Search for European Projects

17 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

HICA, driven by university associations, universities and ministries in 6 Central American (CA) countries, intends to support the reform, innovation and harmonisation of HE curricula. The project will further develop/implement a regional qualifications framework for Central American HE (‘MCESCA’) – proposed by the prior project Alfa PUENTES – that defines what a student should know, understand an ...
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"The implementation of the present Project aims at: Analysing present policies concerning EU MS and Community targets for energy import. Evaluating technical, economical and environmental characteristics of present and future energy corridors within Europe and among Europe and the supplying regions of the World, taking into account the different typology of infrastructures and technologies (railwa ...
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Description This Coordination Action supported the development and consolidation of expertise in the research area of multilingual information access and has disseminated this knowhow to application communitiesThe popularity of Internet and the consequent global availability of networked information sources and digital libraries have led ...
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Virtual Mobility (VM) is improving accessibility to other university courses European-wide and enables students to individualise and specialise their study programmes. All this within a virtual learning space with in principle no restrictions of the universities to visit. VM is however still “’locked in” several isolated projects and therefore only available to a restricted number of universities ...
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Lifelong Learning (LLL) is about developing structures for continuing education that can fit the realities of professional life and help complete the knowledge that people acquire during their careers and renew or develop their existing knowledge. It is about all those phrases we use in speeches like "unlocking the knowledge of universities" and "making university education responsive to the needs ...
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The project will develop a European Web-based Portal, a Clearing House for Virtual Internships, to provide students in distance Higher Education with the possibility to obtain an international learning experience through Virtual Mobility. Students sign up for a virtual assignment to those organisations that fulfil the criteria of having challenging Virtual Internship descriptions. The Web-based Po ...
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The project intends to develop a minimum European professional standard for career guidance counsellors and to develop and test a common accreditation scheme for European career guidance counsellors. In most European countries the qualification of career guidance practitioners are mainly based on informal and not formal learning and are not formally recognised. The key reason for the project is to ...
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Mobile devices are popular and well used by many people within ourtarget groups, but not for learning. With the current rate of developmentmobile devices will have the capability of delivering high quality, multimediacontent at affordable prices within next years. Performancecentred approach has been proven to be more effective than thetraditional lecture-practice-test (expository inductive) in tr ...
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Objective: Promote integration between University history professors, researchers, and students of different European countries involving them in a common effort for the development of an Internet Portal that will become the common point of reference for the innovation of materials and methodologies for history writing, teaching and learning based on the effective use of ICT potential. The Portal ...
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This project answers to the need of development of a complete master degree program at the point of intersection between informationtechnology and communications. The innovative performance-centred approach has been developed, tested and implemented and ourpartnership experience returned strong positive results - it has been proven to be more effective than the traditional lecture-practice-test(ex ...
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The INTER Network aims to improve quality of education and contribute to innovation inschools by assisting them in the adoption / implementation of an intercultural approach,fostering the reflection on cultural diversity and providing a scenario in which tocooperate, exchange and elaborate practical tools for initial and in-service teachertraining. Teachers can make a difference in schools by tran ...
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Conventional universities have difficulties in effectively responding to the lifelong learning paradigm A great number of conventional universities are still in the strategy of educating traditional students in the age category of 18-25. To delineate this development would imply that a vast number of potential (lifelong) learners will not be reached. Demographics and global competition however mak ...
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CBVE addresses the skills of the lifelong learner who is not (longer) part of the traditional cohort (including minorities). The main objective of CBVE is to enhance the professional skills of students by lifelong open and flexible learning approaches, with a specific focus on the development, extension and expansion of entrepreneurial skills. CBVE addresses the development of curricula for studen ...
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History On Line

Start date: Oct 1, 2007,

The main aim of this project is to promote integration between University history professors, researchers, and students of different European countries involving them in a common effort for the development of an Internet Portal that will become the common point of reference for the innovation of materials and methodologies for history writing, teaching and learning based on the effective use of IC ...
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STRATEGICOM calls for the formulation of a communications strategy based on an in-depth analysis of best practices in communications throughout European Universities adapted to local needs, the training of relevant university personnel implicated and culminating in a Recommendation Paper to be presented to the Ministry of Higher Education for its approval. Through the participation and endorsement ...
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Cross Border Virtual Incubator

Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

With learners outside traditional cohorts increasing and universities just awakening to the LLL charter, the need to act on adult learners & workers is apparent. By years of experience, ODL institutions can flexibly act on the adult population, simultaneously a population with higher chances to succeed in entrepreneurial activities, as identified by the Kauffman Foundation. Cross Border Virtual In ...
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ECETIS has adapted, tested and transfered a Spanish scheme for training skills assessors in the health care and social care sectors, created by UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), Madrid on e-learning mode.ECETIS has enabled to develop a training course that can meet all the evaluation skills required in the targeted sectors (health care and social care).
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