Search for European Projects

21 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The development of multilingualism is one of the priorities repeatedly reaffirmed by the European Union. In connection with this language policy, many works and achievements have emerged around the notion of plurilingual and intercultural competence. The development of this competence is one of the first objectives of the Common European Framework for Languages, which is currently the basis for th ...
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The main objective of EBSIS is to strengthen the research output at the Faculty of Computer Science at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (UAIC), Romania. EBSIS will initiate strong and close research ties with the Institute of Informatics, University of Neuchatel (UNINE), Switzerland and with the Faculty of Informatics, Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany. The targeted field of res ...
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Since twenty years, researchers of the Federal Structure of research (Learning, Training and Education; involving 257 researchers from 20 laboratories, five partners and the Rector, of the ESPE Toulouse), conduct researchs related to school refusal, school phobia, school failure, truancy, school dropout rates and the quality of life in schools. This research has involved tens of thousands of stude ...
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Partenariats d'étudiants et enseignants-chercheurs en réseaux sociaux

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The PEERS project (Partnerships of teacher- researchers and students in social networks) is an initiative to increase the quality of teacher training and the development of the teacher-researcher network. Our initiative aims at promoting international projects which integrate the aspects of research and knowledge construction in the students’ educational pathway. Many students and future teachers ...
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Prendre soin des femmes vulnérables en périnatalité

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

In Europe, the increase in poverty, the isolation of people, new critical issues raised by migration flows and various addictions are a multitude of factors among others to which people are exposed. Women in the perinatal period are naturally vulnerable and experiencing an increased need for security. If this condition is combined with deep bio-psycho-social problems, the arrival or presence of th ...
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FUSENET - The European Fusion Education Network (FUSENET)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

"This aim of the FUSENET project is the establishment of a European Fusion Education Network (FUSENET) for education in fusion science and technology, as part of a comprehensive package of coordination actions, in order to increase, enhance, and broaden fusion training and education activities in Europe. The project consists of eleven focused work packages, with a total proposed budget of 2,000,00 ...
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"Experienced Researchers from the Universities of Iasi, Brest, Jena, Manchester, Marrakech and Milano propose an Initial Training Network Marie Curie on the theme ""Deterministic and Stochastic Controlled Systems and Applications"". This project aims to unite the six teams with their complementary competences in - Controlled Systems: Deterministic and Stochastic Control, Game Theory, - Stochastic ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Geographers are the most critical social scientists when it comes to the delimitation of borders of the so-called European continent. Continents as Huntington’s civilisation are ideological productions that are certainly not based on natural facts. But they are deeply enhanced in the mind of European citizens and policy makers because they were historically produced by Europeans as a tool of world ...
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The numbers of abandoned people in all life stages (childhood, adolescence and old age) are increasing steadily in the EU countries. The contexts and causes of these situations are various and complex. Often the staff already working with these groups (volunteers or employees) has no real qualifications. The main objective of the project will be to develop a helping relationship with these differe ...
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The success of the Erasmus Mundus Programme worldwide, together with the scheduled implementation of the Bologna Process, pushed the European Universities to reserve to the development of joint curricula a special place in their internationalisation strategies. European Universities have been involved in double/joint programmes development since the mid nineties, however the Erasmus Mundus Program ...
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Erasmus Mobility Quality Tools

Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

Mobility is at the heart of the Bologna Process. New numerical targets for Erasmus student mobility and new partnerships at local level are more and more felt as essential for individual personal growth, for shaping European identity and citizenship and for internationalization of HEIs.The relevance of student mobility in the Coimbra Group universities is witnessed by the fact that those universit ...
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The object of this project is two-fold: 1. European cooperation development towards the extended EHEA, integrating: - the sharing the European values and the common cultural heritage; - the preservation and promotion of institutional, national and regional specificity in Higher Education; 2. transfer of good practice and deepened implementation of the Bologna process in Lot 8 institutions / ...
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The local operative level concerns the implementation of the mobility flows at each partner university and is dealt with by a Local Operative Unit. The partnership will put into practice a common visibility, awareness rising and promotion strategy for the project and its mobility scheme. Based on the structure of the different target groups, a twofold approach will be followed: A local visibility ...
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...antsObjectifs élargis :Promouvoir la psychologie sociale pour contribuer à la solidarité et à l’intégration des publics migrantsProfessionnaliser les programmes d’enseignement des universités en psychologie sociale pour pouvoir développer qualitativement et quantitativement une aide au public migrantObjectifs spécifiques :Dans chacune des quatre régions et d’ici septembre 2014 :Former vingt analys ...
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The project will establish a renewed institution-based mobility and cooperation network among 19 North African and EU partner universities and 6 associate universities supported by 3 associate institutions and the Ministries of Higher Education in the region. It will allow 288 undergraduate, master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and academic and administrative staff to gain valuable ...
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...entiel des compétences et lignes directrices pour l'AQ de l'enseignement supérieur proposant des orientations pour le bon fonctionnement de l'"ANE"-Décision des conseils des universités marocaines approuvant la création d'un système interne d'AQ et fixant le choix des profits selon le référentiel préalablement établi-Manuel de formation spécifique au contexte marocain et en adéquation avec les r ...
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...evoir ,expertiser, réaliser, commercialiser et exploiter des projets hôteliers adaptés à leur environnementLa réforme des enseignements en hôtellerie se fera, en mobilisant les universités, les ministères de l’éducation, du tourisme, des structures hôtelières, des associations d’étudiants, des organisations professionnelles de l'hôtellerie, selon l’approche par compétence (diagnostic des besoins, ...
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Les services de soutien aux étudiants forment, autour des parcours d’études, une préoccupation majeure des universités du Maghreb et du Machrek .L’objectif principal du projet est d’améliorer la qualité de la vie étudiante, notamment en réorientant les moyens vers le développement des services d’accompagnement à la réussite, à l’orientation, à l’insertion et à la mobilité. Pour atteindre cet objec ...
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...ent supérieur marocain et européen, (système modulaire marocain et des ECTS européens).-La mise en place d'un système de crédits équivalent aux ECTS dans les universités marocaines publiques, dans un 1er temps, puis dans l’ensemble des universités marocaines privées dans un 2ème temps.A travers ces objectifs et les activités qui en découlent, le projet permettra de promouvoir :- le rapprochement ...
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