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Prendre soin des femmes vulnérables en périnatalité
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Europe, the increase in poverty, the isolation of people, new critical issues raised by migration flows and various addictions are a multitude of factors among others to which people are exposed. Women in the perinatal period are naturally vulnerable and experiencing an increased need for security. If this condition is combined with deep bio-psycho-social problems, the arrival or presence of the child can turn into a nightmare. Professionals facing this public are often powerless to identify, assess and support the quality of the mother-child relationship in a vulnerable situation and act in the interest of the mother and child, while ensuring them legitimate protection. Thus is born the CAPEVFAIR project (Taking Care of Vulnerable females Pendant PErinatality in France, Austria, Italy and Romania), carried by the Association Suerte (France). There is no specific training in observation and accompaniment of the mother-child bond with a distressed population in the four partner countries; nor in the initial training of social and medico-social workers, and nor in university curricula. In France, there are study days on the theme of parent - child relationship, but the participation of professionals in these days remains a voluntary process and is not included in basic training. The issues of immigration and addiction are rarely taken into account. ISSUES Starting from a sharing of our practices, CAPEVFAIR aims to develop or adapt tools and training content in order to give a better qualification to professionals who work with people in vulnerable circumstances and / or dependence during the perinatal (pregnancy and early childhood). Our project includes 4 countries: Austria, France, Italy and Romania. In each country, a pair of partners are gathered, consisting of a university and a "field worker" (social institution or nursing home). Universities are those of Vienna, Verona, Paris X and Iasi. Field agents are the University of Vienna (which takes both roles because it has a clinical unit hosting vulnerable women), the Municipality of Verona (with its unit Casa di Ramia), Holtis and Suerte. The project aims the following operational goals: Train professional staff to better detect and understand the vulnerability of pregnant women and mothers of young children. Stimulate university research on and analysis of the different facets of vulnerability, by changing their vision by confronting them to our experience and our field practices. Improve our professional practice by crossing and comparing our different approaches. Educate and train professional staff and organizations involved in the care and accompaniment of women in vulnerable situations. Promote multidisciplinary approach and the networking of these organizations, including disseminating among them a common 'culture' and approach. Integrate the dedicated training module we will develop to university degrees and existing training content in our countries. FINAL GOALS For the mother, it is to accompany her in finding ways to be a "good enough" mother, that is to say, enabling her to be able to adapt and respond to their child's needs . For the child, it is to ensure its protection and to promote conditions for good physical and mental development. The main activities of the project will be: Define vulnerability and its medical, psychological and social criteria. Develop a self-assessed tracking tool of vulnerability. Conceiving a European observation tool of hte mother-child bond. Building a roadmap for the accompaniment of vulnerable persons for professional staff. Define a repository of skills of tracking, identification and accompaniment of vulnerability of pregnant women or mothers of a new-born child. Produce training contents and a 5-days' training module. The results and impacts that we expect are: Professionalize or at least educate professional staff in the detection of vulnerability, its identification and the accompaniment of vulnerable groups. Promote a multidisciplinary approach and networking in the accompaniment of these people. Encourage a better consideration of the specificity of vulnerability, better identify the situations and provide appropriate responses. Generate support and commitment of the institutions and authorities in charge of public policies on these issues. Change public policies and systems towards a real approach to vulnerability and networking around the care of vulnerable mothers. Include the dimension of vulnerability in university curricula and existing training ; and directly integrate our module in some degrees, existing qualifications in the 4 partner countries.

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