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36 European Projects Found

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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Sports Ethics and Integrity

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

...s required to develop sports integrity. Semester 1 comprises advanced study of sports ethics, ethical theory, and sports policy, including anti doping, illegal gambling and match fixing at Swansea University. Semester 2 focuses on the experience of sport as a social practice in relation to athlete welfare, child protection and safegaurding, equality, integrity and fair play across able bodied an ...
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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Governance

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The JMCEGovernance will focus on the impact of the EU transfers of recipient countries’ governance structures. Faced with the reality of a persisting economic crisis, it is all the more important to seek a more coherent and truly inter-disciplinary approach that would promote knowledge and expertise. The JMCEGovernance project sets the aim of thoroughly researching and publicly debating issues of ...
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Advancing the Third Sector through Innovation and Variation

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Lower income regions such as the crisis struck and underdeveloped East, South East and Mediterranean (ESEM) EU Countries are in desperate need of innovative ideas to support regional growth, to preserve living standards and to adhere to global trends. However, it is quite often that such regions fail to meet such demands and provide its citizens with adequate tools and mechanisms to support this a ...
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European-focused Policy Analytics - EuroPOlA

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

... and partnerships as the course gains momentum, presumably after the lifetime of the proposed project.We aim to deliver the EuroPolA module as: (1) a semester course for students in our university including ERASMUS visiting students, (2) an advanced seminar-workshop to reach audiences beyond our institution, students and professionals alike, and (3) an online course that will potentially reach a g ...
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CROSSCULT aims to make reflective history a reality in the European cultural context, by enabling the re-interpretation of European (hi)stories through cross-border interconnections among cultural digital resources, citizen viewpoints and physical venues. The project has two main goals. The first goal is to lower cultural EU barriers and create unique cross-border perspectives, by connecting exist ...
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An innovative toolkit for inclusive decision making policies

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

There is a lot of evidence to support the claim that disadvantaged groups tend to have lower educational attainment, lower participation in early childhood education and lower performance in international assessments. The project iDecide proposes an innovative, forward-looking project, with the aim to support policy makers, school leaders and educators on how to develop inclusive policies and prac ...
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The proposed IMEP Project will address wider International Higher Education and Quality Assurance agendas and build on the IHE work done as part part of previous Tempus projects in Uzbekistan and British Council QA and IHE programmes. There are several reasons why we decided to apply for the Project:- our considerable knowledge of the situation and needs of the HE of Uzbekistan which was gained t ...
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...ectories in societal and economic development. The socio-economic landscape of the PCs targeted by Hub4Growth (Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal and Mongolia) shows countries with an urgent need for action at university level to increase innovation related capabilities and link more effectively knowledge produced with market opportunities, therefore promoting socio-economic integration in the coming years. ...
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The main objective of the ESTEEM project is to improve and enrich social sciences graduates’ transversal and entrepreneurial skills in order to increase their competitiveness in the labour market and enhance their future employability. The project consortium will approach this aim by developing and implementing a holistic, work-based and flexible training program which will combine e-learning and ...
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The current crisis has indirectly contributed to questioning the efficiency of financial markets and democratic institutions at European and national levels. Recent data from the Eurobarometer (July 2013) shows a continuous decrease in the trust levels that citizens from the European Union have on national governments and parliaments, radically decreasing in more than 25 points in the last six yea ...
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Making Learning Science Fun

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017,

...SciFun Consortium is comprised of the following 3 Universities, NGO, 2 education centers, SME that are oriented on education subjects and development of adults training material: 1. UPIT University is composed by experts and professionals, who were involved in more than 60 EU projects 2. GIE is a NGO that its mission is to contribute to EU integration process through educational activities, profe ...
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A dynamic economy with an emphasis on lifelong learning must be underpinned by a dynamic education sector and while tackling early school-leaving is one of the priority objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy addressing the skill deficits and building the key competences of the young unemployed already outside the education system is a key objective of ET 2020. Young Europeans without high-value sk ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Children's Identities and Citizenship - Best Practice Guides

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

This proposal has focus on European Integration promoting active citizenship in young people through guidance for the training of education professionals and young researchers. It links 25 institutions from 17 states that are involved in training education professionals and concerned with citizenship education (CE) and the development of identities in young people. We emphasise that our concern is ...
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The goal of METALOGUE is to produce a multimodal dialogue system that is able to implement an interactive behaviour that seems natural to users and is flexible enough to exploit the full potential of multimodal interaction. It will be achieved by understanding, controlling and manipulating system's own and users' cognitive processes. The new dialogue manager will incorporate a cognitive model bas ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Harnessing the Learning Assets Within the SME Business Community

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

When SMEs succeed, Europe succeeds. ‘SME’ is a little acronym but it covers a huge diversity of companies, sectors and circumstances. Hidden within this large universe of companies across Europe are the champions of tomorrow. Since 2008 Europe has been suffering the effects of the most severe economic crisis it has seen in 50 years: in the majority of EU Member States small and medium-sized enterp ...
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From the 29th of September til the 1st of October 2015 the Human Rights Academy and DARE (Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe) organized “DARE Network Meeting: Education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC) and Human Rights Education (HRE) against extremism among youth". The three-days seminar was held at Frivillighetshuset in Oslo. The main objective was to promote democratic participatio ...
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Traffic demand is increasing dramatically, year on year, with typical growth figures of up to 60% for Internet based traffic. Such traffic increase is impacting on both network costs and power consumption. Moreover, traffic is not only increasing but becoming much more dynamic, both in time and direction. For these reasons, transport network evolution from current DWDM systems towards elastic opti ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...e axes a. student mobility and b. mobility of staff, please note that they also function in parallel to the activity of incoming mobility. Student Mobility The internal functioning of mobility at The University of Peloponnese is based on transparency, meritocracy and cogency so as to ascertain the quality of mobility. The Erasmus office collaborates with the Academic coordinators on an ongoing bas ...
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Description To develop a tool-chain, that will enable the efficient mapping of applications on multiprocessor platforms from high level of abstraction, with applications to wireless communication systems Not only traditional PCs but also novel chips in consumer electronics like PDA or mobile phone ...
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Monitoring for soil protection (SOILPRO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Background Recognising the extent of soil degradation and the associated environmental and social risks, the European Commission has proposed a Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection. Human activities, such as inappropriate agricultural and forestry practices, tourism, urban and industrial sprawl and construction are identified as the main threats in the s ...
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Offering collective and participative experiences to real-world and online communities is at the heart of the Future Media Internet (FMI) and will form an essential part of entertainment, education, collaborative working, product and service innovation and advertising. Communities involved potentially include hundreds of professionals, tens of thousands at live public events and millions online. C ...
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...elds of interest, regular activity, authority and expertise: Region of Peloponnese (LP), American Farm School of Thessaloniki, BIC of Attika, Federation of Industries of Northern Greece, Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgarian Chamber, Szent István University-Institute of Environment and Landscape Management, Chamber of Potenza, Veneto Agricoltura-Regional Agency for Agriculture, Forestry an ...
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Internet traffic has been growing quickly for many years, despite adverse economic conditions and this growth will continue in the future. To cope with this evolution, the cost of today's network solutions is still too high.In addition, in line with the EC goal of reducing the overall emissions, energy efficiency should be widely improved, using whenever possible optics instead of electronics wher ...
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Description To provide an integrated workbench that will increase productivity of embedded system development and shorten time-to-market for SoC systems Today, SoC vendors realize that critical decisions must be made long before development teams engage in the hardware and software design for new ...
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...n completed. There are still few further activities that may continue after the end of the project: 1. The software for risk mapping will keep on working and producing its results daily. Moreover the University of Camerino will allow new territories to test the software. 2. The capitalization activity in collaboration with the other EU funded project involved in the Final European Dissemination Co ...
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Description Building the Future Optical NetworkMain ObjectivesThe BONE-network brings together 49 laboratories and research institutes from al over Europe in a close networking infrastructure, built on the foundations laid down by the FP6 ePhoton/ONe Network and represents the research activities within Europe in the field of Optical Netw ...
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Audio Visual Science Audiences (AVSA). A comparative study (AVSA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2010,

It is proposed to analyse use and gratifications concerning science programmes in Europe comparatively by using already existing data of a collection of European Countries. Additionally focus group discussion are proposed to clarify which factors lead recipients in their judgements concerning different types of science programmes. Such a comparative analysis is only possible by ordering systematic ...
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The project MOONRISES aims at the creation of an Integrated System for Monitoring and assessment of Desertification Risks, by the use of fieldwork, models, and sensitivity indicators and by the use of modern technologies as Geographic Information Systems, Satellite Remote Sensing and Global Positioning System (GPS). The main objective of the project is the recording, monitoring and prediction of d ...
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LeFAMSol is a curriculum development project for hard to reach target groups of adults, oriented towards cultural mediation and peer training. At its pilot phase, the project focuses on Female African Migrant Groups, including sex workers, aiming initially to create a pool of human resources that can operate gender/ethnically delineated "Self-Help Desks." Therefore, knowledge building and sharing ...
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The QAPD project will establish a network and working group for educational reform in Uzbekistan to help strengthen and structure academic and quality assurance processes at both local and national levels. This project will ensure the long-term integration of quality assurance practices according to the Bologna Process and international standards within the Partner Country.Running in parallel wit ...
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Tracking students and graduates is of increased importance for institutions providing high quality education to an increasingly diverse student population. Procedures for assessing progress and success of students during study, towards employment or further qualification help to understand the impact of study programmes, their relevance for the labour market, and thus to generate the necessary inf ...
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CiCe is a well established thematic network linking institutions concerned with citizenship education and the development of identities in young people. Our partners are in teacher education, the education of social pedagogues, early childhood educators, youth workers, sociologists & psychologists. We develop curriculum and processes for students at all levels, from undergraduate to PhD level. ...
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Immigration is a key support to labour force growth and a common practice among EU countries, especially in lower skilled occupations. Countries such as Italy, Greece and Cyprus have been fuelled by migrants arriving from the Balkans during the past 15 years. Despite the large number of migrants within the EU, severe barriers are identified to their progress and social integration in the receiving ...
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GUIDEPORT's general aim is to render the involved ports more appealing to passengers and logistic companies, increasing their competitiveness as well as offer a better quality of life for the residents of urban areas near ports. In this framework, the specific objectives of the project comprise:• Providing improved information and guidance.• Improving access and increasing security for passengers ...
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