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Danube:Future is a joint contribution of the Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC) and the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC), thus tapping the largest pool of institutionalized knowledge in the Danube River Basin. Based on this network, interdisciplinary research and education in the DRB will be undertaken. Any path towards a sustainable future of the region has to account for the solution of p ...
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Smart Grid Technology - A Master Programme

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

The three-year SGT-MAP aims at development of a master program in smart grid technology through the collaboration between a consortium consists of 4 Eg. and 3 EU partners of different fields; Electrical power and control eng., IT eng., communication eng. All the consortium partners contribute in developing and reviewing program 24 courses. The self study report of the developed program will be pr ...
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The alarming rate of biodiversity loss and ecosystem transitions make it clear that new strategies are required to sustain functioning of the coupled ecological-societal system. Existing space data archives and data streams from the ESA Sentinels, offer unprecedented opportunities to provide rapid, high quality indicators necessary for informed management of key ecosystem services. Yet, it remains ...
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Transmitting Contentious Cultural Heritages with the Arts: From Intervention to Co-Production (TRACES) aims to provide new directions for cultural heritage institutions to contribute productively to evolving European identity and reflexive Europeanization. To do so, it deploys an innovative ethnographic/artistic approach, focused on a wide range of types of ‘contentious heritage.’ Attention to con ...
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...rough intensive training programs as being our direct target group. Our direct target group also includes students with deafness and hearing impairments and their families. Indirect target groups are university institutions, academics, in-service teachers, mentors, tutors, education authorities, rehabilitation services for students with deafness and hearing impairments and health field workers. An ...
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The overall aim of the EC call is building up a scientifically literate society, which enables its citizens to participate in the research and innovation process as part of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This calls for democratic citizenship education, in which two educational approaches, often presented independently in schools, are integrated, viz. Inquiry-Based Science Education (IB ...
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Training in community mental healthcare

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Nov 1, 2017,

: Support mental health professionals in entrepreneurial activities and provide them with advanced clinical, social and management skills required for sustainable evidence-based mental healthcare innovation across Europe. Provide support for shifting partner countries’ hospital based models to community based models in mental health. The project will bring together higher education bodies and acti ...
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Open Models Initiative

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...) including the right mix of blended learning/personalized learning in the context of virtual laboratories • Pilot the concept and the materials in an Open Models Laboratory at the University of Vienna. TARGET GROUPS: HEIs, teachers and trainers, students METHODOLOGY The project will employ a collaborative working manner with all partners contributing in accordance to their competences to the proj ...
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Despite improved understanding of the links between ecosystem health, provision of ecosystem services and human well-being, further conceptual and empirical work is needed to make the ideas of ecosystem services (ESS) and natural capital (NC) operational. OpenNESS will therefore develop innovative and practical ways of applying them in land, water and urban management: it will identify how, where ...
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Polygeneration of Fuels, Heat and Electricity from Wood (POLYWOOD)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Background Traffic is responsible for 28% of greenhouse gases (GHG) in Austria and for exceeding the limits of particulate matter (PM10) and nitrous dioxide (NO2). Biomass has a low GHG load but to date it only represents a small share of vehicle fuels and biodiesel has yet to solve the NOx problems. Objectives ...
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Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe (WWWFOREUROPE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

"The objective of this 4-year project is to provide the analytical basis for a socio-ecological transition in Europe: the change to a new growth path with smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as is envisaged in the EU 2020 strategy. In order to support the transition, we analyse the need, the feasibility and best practice for change, specifying the institutional changes needed at all policy lev ...
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Role Of Biodiversity In climate change mitigatioN (ROBIN)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

To realise the full potential of tropical forests in climate change mitigation (CCM) & the provision of other ecosystem services in the face of ongoing global change we must improve our understanding of the relationships between biodiversity (BD) and the socio-ecological processes through which we respond & adapt to change.ROBIN will provide information for policy & resource use options under scen ...
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Preparatory steps towards a GMO research ERA-Net (PreSto GMO ERA-Net)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The objective of the PreSto GMO ERA-Net project is to clearly map out the steps needed to create and successfully implement an ERA-Net that will coordinate transnational research on the effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the areas of human and animal health, the environment, and techno- economics and societies. The focus of the ERA-Net will be on GMOs intentionally released into t ...
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"The goal of BRIDGE is to increase safety of citizens by developing technical and organisational solutions that significantly improve crisis and emergency management. The key to this is to ensure interoperability, harmonization and cooperation among stakeholders on the technical and organisational level.Therefor BRIDGE delivers:- Resilient ad-hoc network infrastructures, focussing on the requireme ...
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The PROFILES project promotes IBSE through raising the self-efficacy of science teachers and in so doing aiding a better understanding of the changing purpose of teaching science in schools and the value of stakeholder networking. The proposal innovation is in utilizing science teaching materials to support teachers, through an inspired, longitudinal training programme reflecting stakeholder views ...
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Visions Of LANd use Transitions in Europe (VOLANTE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

VOLANTE aims to develop a new European land management paradigm, providing an integrated conceptual and operational platform which allows policy makers to develop pro-active and context-sensitive solutions to the challenges for the future, rather than to react on largely autonomous external land systems developments.Objective of VOLANTE is to provide European policy and land management with critic ...
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Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT)

Start date: Mar 15, 2011, End date: Mar 14, 2015,

Environmental Justice Organizations (EJOs) are civil society organizations locally or globally involved in conflicts over resource extraction or waste disposal. Such conflicts increase in number as the world economy uses more materials and energy. The EJOs focus on the link between the need for environmental security and the defence of basic human rights. The project EJOLT unites a consortium of i ...
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The objective of NEUJOBS is to imagine future, or rather various possible futures, under the conditions of the socioecological transition (and incorporating other key influences), map the implications for employment overall, but also in key sectors and relevant groups and integrate all of this together under a single intellectual framework. It will do so by combining EU-wide studies based on exist ...
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Description Enhanced discovery, analysis, retrieval of newsworthy and high-quality content in social media sources to assist news, event professionals to improve the experience of news readers and event goers.SocialSensor offers technologies for analyzing the activity in social networks with the goal of discovering trending and high-quali ...
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Engineering Proprioception in Computing Systems (EPiCS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

The EPiCS project aims at laying the foundation for engineering the novel class of proprioceptive computing systems. Proprioceptive computing systems collect and maintain information about their state and progress, which enables self-awareness by reasoning about their behaviour, and self-expression by effectively and autonomously adapt their behaviour to changing conditions. Concepts of self-aware ...
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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites (BE-NATUR)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

One of the current most important and demanding challenges is to face the loss of biodiversity, encompassing the diversity of both habitat and species types. A strong EU legal basis for the nature conservation provides the foundation for the preservation of the EU natural heritage. We refer in particular to Habitats and Birds Directives, whose design of Natura 2000 network is based on. The SEE Cou ...
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...ology, valid for further Reference centre building in Europe. The project will be coordinated for 36 months by the Superior Normal School (France), with a shared scientific coordination with Bayreuth University. The Consortium will include 24 members over 21 countries, with endorsement from major institutions."
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Next Generation Peer-to-Peer Content Delivery Platform (P2P-Next)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

P2P-Next develops an open source, efficient, trusted, personalized, user-centric, and participatory television and media delivery system with social and collaborative connotation using the emerging Peer-to-Peer (P2P) paradigm, which takes into account the existing EU legal framework.The P2P-Next integrated project will build a next generation Peer-to-Peer (P2P) content delivery platform, to be des ...
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...llowing this identification, the project established concrete partnerships and integrated the partners in project activities whenever suitable. The scientific component of the project was led by the University of Klagenfurt (Austria). A cultural historic analysis about pilgrimage was penned and uploaded to the newly installed Online Knowledge Portal together with a historic bibliography and link ...
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Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe (SUME)

Start date: Nov 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

"Societies in their urban (and also non-urban) segments, are extracting materials and energy from their natural environment, processing these flows, eventually accumulating portions of them as stocks and, in the end, deleting them into the environment as wastes, emissions or deliberate discharges. Urban settlements – cities – are a specific type of stocks in the metabolism of societies, and the wa ...
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Higher Education Leading to ENgineering And scientific careers (HELENA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

"Women participation in engineering occupations appears as a key-issue for European economical and technical development, as well as a central achievement towards gender equality and social justice. Many studies have identified gender-mainstreaming measures in engineering education; for example, the WOMENG project (HPSE-CT-2002-00109) has recently highlighted key-moments for action and recommenda ...
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The aim of NATREG project is to acknowledge, realise and promote the potentials of natural assets and protected areas (PA) (e.g. Natura 2000, IBA, parks, nature reserves etc.) as drives rather than obstacles for sustainable regional development. This aim will be achieved through the establishment of trans-national and multi-sectorial cooperation network which will develop the "Joint Strategy for I ...
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Development of international bilingual interregional cooperative course with about 600 teaching units and the acquisition of approximately 15 participants. - Implementation of the course
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L'obiettivo del progetto è il miglioramento delle relazioni economiche e della competitività, incrementando la capacità collaborativa delle PMI, con particolare attenzione alle opportunità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione della Carinzia, in Friuli Venezia Giulia e in Slovenia (qui, ricorrendo ad altri programmi comunitari). Nello specifico il progetto intende ...
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Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2011,

The Preparatory Phase for a pan-European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) will focus on technical, legal, governance, and financial issues to • prepare to construct BBMRI, building on existing biobanks, resources and technologies, specifically complemented with innovative components and properly embedded into European scientific, ethical, legal and societal fra ...
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Background Air pollution from high levels of particulate matter (PM) is a major environmental and health problem in many European cities. Raised levels of these tiny, solid particles in the air are linked to health hazards such as heart disease, breathing problems and lung cancer. The European Commission estimates that the problem causes 300 000 early d ...
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Transnational Network and Itineraries of the Romanesque (Transromanica)

Start date: Oct 31, 2003, End date: Oct 29, 2006,

TRANSROMANICA is based on the idea of promoting the integration process of a greater Europe through our common cultural and historical roots: Romanesque heritage. Long ago, between 950 and 1250, for the first time in Europe, regions and countries of distinct cultural identities were already developing a common style in arts and architecture. Using this cultural and historical basis TRANSROMANICA h ...
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In the former USSR environmental protection was understood as a set of engineering measures; interests and expertise of stakeholder groups were often ignored. As a result, even the best engineered solutions led to unexpected socio-economic problems. This attitude also drove the development of environmental sciences and professional training. Issues of environmental policy (or rather environmental ...
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The Deaf Literacy

Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

In modern-day society, written language is an extremely valuable means of communication and of gaining access to culture and employment. The deaf have many difficulties in learning to read and write, and many deaf people are functionally illiterate. In a social context in which hearing is the priority mechanism for receiving information, the deaf population has a high risk of unemployment and marg ...
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...ther hand, providing of enterprises by qualitative ITO services. Project goals are achieved by complex of measures such as: 1. Outsourcing Training and Production Centre (OSTPC) and its agencies on UAuniversity base creation.2. OSTPC Integrated Information System (IIS OSTPC) serving as OSTPC activity automation means development and implementation; tutor and student selection to participate in IT ...
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We are building a community in our own network by using European stimulants with all envisioned stakeholders to collaborate for sustainable development. We all live the development circle within the multilateral network. We aim to collect and examine existing good practices of school-community collaboration in order to foster the formation of similar networks working together for sustainability th ...
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Sign Media

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

European deaf people like their hearing counterparts should have equal access to the medium of written English. In each EU country there is a clear deaf community, (Pellet Boodle & Ochre, 2008) with members using the specific Sign Language of that community as their first language. Sign Language in each country is linguistically distinct from the spoken and written language (Woll et al), but wri ...
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There are pockets of activity in using geo-media with geoinformation (GI) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Two Comenius projects supported some developments. Those involved are not networked, so the project will do this and be a place for new initiatives. An early focus will be the founding of a European Centre. This will be based at the Austrian Centre of Excellence, di ...
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Preamble The foundation of an academic ERASMUS network of HEI in Europe in the filed of career guidance degree and study programs can be seen as the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission and the OECD made on the basis of their comprehensive studies carried out in the last eight years.» The planned ERASMUS network emphasises the unique wide-ranging scientific responsibili ...
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Each immigrant is a performer: no matter the reason for the move, relocation forces one to adjust to a new territory and to play a new role. Therefore, the visible map is not the real territory; people are the territory, and they are mobile. They are an intricate territory made of stories and experiences. For this reason, EU is more than a geographical space: it is a space of storytelling transcen ...
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