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3 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The increasing movement of people in Europe implies proper strategies aimed atcultural and social inclusion in receptor countries, in particular an efficient system oflinguistic integration. The mediterranean region is an ideal laboratory to promote a pluraland inclusive multilingualism, also functional to occupational needs in a moderneconomy.MERIDIUM aims to support in the region the goals of EU ...
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AGORA is a project created within the European Master in Translation with the aim of setting up a solid system for international internships. The project, which includes 10 universities, 5 language service providers and the European Union of Association of Translation Companies (EUATC), will be developed over the 3 years. The project originated in the context of student mobility and in the coopera ...
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STEPS TWO project brings together over 70 universities from Europe, members of former EUPEN (European Physics Education Network) consortium, to strengthen European links and dialogue within the discipline and stimulates the cooperation in emerging the EHEA. The networking capabilities of EUPEN partners, their expertise and capacity to innovate in the benefit of higher education institutions, asses ...
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