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Demographic change in the Alps: adaptation strategies to spatial planning and regional development (DEMOCHANGE)
Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Aug 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Demographic Change is a main driving force all over Europe. The population within most mountain regions of the Alpine Space already today differs from the surrounding metropolitans. Beside the general trend of the aging of the Europeans there exist additional Alpine specific factors of regional different influence: migration (in – out), commuting (rural to urban areas) settlement and housing (costs - quality), change of regional demand for public services (e.g. transport, healthcare, education) or the change of consumer behavior in key economies (e.g. nutrition, tourism).DEMOCHANGE provides general adaptation strategies for Alpine regions to their spatial plans and regional development programs. Thirteen partners from Austria (2), Germany (3), Italy (3), Slovenia (2) and Switzerland (3) will elaborate concrete strategies in ten model regions and implement them by pilot actions. The regional achieved results will be merged to general strategies and disseminated by an exchange network. Achievements: Three regional analysis reports have been completed lately. These report about first findings and give an overview on the demographic situation in the respective region. They also contain projections about the probable changes of the demographic structure and its consequences in the region. Another project publication deals with the subject of participation processes. All publications are available at “flying exhibition” with thematic roll-ups started in May 2011 in Goldegg in the model region Pongau. The opening was accompanied by a dialogue workshop, where experts met with regional decision makers to discuss good-practice examples and especially the topic of how to secure supply infrastructure.The SWOT-analyses in the model regions have been accomplished now. For the further use of the results for the project and also for the regions, a web-based tool has been elaborated. It helps to structure and document the results and to develop strategies and measures.

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  • 67.6%   1 903 800,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants