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24 European Projects Found

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Actions for Training and Internships in COmpanies

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...following requirements: Italian citizenship, have full civil and political rights, being unemployed / unoccupied, graduated from an Institute of Higher Secondary Education, in one of each sectors: “Tourism” and “Services for Enogastronomy and Hotel hospitality”; knowledge of the language used in the country of destination selected. The main objectives of the project are: address the lack of practi ...
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MObility for Vocational and Educational Training 2.0

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project MOVET 2.0 combines the Province of Reggio Emilia, 9 technical and professional high schools of the province, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Chamber of Commerce, the main local trade associations, in addition to receiving partners and many European SMEs interested in a transnational dimension of business and labor market. The project develops mobility experiences for 90 students and 36 ...
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 FINISHED and innovative policies. HELAND caters to the needs of public and private bodies active in the management of tourist sites with a view to strengthening their capacities in the field of sustainable tourism. Expected Results: ...
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Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana (AthenaPlus)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

AthenaPlus will build on the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana's ecosystem of projects including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other ...
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Contemporary old city: Enhancing cultural tourism across the border

Start date: May 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014, information sources, needs and future potential will be carried out. Thereafter, strategy for tourist development will be elaborated in Petrozavodsk and a programme to intensify culturally-based tourism in Joensuu. This work will be followed by the development of a joined marketing plan related to the culturally and historically -oriented tourism in the whole project area.
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... better understanding of the impact of climate variability and change on water regimes, forests and agro-ecosystems; and analyse specific adaptation needs in the hydroelectricity, agro-alimentary and tourism sectors. The principal scope of the project is to convey the up-to-date climate knowledge to policy makers who may best benefit from it, that is urban planers, nature protection authorities, r ...
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Integrated Measures for an Energy Efficiency Approach (IMEA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Objective: IMEA aims to support local and regional authorities in taking a pro-active role in improving the energy efficiency of the built environment.IMEA focuses on Energy Efficiency. The implementation of EE measures is a European key challenge in the transition towards sustainable communities, in special in Eastern Europe and in deprived urban areas where a high percentage of the housing stock ...
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Sustainable Transport and Tourism along the Danube  (TRANSDANUBE)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

...e of the project to develop Sustainable Mobility along the Danube including environmentally friendly modes of transport in order to improve the accessibility and facilitate the concept of sustainable tourism in the whole Danube region. The regions will benefit from increased added value from tourists being able to reach touristic destinations even in the hinterland of the river. The development of ...
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...might through value chains benefit also neighboring cities, regions and countries.Through joining forces and sharing resources, partner cities have been able to promote their cities for the long-haul tourism markets in the U.S. and Japan. One BSR co-operation has given an opportunity to explore new kind of thinking and partnerships, as well as new themes to be used in marketing. Round trips for to ...
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The Alpine and the Carpathian Conventions state sustainable tourism mobility as a challenge and call for cooperation on this topic among the countries of these mountain regions. In particular sustainable tourist mobility is not well-developed in mountainous regions, especially in South-East Europe, as mountain regions are lacking sufficient sustainable transport facilities and facing major ecologi ...
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...ions to peripheral areas by a trans-nationally developed and applied specific set of instruments, such as: Air Transport Market Analysis, Airport Marketing Concept, Public Service Obligations Manual, Tourism Destination Development Check List. Based on a best practice approach, those instruments shall be jointly developed and implemented during the project execution. The BALTIC BIRD (BB) partnersh ...
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The project aims at promoting community partnership for the establishment of a common cultural environment in the Black Sea Basin via mobilizing the local cultural resources and education. Achievements: Established long term partnership among 7 partner organisations int ...
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... settlement and housing (costs - quality), change of regional demand for public services (e.g. transport, healthcare, education) or the change of consumer behavior in key economies (e.g. nutrition, tourism).DEMOCHANGE provides general adaptation strategies for Alpine regions to their spatial plans and regional development programs. Thirteen partners from Austria (2), Germany (3), Italy (3), Sloven ...
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...gions the BSR is lacking behind in establishing a well-functioning destination marketing on its natural assets Parks&Benefits is a network of protected areas, regional authorities, stakeholders in tourism & environment, and academic institutions in the BSR backed by EUROPARC Federation as European umbrella organization with 500 member parks in 38 countries, aiming to: · implement the European Char ...
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Quadruple Helix Central Baltic (Quadruple)

Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

...d implement models, methods and tools for gender mainstreaming in cluster promotion. to analyse and reform existing innovation policies from a gender perspective; promote cross-border clusters in the tourism sector, involving women entrepreneurs; and promote creative connections between the tourism sector and research in the field of mobile technology.In practice entrepreneurs and researchers will ...
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DestiLink wants to increase the competitiveness of rural regions by creating a network of sustainable tourism development practitioners and researches, and thereby linking the regions with the research community. The aim is to facilitate capacity building in the regions through the exchange of experience and best practice examples. Further aims are to develop efficient destination management tools ...
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... developments pose several challenges for the transformation of the whole educational process, including educational curricula, learning materials, instructional practices and education stakeholders. Tourism, as a sector within the global economy, has operating and human resource characteristics that differentiate it from other industrial sectors and these have direct consequences for the delivery ...
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Bingo is primarily a locally based, SME-driven activity which rarely transcends national borders. The Bingo sector is estimated to employ 80,000 people across the EU and represents 0.06% of EU GDP and the 10.2% of the total of the Gross Gaming Revenues (GGRs) for the entire gambling sector.Regulation relating to bingo varies widely not only from one Member State to the other, but even among differ ...
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The VocMat 2 project is a multilateral partnership project that aims to further develop the innovation created through the original VocMat project and – most importantly – transfer it to new partner countries that have identified a clear need for the project.
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VOCMAT-Vocational Management Training for the European Tourism Industry- is a project targeting tourism staff at middle and senior management level across a wide range of organisations as fe. SME’s, educational and professional organisations, industry bodies. The idea is to produce a new European level training method combining a range of tools such as online learning, videoconferencing and worksh ...
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Umweltfreundlicher Tourismus : Das Projekt befasst sich mit dem Aus- und Fortbildungsbedarf im Bereich des grünen Tourismus. Entwickelt wurden Schulungs-Module und ein internationales Netzwerk all jener Akteure, die ihre Kenntnisse und beruflichen Fähigkeiten im Bereich des nachhaltigen Tourismus vertiefen wollen. Die Schulungsmaterialien und E-Learning-Methoden dienen dazu, Disparitäten und Ungle ...
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... georgischen und ukrainischen Partnerhochschulen unterstützen, ihre Integration in den gesamteuropäischen Bildungsraum fördern und dem Ausbau und der Intensivierung der Bildungskooperation auf dem Tourismusgebiet zwischen der EU und den östlichen Nachbarstaaten dienen. Darüber hinaus soll im Projektverlauf das tourismuswissenschaftliche Know-how und die Kompetenzen der Partnerhochschulen als Bildu ...
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... to be used by public bodies, destination management organizations and private companies, when developing holistic health and well- being destinations (H & WB). The project Health and Well-being in Tourism Destination (WelDest) combines the expertise of 6 Higher Education Institutes, 12 industry and 18 associate partners from Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary and the UK. These ...
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The wider objective of the project is to set up ECDL National Operator and Testing Centres in partner universities and to build computer skills capacity needed for the integration of key competencies of lifelong learning into the development strategies of higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan. The rationale of this project is based on "2009-2012 State Program on the reform of higher educat ...
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