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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context of Plan Implementation of the plan engages three axes: a. student mobility for studies and practical training b. mobility of staff for teaching and training c. development of activities targeting the amelioration of the Program?s quality and the strengthening of synergy. With regard to the axes a. student mobility and b. mobility of staff, please note that they also function in parallel to the activity of incoming mobility. Student Mobility The internal functioning of mobility at The University of Peloponnese is based on transparency, meritocracy and cogency so as to ascertain the quality of mobility. The Erasmus office collaborates with the Academic coordinators on an ongoing basis and their contribution to the functioning of the Program is significant. Individual consulting and promotional meetings providing information on the Program are organized on a regular basis. Particular emphasis is paid on: a. the publicizing ?through the web-page and informative e-mails- of all options on offer and b. the timely signing of documents necessary for mobility c. the adequate language knowledge of participants in mobility d. the adherence to the terms of interinstitutional agreements. Interested parties are summoned to submit applications through the publication of a relevant announcement and selection of candidates is based on the evaluation criteria publicized on our institution?s web page. Staff mobility Staff mobility is based on the same principles relating to the internal functioning of the program. As mentioned, interested parties are called to submit an application upon publication of the relevant announcement. Selection of candidates is based on the evaluation criteria publicized on the institution?s web page. Activity development Another available option is for full time faculty members of our institution to visit academic and other institutions with which we do not collaborate ?upon publication of the relevant announcement- so as to explore the possibilities of developing interinstitutional agreements and other synergy in the context of Erasmus+ Incoming mobility Incoming students have access to general information on practical and academic issues. Care is taken to update information on programs of study frequently, as well as to apply the buddy system and to answer promptly questions of a practical nature. Regarding academic matters (program of studies, learning outcomes) there is close interaction between students and academic coordinators. Goals Student Mobility Our institution has adopted the ECTS system, aiming at the recognition of mobility results. In this respect it appreciates the importance of transparency and of the recognition of the grades the student has achieved. Regarding the mobility of incoming students, our goal is to fully integrate students according to the new academic and social criteria. Recognizing the basic importance of housing, our University provides accommodation at collaborating hotels, covering part of the cost of accommodation up to the amount of 200 Euros per month. Staff Mobility The University of the Peloponnese institutionally acknowledges the participation of its members in Teaching and Training activities General Goals 1.Total adherence to the principles of the Erasmus charter 2.The development of and dissemination of mobility results 3.The expansion of existing and the development of new collaborations in the context of the Program Collaborating Parties: Categories and Numbers Outgoing Mobility Students/Studies: Twenty-eight (28) Students/Practical Training: Fifteen (15) Staff/Teaching: Four (4) Staff/Training: Thirteen (13) Total: Sixty (60) Incoming Mobility Students/Studies: Eighteen (18) Students/Practical Training: Eight (8) Staff/Teaching: Eleven (11) Staff/Training: Ten (10) Total: Forty-seven (47) Description of Completed Activities ? Informative meetings with students ? Support of parties undertaking mobility (incoming and outgoing) ? Consulting of students on an individual basis ? Recording of student experiences and dissemination of this information through the program?s website ? Updating of information on the webpage ? Briefing of faculty (ECTS) Results and Impact Assessment of the Plan?s application and the drawing of conclusions are based on: a. the extent to which funds are absorbed and b. the quality analysis of the answers of participants. Results are accounted for under the relevant areas of the present report. On a general assessment, there are areas where the experience has been evaluated as highly positive, strengthening the quality functioning of the Program. At the same time, improvement is necessary in other areas, rendering this an immediate priority of our institution. Long-term Benefits The positive impact of the Program strengthens the effort of expanding our collaborations and further developing international mobility. These goals are in accordance with the internationalizing strategy of our institution.

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