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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The primary objectives of this project are to bring together the strengths and knowledge of schools-families-students-universities-social advocacy groups - governments-companies-hospitals-and volunteers in our partner countries in terms of health and care issues related to hearing abilities of students with deafness and hearing impairments. We pursue the objectives of training special education teachers in primary and secondary schools through intensive training programs as being our direct target group. Our direct target group also includes students with deafness and hearing impairments and their families. Indirect target groups are university institutions, academics, in-service teachers, mentors, tutors, education authorities, rehabilitation services for students with deafness and hearing impairments and health field workers. Another objective is to increase the service capacities of special education schools, addressing proper integration of health and hearing care components into school service, identifying best practices of partner countries, investigating hearing and health care practices of partner countries, empowering professional work between academicians and special education teachers to provide better developed teaching and variety of activities. Our mobility activities are short terms joint staff trainings where special education teachers will be trained via a specifically designed course subjects by professionals. Each single day of training will be particularly designed to examine and convey certain project objectives. Doctors, academicians, speech therapists, audiologists and teacher trainers will employ these mobility activities by presenting their own expertises. Intellectual outputs are open online module where it covers lectures from health and hearing field professionals regarding to deafness and hearing impairment. Lectures will be recorded in 5 languages including English, German, Spanish, Slovak and Turkish and their corresponding sign languages to be published in our interactive, multilingual and deaf accessible web site. Another intellectual output is study and analysis covering crucial health and care issues of hearing such as prevalence, causes and prevention of deafness and hearing impairment, examination of the ear, detection, screening and testing of hearing impairment, ear operations, rehabilitation and education, hearing aids, cochlear implants usage, effectiveness and misbelieves, what families of students with DHI should primarily know and apply in house settings about hearing care, and possibilities of health condition variations of these children with DHI. We will follow the methodology of data collecting about above mentioned subjects by employing interviews, questionnaires, document analysis and scientific articles and reports analysis. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies will be employed by our partner academics in cooperation with special education teachers. Dissemination activities are final conference and workshops where project outcomes will be disseminated through conference presentations, journal articles, and website including open online module, publications and output package as in DVD format. Evaluation will serve to examine the progression of the project outcomes by conducting internal and external evaluations in interview and survey formats. The project’s envisaged results are bridging the gap between the works of health field experts/institutions and special education schools/teachers in terms of combining the strengths of these people and institutions to provide better service, health care and care related to hearing of students with deafness and hearing impairments. Also, empowering service capacity of special education schools in diverse ways will provide long term benefits for these schools to diversify the quality of education/service that they utilize in the future. It will furthermore encourage health field experts, academics, teacher trainers, education advisers or authorities to collaborate actively in the education process of students with deafness and hearing impairments, their families and special education teachers in real classroom and school settings.

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