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Risk of Energy Availability: Common Corridors for Europe Supply Security (REACCESS)
Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The implementation of the present Project aims at: Analysing present policies concerning EU MS and Community targets for energy import. Evaluating technical, economical and environmental characteristics of present and future energy corridors within Europe and among Europe and the supplying regions of the World, taking into account the different typology of infrastructures and technologies (railways, pipelines, cables, terminals, ships and other carriers, ..), the flows and the distances involved for oil, natural gas, coal, electricity, uranium, biomass and hydrogen (reference to the work done within the ENCOURAGED Project and other research activities). Introducing suitable parameters and indicators (including technical and socio-economical reliability) and cost components (investment, O&M, externalities) incorporating the above mentioned information, which may help a global evaluation of supply options (energy vectors, infrastructures, origins of the sources) and their impacts on economy, society, energy and environment toward sustainability. Identifying main corridors for primary and secondary energy carriers to EU27+ Implementing these energy corridors into an adapted version of the pan-EU TIMES model (PEM) built in the framework of the NEEDS IP or into other modelling tools. Analysing scenarios, in which for the fulfilment of the EU27+ energy needs, the import strategies of primary (and secondary) energy carriers compete with the evolution of energy efficiency policies (i.e. white certificates for the energy saving), the introduction of new energy schemes and the development of renewables, in the framework of the EU environmental targets for 2030-2050. Some hypotheses related to the energy supply and demand strategies of regions outside of Europe will be also assumed, given their potential impacts on the international energy prices (eg. China, India, OPEC, Russia etc.) Training target groups of EU DGs to familiarize with the modelling tool"

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