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18 European Projects Found

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Arti-vate Your Creativity through EVS

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Projektet, Arti-vate your creativity through EVS, kommer att äga rum mellan maj 2016 och april 2018 och kommer att innefatta en APV och ett short term EVS som kommer att äga rum under juni och juli 2016 i Georgien. Huvudsakligen i Tblisi och Anaklia. Andra samverkande länder är Sverige, Grekland, Lettland och Polen, som kommer att skicka två volontärer vardera. Sammanlagt omfattar projektet 10 vol ...
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Rainbow Connection 2

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The aim of the project Rainbow Connection II, is to make a follow up of the youth exchange Rainbow Connection which was made in Mölndal in June 2015. The target group is LGBTQ- young people (Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Queer) aged 15-23 years old from Sweden, Israel, France and Slovakia. 8 young people + 2 leaders from each countries will take part.Our objective is to strengthen our LGBTQ network with th ...
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YW-Dare to act! A Practical Guide for Non Violence Action

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

This TC will cover different types of conflicts taking place in different settings and consequently entail different ways of transforming conflicts by non-violent actions. Our emphasis is placed on fostering a positive and constructive debate on recent conflicts in Europe and cooperation particurly aimed at the youth field. This is done by promoting non-violent approaches aimed at activities in pe ...
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Meet in youth realities VI

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Jul 14, 2016,

...include European voluntary service and Mobilty for Youth workers. The project will include 10 volunteers in EVS, which will be hosted by Eurodesk Mölndal and three different Youth centers in the City of Mölndal, Sweden in two periods as well as a study visit for youth workers and a job shadowing in two periods. The first Mobility for youth workers will include 5 Swedish youth workers from City of ...
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Cultural Experiences Through Service To Others

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

...ociety by ‘being there’ and caring for others, especially those on the edge of society - Give the volunteer new skills and work experience through volunteering - Develop the volunteer’s capacity to work, and/or live in, groups/teams - Get to know the British culture, people and language ‘from the inside’ - Promote intercultural dialogue between young people (in the volunteer group, but also in the ...
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Rainbow Connection

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The participants were a group of young people who were tired of narrow gender norms and wanted to implement the youth exchange "Rainbow Connection" in order to discuss and learn more about LGBTQ -issues (Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual, Queer) and how it looks in different countries. It's an important project because LGBTQ people are a vulnerable group in society today and this should be changed, by inc ...
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Act different! Be the change!

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 16, 2015,

The youth exchange project ''Act different! Be the change!'' included an APV in September and an 8 day youth exchange 4-12 of November 2014. The participating countries were Sweden, Poland, Romania and Hungary and included 8 youngsters + 2 leaders per country. The target group was young people aged 15-22, also including young people with fewer opportunities. The project's main topic was to comme ...
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Human rights EVS Carvan II

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

"Human Rights EVS Caravan II"" was a 2 months group EVS project, which took place in Georgia. The planned activity period is 25th of September-25th of November 2014. The project included 12 volunteers coming from Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Croatia and Czech Republic. The objectives of the project were: - To raise awareness about Human Rights issues for Georgian general public and in particu ...
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Democracy on Stage

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jan 15, 2015,

The project "Democracy on Stage" was conducted with 40 young people from Germany Sweden, France and Armenia. The young participants have the themes Participation, Democracy and opportunities discussed, which designed starting a stage show and these perform the work in the park Schierke. In working groups, the young people were preparing all aspects of the stage show. The youths were provided with ...
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Mobility Management oVer Europe: Changing Mobility Patterns (MMOVE)

Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

...are in the learning.MMOVE findings, results and recommendations will be disseminated widely through the Eurotowns network of medium sized cities, and through professional forums of mobility planners, city networks and local stakeholders.MMOVE will make a contribution to European Transport policy (currently under development) and targets by helping medium sized cities to improve road safety, to red ...
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Vitalizing City Centres through Integrated Spatial Planning (VISP)

Start date: Sep 29, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

...oject carried out a guide book Integrated Spatial Planning that presents a model for practitioners summarizing the ways in which medium size cities can address major challenges and achieve successful city centre vitalization through integrated spatial planning practices.As an example VISP has influenced the library in the partner City of Kortrijk (BE) t broaden their concept of a new library into ...
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RISE for quality in youth work

Start date: May 1, 2013,

The project "RISE for quality in youth work" it's a 5 days seminar (Action 4.3) that will take place between 19-25 May 2013 in Mölndal, Sweden. The project will bring together 20 participants, from Romania, Ireland, Sweden and Estonia who will work on the theme of quality assessment of youth work and youth policy. The aim of the seminar is to start a process (based on previous discussions) of for ...
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Human Rights EVS Caravan

Start date: Jul 1, 2012,

The group EVS project Human Rights EVS Caravan will be a two months EVS (3rd of September – 3rd of November) with 10 volunteers from Lithuania, Poland, Turkey, Sweden and Austria. This project will take place in different cities of Georgia. EVS will visit different youth centres in towns of the regions in Georgia, belonging to the Human Rights Network Georgia.In this time participants will organiz ...
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Pop your learning

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

" Pop your learning " met en lumière le besoin de coopération entre différents secteurs dans ledomaine de la jeunesse qui sont face à une problématique commune de développer des projetsd'éducation non formelle pour l'inclusion avec les jeunes avec moins d'opportunité. La thématiqueest centrée sur l'apprentissage de ces jeunes. Des partenaires de deux domaines sont enconséquence invités à cette act ...
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Le projet " Quartiers en crise, jeunesses en mouvement " permettra à 64 jeunes en fonction de leurs motivations et capacités de partir dans des projets de 3 semaines à 9 mois chez 22 associations partenaires, dans l'Union Européenne, les pays voisins et le reste du monde.- Ils pourront s'expérimenter ainsi sur des activités sociales, culturelles et d'animation.Destiné à des jeunes habitants de qua ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

AdventureShip is 9-days training for youth workers looking for challenging learning experience and new working methods and tools. Training program is based on the principles of approach called adventure education. It focuses on participating in activities with perceived risks. Adventure education includes cooperative games, trust-building activities, problem solving initiatives, high adventure act ...
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The multilateral youth exchange HOW ARE YOU? Teenage health and well-being will take place in Mölndal, Sweden. The number of participants are 10 young people from Sweden, Romania, Hungary and Italy. The project will last for six days in the summer 2010. The theme of the youth exchange is the health of today's young people in Europe. We will focus on self-confidence, self esteem and physical and me ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2009,

« Moving generation 5 » est la cinquième version du projet d'accueil, d'envoi et de coordination EUROCIRCLE pour le Service Volontaire Européen activement soutenus par un partenariat public-privé bien développé et ce de longue date.Forts de nos expériences précédentes en matière de conduite de projets européens et spécifiquement dans le champ du Programme Jeunesse en Action, nous souhaitons poursu ...
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