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Stimulating Learning for Idea-to-Market

As Croatia integrated into the EU, a major challenge has been co-operation between education and business. There is a longstanding gap between the supply and demand of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to business From the European perspective, the need to develop and commercialise ideas-to-market products and services for long term economic benefits is a recurrent theme in European policy, and sits within Europe2020.This project was developed to bridge this gap in Croatia, and create two way innovation transfer between all partners, which has been designed to meet the emphasis in Lisbon to encourage the central role of education and training as a key way to grow human capital and to support long term economic well being. The result of VET and the world of work cooperation is a tailored educational tool – ecourse, enabling SMEs to commercialize their ideas while protecting their knowledge, at www.e-sgh/slimOur objectives were to:- develop understanding of the SME context in each partner country, and current strengths and weaknesses in VET engagement with these businesses. We surveyed 100 SMEs in Croatia, Poland and the UK, to understand their needs in our first year of the project. Their needs are largely around soft skills, such as marketing, and assessing project ideas.- adapt and transfer MMU's Diagnostic tools - which expose and benchmark entrepreneurial capacity in organisations, and work with this capacity. - adapt and transfer SGH's Intellectual Property Management training - to support establishment and development of the business idea to market. This has been successful, and our eCourse has been launched.- Work collaboratively, so that each partner develops part of the "Idea to Market" ecourse. We have been working collaboratively over the project, and have developed good relationships between all those working on the project.- Test developed ecourse and improve it upon its evaluation- Disseminate project results within target group and widerAssociated partners in the UK, Poland, and two in Croatia, will add crucial real-world SME experience to our activity, steer the project, and promote and disseminate its uses and benefits.

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8 Partners Participants