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The SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure has been developed by NODCs and major research institutes from 34 countries. Over 100 marine data centres are connected and provide discovery and access to data resources for all European researchers. Moreover, SeaDataNet is a key infrastructure driving several portals of the European Marine Observation and Data network (EMODnet), initiated by EU DG-MARE ...
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The Research Infrastructure (RI) ACTRIS – Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases - is the pan-European RI that consolidates activities amongst European partners for observations of aerosols, clouds, and trace gases and for understanding of the related atmospheric processes, to provide RI services to wide user groups. ACTRIS is composed of 8 connected elements: distributed National Facilities (observatio ...
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SMARTICIPATE is a data-rich citizen dialogue system, transforming public data into new intelligence, and transposing elements of intelligent ICT development to urban governance. The aim is to integrate bottom-up processes in the realm of city planning, using the full potential of citizens by sharing ideas in the co-production of decision making. smarticipate thereby transforms interaction between ...
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The existing research and policy reports show that adult education policies and practices are designed and carried out in ways and using means which are not always appropriate to vulnerable minority groups. In the EduMAP Project the diversity of societal participation and the wide range of cultural contexts and communicative practices among learners will be acknowledged. In particular, the educati ...
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DRIVER starts from the experience that neither successful R&D nor strong end-user demand always lead to innovation in the Crisis Management (CM) domain. This is a problem since as societies become more complex, increasing scope and unpredictability of potential crises and faster dynamics of major incidents put increasingly stringent demands on CM. European CM capabilities already constitute a matu ...
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Food safety issues have reached a dramatic level in most Asian Countries. in its "integration program" ASEAN has put food security as one of its 12 priorities. It is abundantly documented that most of these problems are due to both qualitative and quantitative limitations in food safety management, mainly due to inadequate skills of workers, who often do not operate in compliance with the good pra ...
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TRusted, CItizen - LEA coILaboratIon over sOcial Networks (TRILLION)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Community policing promotes the implementation of bi-directional collaboration channels between citizens and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). By enhancing the discovery of relevant and up to date information, it speeds up the detection of risks, eases their prevention and builds a continuum of collaboration which motivates citizens and LEAs to work together.Over 36 months, TRILLION - TRusted, CIti ...
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Cruising Oceans On Latitudes above 51º North (Cool Route)

Start date: Jun 2, 2015, End date: Jun 1, 2018,

Description (EN): The project investigates all aspects of the practical logistics and business potential to establish a bi-directional yacht cruising route along the offshore areas of the Northern Periphery Area, stretching from the South of Ireland, to the UK (Northern Ireland and Western Scotland) on onwards to Norway. As an eco-tourism product, exploiting the natural resources of ...
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The QuIC-ConCePT consortium has 2 objectives: 1.(90% of resource, WP2-5) to qualify 3 specific imaging biomarkers (IBs) of tumour cell proliferation, apoptosis, and necrosis, to allow drug developers to demonstrate reliably modulation of these pathologic processes in tumours in patients in realistic trials. Our vision for January 2016 is that drug developers can incorporate these IBs for decision- ...
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"Plant natural products have been utilised by human civilisation for millennia, providing vital medicines and essential dietary components. More recently bioactive compounds from plant sources have been used in cosmetics, as health supplements and are important components of feedstuffs. Despite significant investments new activities and new sustainable biosources are required to alleviate our reli ...
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Research accelerators are facing important challenges that must be addressed in the years to come: existing infrastructures are stretched to all performance frontiers, new world-class facilities on the ESFRI roadmap are starting or nearing completion, and strategic decisions are needed for future accelerators and major upgrades in Europe.While current projects concentrate on their specific objecti ...
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Up to 20 million European citizens suffer from food allergy. However management of both food allergy (by patients and health practitioners) and allergens (by industry) is thwarted by lack of evidence to either prevent food allergy developing or protect adequately those who are already allergic. iFAAM will develop evidence-based approaches and tools for MANAGEMENT of ALLERGENS in FOOD and integrate ...
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Architecture, Design and Art Practice Training ‐ research (ADAPT-r)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The ADAPT-r ITN aims to significantly increase European research capacity through a unique and ground-breaking research model: at its core is the development of a robust and sustainable ITN in an emergent Supra-Disciplinary field of research across a range of design and arts disciplines – creative practice research. ADAPT-r will train new researchers, increase supervisory capacity, partner with p ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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The Mediterranean region is currently being affected by increasing environmental and cultural deterioration. Although it is still one of the foremost tourist areas in the world, the Mediterranean is progressively losing attractiveness. In order to regain competitiveness, Mediterranean countries need to modernise the management of touristic assets, investing in new technologies and innovative polic ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

TRANSFoRm will develop rigorous, generic methods for the integration of Primary Care clinical and research activities, to support patient safety and clinical research via:1.\tRich capture of clinical data, including symptoms and signs rather than just a single diagnosis. A generic, dynamic interface, integrated with electronic health records (EHR), will facilitate both diagnostic decision support ...
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Authentication and Authorisation for Entrusted Unions (AU2EU)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The aim of the AU2EU project is to implement and demonstrate in a real-life environment an integrated eAuthentication and eAuthorization framework to enable trusted collaborations and delivery of services across different organizational/governmental jurisdictions. Consequently, the project aims at fostering the adoption of security and privacy-by-design technologies in European and global markets. ...
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FP7 High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Design Study (HILUMI LHC)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest scientific instrument ever built. It has been exploring the new energy frontier since 2009, gathering a global user community of 7,000 scientists. It will remain the most powerful accelerator in the world for at least two decades, and its full exploitation is the highest priority in the European Strategy for Particle Physics, adopted by the CERN Counc ...
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Recent history has shown that in the aftermath of an emergency, disaster or related unexpected events, telecommunication infrastructures play a key role in recovery operations. In most cases, the legacy terrestrial infrastructure is seriously compromised and cannot guarantee reliable services for citizens and rescue teams. It is also well accepted that current public safety networks cannot provide ...
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Climate change is for a large part governed by atmospheric processes, in particular the interaction between radiation and atmospheric components (e.g. aerosols, clouds, greenhouse and trace gases). Some of these components are also those with adverse health effects influencing air quality. Strengthening the ground-based component of the Earth Observing System for these key atmospheric variables ha ...
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CASCADE aims to provide the foundation for a future INCONET programme targeting South Asian Countries, which will promote bi-regional coordination of Science &Technology (S&T) cooperation, including priority setting and definition of S&T cooperation policies. The objectives of CASCADE, as an 18-month supporting action, are to: compile a regional position paper that identifies global challenges and ...
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Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

AIDA ( addresses the upgrade, improvement and integration of key research infrastructures in Europe, developing advanced detector technologies for future particle accelerators, as well as transnational access to facilities that provide these research infrastructures.In line with the European Strategy for Particle Physics, AIDA targets the infrastructures needed for R&D, prototy ...
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Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe (CLUE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The project idea Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe (CLUE) was formulated by a team of experts at the City of Stockholm and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The project idea was first presented during the EU Interregional Cooperation Forum, 20/21 September 2007, Lisbon. The objective of the CLUE regional development project is increased regional capacity in policy development ...
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Bringing closer ESPON evidence for decision making (ESPON on the Road)

Start date: Dec 23, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

AimThe ESPON 2013 Programme has produced a lot of results and the applied research, targeted analyses, scientific tools and publications provide a huge pool of knowledge that can be actively used in decision making. The project aims at strengthening the bridge between ESPON knowledge and local reality by bringing ESPON results closer to potential users. The project shall provide a platform for dis ...
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ESPON Evidence in a North European Context (ENECON)

Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

ENECON addresses challenges and opportunities facing territorial development and spatial planning policies and practices, particular to the vast territory of the northern part of Europe. By facilitating the use and capitalization of ESPON evidence, the overall aim is to contribute to make clear the significance of the European perspective on territorial development and cohesion, and especially the ...
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Technet_nano sets up a transnational network of public clean rooms and research facilities in micro- and nanotechnology making accessible innovation resources and services to SMEs in the BSR.The problem addressed is that especially SMEs and R&D institutions in branches such as energy, climate or medical technology do not fully exploit their innovation and growth potentials in the field of micro- a ...
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Description Digital heritage and semantic web technologies hold out the promise of nearly unlimited access to cultural knowledge. The problem is that cultural meaning does not reside in individual objects but in the patterns of knowledge and events, belief and thought that link them to each other and to the observer. This is why story is so ...
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Trans-regional development project “Central Baltic cooperation in energy efficiency and feasibility in urban planning - ENEF” (further on “ENEF”) focuses on cooperation and joint problem-solving of energy efficiency matters in Central Baltic region in Estonia (EST), Finland (FIN), Sweden (SWE) and Latvia (LV), managed and coordinated by leading 4 technological universities in the Baltic Sea Region ...
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Wave Energized Baltic Aeration Pump (WEBAP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

Background Recent studies show that coastal regions suffering from oxygen depletion have increased exponentially since the 1960s, with serious consequences for ecosystem functioning. These ‘dead zones’ exist in approximately 400 aquatic systems worldwide, affecting a total area of more than 245 000 km2, including one in the Baltic Sea. Because hypoxia ...
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Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources (SUBMARINER)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

The Baltic Sea faces significant challenges: fishery declines, severe marine pollution, the effects of climate change as well as an increasing competition for space. At the same time new scientific and technological developments provide opportunities for innovative uses of marine resources which do not only have the power to generate sustainable regional economic development but also proactively c ...
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Services of General Interest (SeGi)

Start date: Oct 31, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

Services of general interest traditionally comprehend electronic communications, postal services, electricity, gas, water and transport. Policymakers more recent documents tend to be more comprehensive and also look at labour market services, education, health care, child care, social care, culture or (social) housing. Socio-economic policies much focus on ensuring the provision of services of gen ...
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European Coordination for Accelerator Research and Development (EuCARD)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Jul 31, 2013,

Particle physics stands at the threshold of a new era of discovery and insight. Results from the much awaited LHC are expected to shed light on the origin of mass, supersymmetry, new space dimensions and forces. In July 2006 the European Strategy Group for Particle Physics defined accelerator priorities for the next 15 years in order to consolidate the potential for discovery and conduct the requi ...
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"The proposed project ECNIS2 aims at continuing the integrative and coordinative works initiated during ECNIS network with an ultimate goal of transforming network into a virtual centre, the European Centre for Research and Education on Cancer, Environment and Food (ECRECEF).ECNIS has already laid foundations for the development of the centre by bringing together researchers from different discipl ...
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"Air quality is a crucial environmental factor, e.g. evidenced by the fact that particles in the air are estimated to reduce the lifetime of the average European citizen by 8 months. Assessing and monitoring air quality are thus fundamental to improve Europe’s welfare. PASODOBLE will develop and demonstrate user-driven downstream information services for the public, regional and local air quality ...
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Bothnian Green Logistic Corridor (BGLC)

Start date: Jun 8, 2011, End date: Mar 7, 2013,

The railway infrastructure of the Bothnian Corridor is of great importance for transnational cargo flows within EU and to the rest of the world and it is listed in the Baltic Sea Strategy action plan as an optional flagship project. The corridor is of great importance for all the states in the Baltic Sea Region and central Europe, for transports of cargo as well as for sustainable passenger transp ...
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Use of a Multidrug Pill In Reducing cv Events (UMPIRE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2010, End date: Jan 31, 2013,

"Cardiovascular disease is the focus of this proposal as it is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. People with established vascular disease represent a target for secondary prevention using combination therapy that addresses multiple risk factors. Barriers to effective delivery of proven secondary preventative treatments create important gaps in the uptake. These gaps vary in different count ...
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European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology (ENGAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"ENGAGE (European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology) has, as its central objective, the translation of the wealth of data emerging from large-scale research efforts in molecular epidemiology into information of direct relevance to future advances in clinical medicine. ENGAGE will do this through the integration of very large-scale genetic and phenotypic data already available from a sub ...
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SEA-EU-NET will increase the quality, quantity, profile and impact of the bi-regional S&T cooperation between SEA countries of ASEAN and MS and AS of EU. S&T, essential for a strong knowledge-based economy, underpins policies necessary for governance, and contributes to cohesive social visions and models. S&T excellence also requires global connectivity and an ongoing dialogue. This proposal suppo ...
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The aim of this project is to facilitate transnational dialogues on spatial planning between policy makers and practitioners, scientists and young academics and students in the Nordic-Baltic countries. Cooperation with Nordic and Baltic organizations dealing with spatial planning issues and territorial cohesion, Vision and Strategies in the Baltic Sea Region (VASAB) and the Nordic Section of the R ...
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Despite of extensive water protection measures, the state of the Baltic Sea is poor. Nutrients levels in the water and sediments are high, and anoxic dead bottoms are widespread in the sea floor. Even shallow archipelago waters are suffering from oxygen deficiency, though effective water protection measures have cut nutrient discharges from coastal areas. The phenomenon is supposed to be caused by ...
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