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17 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Five DSOs (CEZ distribuce, ERDF, EON, Enexis, Avacon) associated with power system manufacturers, electricity retailers and power system experts, propose a set of six demonstrations for 12 to 24 months. Within three years, they aim at validating the enabling role of DSOs in calling for flexibility sources according to local, time-varying merit orders. Demonstrations are designed to run 18 separat ...
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CREATE-IoT’s aim is to stimulate collaboration between IoT initiatives, foster the take up of IoT in Europe and support the development and growth of IoT ecosystems based on open technologies and platforms. This requires synchronisation and alignment on strategic and operational terms through frequent, multi-directional exchanges between the various activities under the IoT Focus Areas (FAs). It a ...
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Agile Co-Creation of Robots for Ageing (ACCRA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2019,

The mission of ACCRA is to enable the development of advanced ICT Robotics based solutions for extending active and healthy ageing in daily life by defining, developing and demonstrating an agile co-creation development process. To this end, a four-step methodology (need study, co-creation, experimentation, sustainability analysis) will be defined and applied in three applications (support for wal ...
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Inside today's vehicles ~4000 CAN-Bus signals/sec are processed in comparison to very few signals in smart phones and alike. This large amount of continuously gathered vehicle data represents major big data business potentials, not only for the automotive industry but in particular for cross-sectorial industries with interdisciplinary applications. With today's proprietary approaches focusing on b ...
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make it ReAAL (ReAAL)

Start date: Jan 16, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Description In the last decade numerous dedicated ICT solutions have been developed to deliver services in support of sustainable independent living and the promotion of active ageing of older people. The research community has spent a lot of resources developing personalised solutions covering the different perspectives of the problem - soc ...
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PrivAcy pReserving Infrastructure for Surveillance (PARIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

PARIS will define and demonstrate a methodological approach for the development of surveillance infrastructure which enforces the right of citizens for privacy, justice and freedom and takes into account the evolving nature of such rights, e.g. aspects that are acceptable today might not be acceptable in the future, and the social and anthropological nature of such rights, e.g. perception of such ...
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SECurity of Railways against Electromagnetic aTtacks (SECRET)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

SECRET addresses the protection of railway infrastructure against EM attacks. Railway infrastructure is an attractive target for EM attacks, because of its familiarity and ease of access, with extended economic and security consequences.Today, the European rail network is evolving to harmonize the management system. This is reflected by new integrated technologies, adequate procedures and centrali ...
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The mission of PRIPARE is twofold: facilitate the application of a privacy and security -by-design methodology that will contribute to the advent of unhindered usage of Internet against disruptions, censorship and surveillance, support its practice by the ICT research community to prepare for industry practice; foster risk management culture through educational material targeted to a diversity of ...
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Preparing Secure Vehicle-to-X Communication Systems (PRESERVE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Cooperative ITS and V2X communication promise a new age of safer, more efficient, and more comfortable road traffic. However, this promise can only be fulfilled if those systems are designed and implemented in secure way where they cannot be abused by malicious attackers and where the personal data processed by them is not subject to abuse and privacy violations.The goal of PRESERVE (Preparing Sec ...
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Multi-cores Partitioning for Trusted Embedded Systems (MultiPARTES)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Growing complexity of applications makes the integration of security and dependability an issue in many domains (e.g. energy supply, transportation, industrial control, aerospace, etc). The engineering of embedded systems needs to take these aspects into account. However, guaranteeing security and dependability in a situation of increasing system complexity is leading to unacceptable development c ...
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Electricity Demand and Supply Harmonizing for EVs (e-DASH)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

The sustainable integration of the electric vehicles requires an intelligent charging system for the real-time\nexchange of charge related data between FEVs and the grid in order to allow the management of:\n• high-current fast-charging for large numbers of FEVs in a brand-independent way\n• price-adaptive charging/reverse-charging at optimum price for the customer\n• the real-time grid balancing ...
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Self Orchestrating CommunIty ambiEnT IntelligEnce Spaces (SOCIETIES)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

Pervasive systems aim to seamlessly and unobtrusively enable individual users to interact with devices, networks and services in their vicinity. Until now their focus has been on the individual rather than on communities of users. This neglects an important part of human behaviour; socialising, and might partly explain the slow take-up of pervasiveness in commercial products. Social computing, on ...
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The objective of TERESA is to define, demonstrate and validate an engineering discipline for trust that is adapted to resource constrained embedded systems. We define trust as the degree with which security and dependability requirements are met.Resource constrained embedded systems are characterized as follows:•\tThey belong to different application sectors•\tComputing resource are mostly statica ...
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Open VEhiculaR SEcurE platform (OVERSEE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

The next generation of intelligent vehicular information and communication technology (ICT) applications for advanced traffic management, active vehicle safety, or the "green" electric car strongly depends on the availability of an ICT infrastructure combining both dependability and security attributes. Thus, future intelligent vehicles (i) have to provide an appropriate wireless access point to t ...
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E-safety Vehicle Intrusion proTected Applications (EVITA)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

Future safety applications based on car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication have been identified as a measure for decreasing the number of fatal traffic accidents. Examples for such applications are local danger warnings, traffic light pre-emption, or electronic emergency brakes. While these functionalities inspire a new era of safety in transportation, new security requirements need to ...
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...ities (e.g. data protection, article 29) should enable the validation of guidelines for privacy awareness that will submitted to the eSafety community.The consortium includes the following partners:- Trialog (F) : coordinator, platform architect and integrator, tools for measuring and testing privacy- PTV (D): eSafety application with data protection features, application architect and integrator- ...
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The 12-months project "Promote" will be implemented by 6 partners from EU (DE, CZ, IT, SI, PT, CH), 4 from LA (BR, AR, MX, CO) and one from Asia (PH). Activities pursue two overall objectives:ο To contribute to combat youth unemployment as well as any forms of indecent work by promoting protective, enabling and inclusive environments for young people both in developed and developing countries* ...
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