Search for European Projects

6 European Projects Found

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Nowe kompetencje nauczycieli motorem rozwoju szkoły.

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

“NEW COMPETENCIES OF TEACHERS THE DRIVING FORCE OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT” project aims at finding modern ways of managing schools and educational projects, as well as establishing new tools and teaching and learning methods for students who use advanced information and communication technologies.9 school teachers will be involved in the project: 1 maths teacher, 3 early school education teachers, 2 P ...
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Net is the key

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The title of the partnership “Net is the key” explains in a nutshell the aim of this project : the focus will be on the use of ICT tools and Internet to develop key competences skills in pupils (communicating; being creative; working with others; managing information and critical thinking ;understanding safety, security and well-being when using ICT, developing “digital citizenship”) and to i ...
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Kompetentny Nauczyciel Europejski

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

THE COMPETENT TEACHER project aims to train teachers in language skills and handling the modern methods and teaching techniques, modern information and communication technologies to the extent that in the future they could conduct their activities in a way that is not only interesting for the student due to the use of modern teaching methods and ICT, but also teaching them in two languages - Polsi ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

We are 7 schools from 7 European countries Turkey, Portugal, Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Spain and France that have come together with the same problems. This Project “No Barriers for Europeans” has been created by aims to raise awareness on the situation and needs of disabled pupils in society, how they feel, what they can achieve to be aware of their capabilities.It's also our purpose to raise awa ...
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"Europe grows together". To keep up the European spirit by using modern media like eTwinning, Skype, facebook etc. and improving ICT skills. As our school has a multi-cultural profile, which enhances our day-to-day school life, it is of great importance to understand the diversity of our students, to be able to integrate them accordingly. This project Erasmus KA1 involves a critical number of teac ...
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The people need to be conscious of their responsibilities towards the environment from early ages is a common sense of each institution. People cause many disasters. One of the environmental disasters which is caused by people is deforestation. The main object of our project is to raise awareness of reasons and results of deforestation. We want our students to comprehend the value of the forests f ...
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