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31 European Projects Found

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REgenerative Stem cell therapy for STroke in Europe (RESSTORE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world population. When not fatal, stroke often results in disability, due to motor and cognitive impairments, and secondary health problems affecting not only patients but also their families. Building on emerging preclinical and pilot clinical evidences, RESSTORE will focus on the clinical assessment of regenerative cell therapy to improve stroke ...
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Green Guest

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

... in Paris. Green Guest which gathers a partnership composed of hospitality businesses' associations ( France, Italy) , Vocational Education and Training organisations (France , Italy, Estonia), a University ( Hungary) , an ICT company (Poland) is to develop several learning tools : elearning course on sustainablity in Hospitality, inspired from serious games, a Green Challenge for VET schoo ...
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ERASMUS+ aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning from pre-primary through to secondary level in schools across Europe. SPIRAL is a 3-year project which aims to meet this objective by training highly-skilled primary school teachers equipped with the necessary professional and linguistic skills to train young learners in the 21st century classroom. This goal shall be accomplished throug ...
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ACTPHAST is a unique "one-stop-shop" European access centre for photonics innovation solutions and technology support (Access CenTre for PHotonics innovAtion Solutions and Technology support). ACTPHAST will support and accelerate the innovation capacity of European SMEs by providing them with direct access to the expertise and state-of-the-art facilities of Europe's leading photonics research cent ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Neuroinflammation is a hallmark of multiple sclerosis and ischemic stroke. Investigating neuroinflammation as a common theme in neurological disorders, this ITN will focus in particular on myeloid cells, microglia, and endothelial cells. Sixteen partners from the academic and private sector with complementary scientific background join forces to train 13 ESRs in neuroinflammatory concepts and tech ...
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Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts - toolKIT (RISC-KIT)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

"Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts – toolKIT (RISC-KIT) will deliver ready-to-use methods, tools and management approaches to reduce risk and increase resilience to low-frequency, high-impact hydro-meteorological events. The open-source and free-ware RISC-KIT tool kit will consist of ● a Coastal Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) which - at the regional scale (100’s km) - can quickly asses ...
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A-i chem channel

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

The AI-CHEM Channel project aims to bring together chemist industrialists and university laboratories in order to facilitate the transfer of technology. Partners wish to encourage post-graduate students to become businessmen at the end of their thesis.
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ptide Research Network of Excellence (PeReNe)

Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

PERENE aims to create an R&D Peptide Research Network of Excellence to serve institutional laboratories and companies.
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Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

This project aims to study the environmental impact (both on the sea and on the seabed) caused by offshore wind farm foundations that are in place, or planned, within the Channel region. Achievements: There are several offshore wind farms on the UK side of the Channel, ...
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Matériaux pour l'efficacité énergétique dans les transports (MEET)

Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

MEET aims at building up a scientific cross border network of excellence to improve energy efficiency in transports, particularly through innovative and sustainable solutions.
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Ecotec 21

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

This project seeks to improve energy efficiency by promoting cogeneration from biomass or biofuel. This highly energy-efficient technology also produces electricity and exploitable heat simultaneously. Cogeneration engines may be powered by several types of combustible matter. Ecotec 21 intends to test these – particularly glycerol as well as waste from the agricultural and wood industries – by in ...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Riskmanche is a scientific research project with the stategic aim of reducing risks to human health that are linked to water and to shellfish.
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Start date: Aug 31, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

The RECIF project aims to reuse marine byproducts to create artificial reefs for a better management of marine resources.
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The project will reduce future Europe’s vulnerability and risk to drought by innovative in-depth studies that combine drought investigations in six case study areas in water-stressed regions (river basin and national scale) with drought analyses at the pan-European scale. Knowledge transfer across these scales is paramount because vulnerability is context-specific (e.g. physical, environmental, so ...
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mouvoir une gouvernance efficace de la Manche (Pegaseas)

Start date: Mar 31, 2013, End date: Feb 27, 2015,

the PEGASEAS cluster aims at supporting improved governance of the Channel marine ecosystem by capitalising on the results of the projects financed by the Interreg IV A France(Channel)-England Programme on this topic.
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Objectif général :Espace maritime partagé par le Royaume-Uni et la France, la Manche est le lieu d'un trafic maritime intense avec un risque potentiel réel de pollution accidentelle. Les répercussions d'un tel accident maritime sont graves en raison des multiples usages du milieu marin, en particulier pour la pêche, l'aquaculture, les loisirs et le tourisme. Le projet CHRONEXPO a pour but de contr ...
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Golf handicup

Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

The GOLF HANDICUP project is aimed at promoting and developing disability golf. Three operational work packages will contribute to its implementation:-development of a common coaching strategy,-development of Franco-English golfing activities for disabled people,-development of a communication strategy on disability golf as a means of social inclusion
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Living with a Changing Coast (LiCCo)

Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

Objectif général :Lobjectif principal du projet LiCCo est de donner aux communautés de la Manche la capacité de sadapter au changement climatique côtier et daméliorer les lieux et les services publics. Les neuf sites pilotes étudiés dans le cadre du projet se trouvent en Normandie, dans le Devon et le Dorset (sud ouest de lAngleterre). Les partenaires travailleront avec les communautés côtières de ...
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Trans Channel Neuroscience Network (TC2N)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2014,

The TC2N project is managed by a federation of 40 laboratories from Nijmegen to Brest, via Portsmouth called the LARC-Neuroscience Network. The project will focus on 5 main research topics: cerebrovascular accident (CVA), eating disorders, tumors, neurodevelopmental diseases and (neuro)endocrine disruptives.The main objectives of the project are: - to boost, widen and develop the LARC-Neuroscience ...
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Innovative Synthesis: Culture and Entrepreneurship in Chemistry (IS:CE)

Start date: May 31, 2008, End date: May 30, 2014,

Objectif général :Lobjectif du projet IS-CE est de mettre en place une formation de très haut niveau dans le domaine de la chimie (synthèse organique et matériaux moléculaires) afin daccroitre fortement lattraction de la région Manche vis-à-vis des étudiants en formation dans lensemble de lEurope. Le projet propose de faire converger les établissements impliqués vers un diplôme de Master et un Do ...
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...earch will result in significant health benefits for patients. In this exchange programme, young researchers in Ph.D. programmes will be trained in a virtual lab consisting of facilities from Bilkent University (Turkey), The Ohio State University (USA), University of Warwick (U.K.), the University of Caen (France), and ITI-CERTH (Greece). As a result of this collaboration, image processing algorit ...
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Channel Arc Manche Integrated Strategy (CAMIS - EMDI+)

Start date: Feb 29, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Objectif général :Le projet CAMIS – EMDI+ a pour but de mettre en œuvre une politique maritime intégrée dans l'espace Manche tout en stimulant des coopérations concrètes entre acteurs. Le projet propose de développer un cadre pour une gouvernance maritime (stratégie maritime intégrée, instance de concertation entre acteurs), de créer un centre de ressources pour la coopération et la gouvernance de ...
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Objectif général :Le projet SETARMS a pour objectif de permettre aux partenaires du projet de travailler ensemble au développement économique des ports locaux de la Manche, en développant des pratiques durables de gestion des sédiments marins, en tenant compte à la fois des aspects techniques, économiques, environnementaux, sociaux et réglementaires. En effet, les opérations de dragage sont confro ...
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Start date: Jan 10, 2010, End date: Oct 30, 2012,

In order to strengthen synergies between the Regions of the Atlantic Area and develop new opportunities of economic growth, a sustainable transnational network of cooperation between public research structures and small and medium industries of the Atlantic Area in the material-energy field will be implemented, which will be called "ENERMAT". The network will be led by 3 specific objectives: - P ...
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Cephalopod Recruitment from English Channel Spawning Habitats (CRESH)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

Objectif général :L’objectif du projet CRESH est de permettre une gestion durable des céphalopodes en Manche. En effet, les céphalopodes (calmar et seiche) sont en Manche des ressources partagées, exploitées par les flottilles de France et du Royaume-Uni. Ils représentent une part croissante du revenu des pêcheurs de ces deux pays. Le projet porte sur l’étude des céphalopodes, des différents stade ...
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Translational Research on Combating Antimicrobial Resistance (TROCAR)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

"The health care systems of most European countries are based on a continuum from acute care hospitals, though other health care facilities to the community. Such a framework provides the perfect opportunity for the wide-spread dissemination of high-risk resistant clones or genetic resistant elements. The driving concept of TROCAR is to investigate the fundamentals of the epidemiology of new high ...
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Objectif général :Le projet CHARM 3 a pour but de contribuer à la préservation des ressources marines en Manche en approfondissant les connaissances sur les ressources marines de la zone et en fournissant des outils pour améliorer la gestion durable de l’espace Manche.En effet, l'éco-région Manche, une des zones où le trafic maritime est le plus intense du monde et constitue une voie de passage ob ...
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Start date: Oct 31, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

Objectif général :AQUAMANCHE vise à faciliter la gestion des eaux continentales et littorales en se basant sur l’étude des pollutions microbiennes de différents bassins versants en France et en Angleterre. Le projet permettra de disposer d’outils pratiques pour améliorer la prévision, réduire les risques et faciliter la gestion des eaux continentales et littorales de la région en appliquant une st ...
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EURIDICE is an Integrating project that will create the necessary concepts, technological solutions and business models to establish an information services platform centred on the context of individual cargo items and their interaction with the surrounding environment and the types of users. The EURIDICE platform will simultaneously improve the logistics, business processes and public policy aspe ...
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Espace Manche Development Initiative (EMDI)

Start date: Mar 10, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

The English Channel is both the world’s busiest maritime thoroughfare and the main gateway to NW Europe. And it is likely to become busier as the traffic of goods and people between the UK and the Continent grows. The common problems generated by this vital artery strengthen the need for transnational co-operation , which will be tested by the EMDI project through pilot initiatives on a series of ...
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The goal of the Project is to contribute to modernization and internationalization of the societies in the partner countries (PC-s) through curriculum reform to enhance capacities of HEI-s and secondary schools for teaching European languages. The Wider Objective will be implemented through accomplishing the following Specific Project Objectives (SPO):1. Develop a new model for teacher education.2 ...
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