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Innovation hybrid strategy of IT-outsourcing partnership with enterprises
Start date: Oct 15, 2012,

The aims to develop collaboration of partnership with enterprises - IT outsourcing (ITO) service customers - by means of extended European experience use which provides ITO service market with high-quality professionals. In order to apply this idea hybrid partnership strategy between UA universities and enterprises will be created. Hybridity of strategy combines on the one hand, training of young IT outsourcing professionals, on the other hand, providing of enterprises by qualitative ITO services. Project goals are achieved by complex of measures such as: 1. Outsourcing Training and Production Centre (OSTPC) and its agencies on UAuniversity base creation.2. OSTPC Integrated Information System (IIS OSTPC) serving as OSTPC activity automation means development and implementation; tutor and student selection to participate in IT outsourcing.3. Complex training measure and pilot project implementation.4. Project achievement popularization and contact with enterprises establishing.Creating the basis for partnership between universities and business customers of outsourcing services, and ensuring its sustainable development we'll provide improvement of practical component in IT professional education and tutor retraining.Target groups of this project are students and tutors, enterprises and civil organizations which are interested in the ITO services. As result sustainable training and production infrastructure for outsourcing project implementation is created; effective human and enterprise resource management is implemented, using models ofexecutor ability and customer availability evaluation.Realized personnel training system allows to support permanent IT outsourcing project participant rotation and IT outsourcing professional labour market filling, to improve tutor skills in IT and perfect system of IT education in Ukraine in general.Experience of developed Ukrainian ITO model implementation can be distributed to other countries of the former CIS.

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