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PROMOTE - Protection, Motivation and Empowerment of disadvantaged youth
Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

The 12-months project "Promote" will be implemented by 6 partners from EU (DE, CZ, IT, SI, PT, CH), 4 from LA (BR, AR, MX, CO) and one from Asia (PH). Activities pursue two overall objectives:ο To contribute to combat youth unemployment as well as any forms of indecent work by promoting protective, enabling and inclusive environments for young people both in developed and developing countries* To increase opportunities for disadvantaged marginalised young people in the partner countries for acquiring skills and key competencies to fully participate in all spheres of society on an equal basisThe project will address the following thematic priorities: a) Inclusion of young people with feweropportunities, b) youth unemployment, poverty and marginalisation, c) spirit of initiative, creativity andentrepreneurship, employability, d) participation of young people and e) cultural diversity. Direct target group are young people between 18 and 25 in EU, LA and Asia, the majority are young peoplefth-fewer opportunities, who are-facing situations of unemploymenVsevere-exeltision or discriminatien: The project will involve a total estimated number of 1.142 youngsters and 201 facilitators/trainers.Main activities comprise a) a multilateral youth exchange BR, DE, PT, b) a multilateral youth exchange between BR, AR, MX, CO, c) two job shadowing missions to BR and DE by youth workers, trainers/ facilitators from all partners, d) a good practice workshop with trainers, facilitators and youth workers in BR, e) a multiplier training in 10 locations in BR with trainers from DE, IT, CZ, SI).The project will deliver a web based information and communication platform incl. a resource base for trainers, facilitators, youth workers (partner languages) and a portal produced by and for youth (with blogs, twitter, live stream, chatrooms, interactivefunctionalties), various information material forstakeholders and press/media, a project documentation, a video of youth exchanges in BR and didactic material for the multiplier trainingThe internet portal constitutes the key channel for dissemination involving both youth as well as professionals. Besides, all partners will organise PR and media work within their local contexts. Global dissemination will be organised mainly though the applicant's inťl network with partners in over 170 countries worldwide.The project will have positive impact on disadvantaged youth by providing them with new opportunities for participation and non-formal learning enabling them to acquire skills and key competencies crucial for sane individual, social and professional development. At the time the project will foster new forms of cooperation and synergies in the field of youth work and stimulate new approaches, policies and codes of conduct which help to prevent and combat unemployment, exclusion and marginalization of youth worldwide.

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  •   100 000,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

10 Partners Participants