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AGORA: Transnational Placement Scheme for Translation Students
Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

AGORA is a project created within the European Master in Translation with the aim of setting up a solid system for international internships. The project, which includes 10 universities, 5 language service providers and the European Union of Association of Translation Companies (EUATC), will be developed over the 3 years. The project originated in the context of student mobility and in the cooperation between companies and universities. It has as its starting point the fact that present co-financed programmes such as Erasmus Placement have some weaknesses, for example the discontinuous nature of co-financed internships and the lack of support during the incoming phase. This scheme aims to foster continuity in internship supply, company involvement in needs planning (supply) and incoming support. The project’s main products and results are: - the creation of a Web Application for the organisation of internship supply since its initial stage, of student demand, of reporting and evaluation, of the exchange of relevant information between universities and companies. - the establishment of national sub-networks aimed at coordinating supply and handling incoming students. - the creation of a Common Reporting System embedded into the Web Application as a common system for universities and companies to evaluate internships, the training and specialization level achieved by students, and the efficacy of their work experience abroad. - the creation of a study of legal, insurance, curricular and economic barriers and obstacles to international internships and of their respective solutions. The target identified for the project are the Universities members of the EMT consortium and, in the long run, all specialized courses in translation, as well as companies that employ staff markedly specialized in translation.
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  •   386 454,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\ERASMUS\Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

15 Partners Participants