Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are 7 schools from 7 European countries Turkey, Portugal, Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Spain and France that have come together with the same problems. This Project “No Barriers for Europeans” has been created by aims to raise awareness on the situation and needs of disabled pupils in society, how they feel, what they can achieve to be aware of their capabilities.It's also our purpose to raise awareness among the non-disabled students at our schools so that they will never have negative feelings about people with disabilities. In society we are always encountered with disabled people, most of us think that they cannot achieve anything. We feel sorrow for them and do nothing else. We also want to break down this prejudice and want people, especially our pupils, to see that they can achieve by sharing and involving them in the activities. We thought this should begin at an early age for the children to feel empathy for them. Workshops and seminars about disability will provide deep understanding of their feelings, situations, obstacles and achievements as well. The questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the project will let us see the achievement of the project and how their attitudes changed towards the disabled and special needs children. The film will let everybody see that how our project changed people's point of view. The trips to disabled foundations will let everybody notice and observe what can be done for the disabled people. The abled and disabled students will be included in the same chorus which will make it possible to sing songs from different languages. As story writing will be done by the participating countries, the students will feel they are achieving something with European Peers. A search will be done on education systems and a chart will be prepared to compare the systems. Success stories of famous disabled people will encourage both abled and disabled people to overcome barriers. Drama will bring out abilities at role-playing. Art workshops and digitales will provide different ways of expressing their thoughts and feelings. Web-site, notice boards, a brochure, posters, exhibitions, stands and digitales will be helpful to disseminate the project. There will be teacher training sessions on marbling, assistive technology, drama and art, morning cycle and light table, empathy pack and Boccia sport and art workshops. As the teachers get these trainings they will apply the recently learnt methods in their own classrooms and share the feedback in the next meeting in detail. The staff can increase their professional competence and learn how they can approach and reveal the disabled pupils’ abilities. They will learn new methods and renovate themselves for the 21st century. The disabled pupils and pupils with special needs will gain self-confidence of achieving something and they will be more enthusiastic to join the activities. They will be given more tasks to perform so that they can see what they achieve and won’t feel the difference. The families will be more conscious about sending their children to school instead of educating them at home. The pupils, the staff, the families of both abled and disabled students should see that they can be educated. They will have a positive point of view for future life. The abled students will learn how to work together and help each other. They will learn “one day they can be disabled too, who knows?” This partnership will bring out for all participating teachers and pupils to gain the spirit of working together with different countries of Europe to reach a common goal. The participants will gain a deep understanding of breaking down the walls in spite of cultural diversities, improve language skills, raise awareness of other languages, gain knowledge on the state of disability in other European countries and enhance pupils' learning as well as teachers' effectiveness
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5 Partners Participants