for Launching one European Platform for promoting European dialogue, co-operation and innovation within schools in Europe, in Intercultural and Internationalisation fields, special needs education and combating early school leaving of pupils from migrant backgrounds, lies on the perception that there are important challenges that should be addressed on a cooperative approach, such as:- ...
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Within the context of developing a mother tongue + 2 other languages alongside other goals set out under the Education & Training work programme 2010, language and intercultural competencies are key skills for personal, social and economic effectiveness and fulfilment within the European context and citizenship. Improving education and training, the quality of the workforce and promoting language ...
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European work places are evolving, demanding new management skills and competences, whilst creating new opportunities for learning. E-ViEW will harnesses recent advances in pedagogy, technical innovation and methods of best practice to create and share a new, European work based learning (WBL) Virtual Campus (VC) in HE level management competences.WBL is a process for recognising, creating and app ...
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The aim of the project is the preparation of common curricula by the consortium of 5 partners (Higher Education Institutions in the EU) for the master and PhD degree studying programme entitled: Governance for Sustainable Development. After the financial crisis it is needed (much more than before) a strategy to comprehensively address long-term issues and lead the economy of every country to stab ...
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The Project CEFY, Competences of Entrepreneurship for Youth, is a transnational Project that is being performed by Partners in Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland and Latvia, whose aim is to transfer innovative solutions, already proved and validated for the identification and practice of entrepreneurship competences by young vocational training students, using the approach of an educational game ...
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The dynamic labor market situation in the enlarged European Union –aging, diversity and mobility of population, multiple transitions in the lifespan, gender issues, etc.– requires new skills, more complex knowledge and a holistic approach from the career practitioners in order to better understand the needs of citizens and provide them with quality services.Bulgaria, Poland and Spain are facing si ...
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Start date: May 2, 2011,

campUSCulturae contents DOCUMENTATION CENTRE Trilingual on-line portal (Galician, Spanish, and English)Reference blog regarding cultural diversity through children´s literature Publication of a trimestral magazine featuring news and activitiesElaboration of an Honour List of the best children books of the minorities.STUDY AND READING PROMOTION CENTREPromotion and exchange of reading and literary e ...
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