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The Deaf Literacy
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

In modern-day society, written language is an extremely valuable means of communication and of gaining access to culture and employment. The deaf have many difficulties in learning to read and write, and many deaf people are functionally illiterate. In a social context in which hearing is the priority mechanism for receiving information, the deaf population has a high risk of unemployment and marginalization.In the countries in the consortium, illiteracy rates among the deaf are above 75%. Very few prelingually deaf people access higher levels of education. The DEAFLI project helps the deaf to expand their language skills and to prepare for employment. DEAFLI is a 10-lesson course designed to increase the acquisition of key skills in the written language among young deaf people and deaf adults to improve their education and to facilitate their access to the labour market in the participating countries. New materials and resources will be developed for this purpose. DEAFLI uses the new technologies in teaching and learning activities, incorporating a learning platform with a forum for participation and a companion DVD. All the lessons will be adapted to the different languages of the consortium (Catalan, Italian, English and German, and the four sign languages of the consortium partners: LSC, LIS, BSL and LSG).The project’s reference point is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in Europe (CEFR) (basic user levels A1 and A2). DEAFLI incorporates film recordings showing grammar explanations presented in the sign language of each country of the consortium.
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