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16 European Projects Found

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Territorial Scenarios and Visions for Europe (ET2050)

Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Policymakers in the field of territorial development and cohesion are in need of a future oriented and integrated vision on the development of the European territory. Therefore the ESPON Programme started a territorial vision-building process following a participatory process and involving relevant stakeholders at European, national and regional level. This vision has a strategic character that al ...
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Baltic Sea Region (BSR) does not yet exist as a region with shared identity and recognized image. Neither is the region’s competitiveness potential as a common marketing area fully exploited. BaltMet Promo faces this challenge by a new and innovative approach by enforcing BSR-identity through doing collaborative promotion for BSR in the global markets. Project simultaneously strives for the advanc ...
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EU economic policies and location of economic activities (Economy)

Start date: Jun 9, 2005, End date: Mar 18, 2007,

The project shall further develop and deepen the understanding of the economic dimension of the development of the European territory.That includes identifying the spatial pattern of company/investment locations and the factors influencing these patterns and looking from a policy perspective identifying the key measures having impact on these patterns.The policy perspective should address both mea ...
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The main objective of the project is to develop spatial scenarios which should on the one hand be prospective, capable of prognostics with reference to a laissez-faire scenario on themes of the ESPON and policy orientations of the ESDP.On the other hand the scenarios should as well be proactive testing alternative objectives and provide insight for recommendations on policy adjustments/changes in ...
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The proposal Aurora – Towards Modern and Innovative Higher Education II (Aurora II) will promote multidisciplinary cooperation at various levels, which will increase the links between Europe and Russia and contribute to cultural dialogue and mutual understanding.The proposal builds on an agenda of higher education institutions and business benefiting from working together. By developing partnershi ...
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The overall objective of the SCEE project is to contribute to increasing attractiveness of European higher education in the Asian part of the Russian Federation. More specifically objectives of the project are: • to open the Siberian Centre of European Education (SCEE) which will bring together universities of Siberia and Europe for sharing and spreading European experience in the sphere of higher ...
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The WELCOME project aims at strengthening the relations between European, Egyptian and Lebanese HEIs, promoting the achievement of academic excellence; furthermore, one of its related goal is the alignment of third country Higher Education Systems to the European system, giving a boost to the Egyptian and Lebanese education reforms in a framework always respectful of the cultural specificities. Th ...
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S1-L13 One More Step

Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

The project ONE MORE STEP aims at promoting sustainable development actions and policies in L13 Countries through academic mobility and enhanced networking. It will try to contribute to the achievement of MDGs by focusing on the valorisation of human resources and skills to foster local development with reduced footprint, competitiveness and sustainable research, innovation and technology transfer ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

The main objectives of the MARCO XXI project are: To improve capacity building of third countries To facilitate internationalisation of studies To promote gender balance, equal opportunities and analytical teaching/learning skills To generate Research incubators and exchange of knowledge To develop cooperation enterprise-university in research related areas To enhance regional inter-project coachi ...
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Assuring quality of teaching and learning activities is the quintessential task that higher education institutions (HEIs) must face in an increasingly competitive national and international environment. Adoption of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) in 2005 has added new momentum to research in the quality assurance policy domain. So far, ...
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Reason: A New Focal Point for Teaching EU StudiesAs of December 2009, the Lisbon Treaty has become the EU's new fundamental framework for the foreseeable future. The analysis of altered or novel treaty provisions becomes a high priority for interdisciplinary research-based teaching curricula in EU studies. Only a European academic network will be able to exploit input from the relevant disciplines ...
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This project aims to modernise the HEI by involving the business representatives in the definition, promotion and validation of business and Economics student graduates key skills to make a good fit between society and labour market needs and academic curricula. This will lead to the creation of an Integrated System of Competencies Development (ISCD) for the HEI.
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Multilingualism is a key feature of Europe and the benefits of knowing foreign languagesis unquestionable. Language skills not only facilitate studying, travelling, and workingaround the world, allowing intercultural communication and integration, but they are alsoan asset in meeting the new economic challenges of the European Union. In order tobetter promote multilingualism, the education and pro ...
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The main purposes of the "Employability & Entrepreneurship: Tuning Universities and Enterprises" project is the modernization of the HEI involving the businesses representatives in the definition, promotion and validation of business and economics graduates' key skills leading to a good fit between society and the labour market needs and academic curricula. In order to achieve that, we propose th ...
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As Croatia integrated into the EU, a major challenge has been co-operation between education and business. There is a longstanding gap between the supply and demand of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to business From the European perspective, the need to develop and commercialise ideas-to-market products and services for long term economic benefits is a recurrent theme in European poli ...
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