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...astern imperial eagle has come back from the brink of extinction, reaching 160 pairs by 2014. The Pannonian biogeographical region (which includes all of Hungary and parts of Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine) now holds some 220 pairs of this priority raptor species (Annex 1 of the EU Birds Directive). However, this small population is still vulnerable. Predator persec ...
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European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

The overarching goal of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) is to generate knowledge to inform the safe management of chemicals and so protect human health. We will use human biomonitoring to understand human exposure to chemicals and resulting health impacts and will communicate with policy makers to ensure that our results are exploited in the design of new chemicals policies an ...
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Is there a crisis in the legitimacy of the European Union? That research question is timely and important. Investigating it is also an ideal way of training research leaders of tomorrow to rethink our assumptions about the study of legitimate political order. Whilst, however, the financial crisis has raised new questions about the legitimacy of the EU, existing theories of legitimacy crises are la ...
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...oject sub-area; At least 49 farm management plans for dry grasslands drawn up; Prepared expert proposal for AEP measures for integration into the 2021- 2027 rural development programme of the Republic of Slovenia; Identified economic interest for further sustainable use of dry grasslands; Improved social and economic perspective of agriculture in target areas and beyond; Increased awareness o ...
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Background In Slovenia, problems caused by invasive alien species (IAS) have been overlooked for many years, partly due to the lack of systematic research and monitoring, which has so far only provided limited data to evaluate trends. A 2012 survey revealed that, between 2000 and 2011, the number of alien plant species increased by 11% while alien animal ...
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Building LIFE capacities in Lithuania (LIFE LT)

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2020,

Background The LIFE programme introduced action grants for capacity-building projects for the 2014-2017 funding period. These are projects designed to build Member States' capacity to participate more effectively in the LIFE Programme. Specifically, these projects propose interventions to develop the capacity to submit successful applications for funding ...
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...ontinental Europe). This is present in the Natura 2000 site, Beskydy, covering an area of 647.6 ha – the third largest area of this habitat type in all sites of Community importance in the Czech Republic. Habitat 6230* is under threat, mainly due to eutrophication and the abandonment of traditional land management practices such as grazing and mowing. Eutrophication leads to an increase in pro ...
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Background The problem of collisions with electricity power lines has been identified as a significantly negative threat to endangered bird species, including the lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus), eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) and Saker falcon (Falco cherrug), in Slovakia. Prevention of such collisions has not been part of any conse ...
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The transition to a low carbon economy needs to achieve multiple aims: competitiveness, protection of the environment, creation of quality jobs, and social welfare. Thus policy-makers and other key stakeholders require tools that need to focus beyond the energy sector by including these other domains of economy, society and the environment. Currently, most available tools lack integration of these ...
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Value Intellectual Property for SMEs (VIP4SME)

Start date: Dec 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2019,

The main goal of the VIP4SME project is to sustainably enhance Intellectual Property (IP) support services to SMEs in order to allow them to understand the value of the intellectual capital they create and own, and to define strategies and management practices allowing them to better turn this capital into commercial values and competitiveness. This challenge will be jointly addressed by 31 Nation ...
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The severity of natural disasters significantly affect environment, causing extensive damage. The countries of Western Balkan are exposed to a variety of natural hazards including floods, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, and landslides. The general situation in WB countries is inadequate professional qualification and technological disciplines for education of human resources, the lack of spec ...
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Background EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) is an EU-level management tool designed to help registered organisations enhance their environmental performance and credibility. The EMAS scheme operates through incentives that reward organisations that make commitments to sustainability. The European Commission has initiated a process to improve and sim ...
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Integrating Social Sciences and Humanities into Teaching about Energy

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...ry research centre with focus on geothermal energy and renewable resources and represents the shift towards carbon-free and nuclear-free energy. The 3 partners from SSH are from Poland, the Czech Republic and Spain; they all have long-lasting experience with research, teaching and communication about energy issues and can benefit from their joint participation in the PLATENSO project.The core of t ...
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The project 'STI International Cooperation Network for EaP Countries Plus (EaP PLUS)' aims to stimulate cooperation between researchers from the EaP countries and EU MS and enhance the active participation of the Eastern Partnership countries in Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.Building on the results of the predecessor FP7 project 'IncoNet EaP', the project will eliminate remaining obstacles to E ...
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Description (EN): The AlpGovs’ main objective is to support effective and efficient EUSALP implementation in a systematic transnational approach through designing and testing appropriate governance structures and mechanisms mainly on the level of Action Groups (AGs), at the same time to create synergies with the other EUSALP implementing bodies General Assembly and Executive Board a ...
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Start date: May 15, 2015, End date: May 14, 2019,

Euromix aim to develop an experimentally verified, tiered strategy for the risk assessment of mixtures of multiple chemicals derived from multiple sources across different life stages. The project takes account of the gender dimension and balances the risk of chemicals present in foods against the benefits of those foods.Important concepts for this new strategy are prioritisation criteria for chem ...
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Shaping the Future Education in Tourism

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Apr 2, 2019,

Activating the potentials in tourism industry could become a boosting energy for each of the project participants' national economies. In order to successfully respond to the industry's demand the HEI must follow latest demands of the clients and the effect they create to the enterprises that operate in this sector. This is due to the role the HEI have in the society i.e. building competences for ...
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Continuous Regional Analysis Device for neonate Lung (CRADL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Each year 15 million babies are born prematurely and many suffer from respiratory failure due to immaturity of the lung and lack of control of breathing. Although respiratory support, especially mechanical ventilation, can improve their survival, it also causes severe injury to the vulnerable lung resulting in severe and chronic pulmonary morbidity lasting in to adulthood. Heterogeneity of lung ae ...
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COmmunity Nurse Supporting Elderly iN a changing SOciety (CO.N.S.E.N.SO)

Start date: Dec 16, 2015, End date: Dec 15, 2018,

Description (EN): European population’s ageing challenges health and social services. Cooperation in several welfare sectors is required, since the demographic change involves both health and social issues. CO.N.S.E.N.SO project accepts the challenge by developing a care model that puts the elderly at the centre of health and social services. It builds on the pivotal role of the Fam ...
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Alpine Ecosystem Services – mapping, maintenance and management (AlpES)

Start date: Dec 16, 2015, End date: Dec 15, 2018,

Description (EN): Ecosystems and their services go beyond national borders and need a transnational approach for their dynamic protection, sustainable use, management and risk prevention. As a basis for joint action, public authorities, policy makers, NGOs, researchers and economic actors – the AlpES target groups – need a common understanding of ecosystem services, comparable infor ...
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Description (EN): The Alps are Europes WATER-TOWERS, providing MULTIPLE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES such as water for human consumption, agriculture, industry, energy and maintaining tourism, recreation & quality of life not only for the residents but also for surrounding lowlands & big metropolitan areas. Alpine rivers are the BLUE BACKBONES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, but only healthy rive ...
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"The Strategic Research Agenda of the EU Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technical platform requires new large infrastructures for its successful deployment. MYRRHA has been identified as a long term supporting research facility for all ESNII systems and as such put in the high-priority list of ESFRI. The goal of MAXSIMA is to contribute to the ""safety in MYRRHA"" assessment.MAXSIMA has five technical ...
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European Dimension in Qualifications for the Tourist Sector

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Dissemination strategy will be implemented through scheduled activities throughout and beyond the project life-time. Wider awareness of Bologna culture, EHEA, OS, SQFs and new program will be raised through dissemination events, including conferences, which will be visible to larger audiences through publications in mass media, press-releases, photo gallery of events, audio-visual products, TV and ...
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Modernizing Health Education in Universities

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Overall wider objective of the project is supporting public health in Uzbekistan by modernization of Curriculum of Health Sciences in universities of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan and therefore following steps will be undertaken: adapting, modernizing, restructuring health sciences education, and bring innovative teaching technologies into training process as multimedia and audio-visual components; el ...
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Establishment and development of a new Master on “ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS” in 3 RU and 2 AM Universities with affiliation of other 2 RU Universities, according to features and learning outcomes delivering graduates environmental and “green buildings” technological issues’ skills. 1. Curricular reform: to implement an effective curricular development oriented towards ...
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According to the findings of EU research project “East West Transport Corridor-2”, the European transport sector (esp. Eastern Europe, the Baltic Sea Region) depends also on Logistics competence level in KZ and RU. In spite of “Customs Union” btw. RU and KZ (created in 2010) and highly prioritized national strategies in KZ and RU for Logistics Management, the current competence level and education ...
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The NURSLIN project is a breakthrough initiative to identify common denominators in the academic sectors in Uzbekistan. The wider objective is to approach the Uzbek higher education to real needs of economic and social development of the country. The specific objectives are the following: - establishing of the National Committee on QF in Uzbekistan, together with the national Ministry of Educatio ...
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Medical Physics: New ICT-based Curricula for Uzbekistan

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The creation of the environment in Uzbek partner universities for development and implementation of a new, “Bologna compliant”, second level (Masters) program in Medical Physics that would comply with the international academic quality and correspond to the market needs will ease the problem of poor quality of medical services, lack of trained specialists for use of medical equipment creates and R ...
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The motivation behind the Project is to bring together European HEIs which possess and supply cutting-edge developments, innovative learning practices and extensive international experience and HEIs from Partner countries in Central Asia/CA/ which need and demand the same developments, practices and experience. The specific problems of Region 7 would be solved by assuring Accessibility and Harmoni ...
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Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Most agricultural rural areas in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are characterized by drastic changes in the agriculture and nutrition sector, due to privatization, modernization and increasing differences between large-scale agro-holdings and small holder farms. The importance of rural development and the need to develop perspectives for agricultural land use is both recognized by politics ...
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The proposed IMEP Project will address wider International Higher Education and Quality Assurance agendas and build on the IHE work done as part part of previous Tempus projects in Uzbekistan and British Council QA and IHE programmes. There are several reasons why we decided to apply for the Project:- our considerable knowledge of the situation and needs of the HE of Uzbekistan which was gained t ...
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Advocacy Establishment for Students through Ombudsman Position

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Reason for project: 1. Since implementation of Bologna system, students have responsibility to take initiative in managing their academic careers, but they lack the resources to deal with problems arising along the way2. Universities in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine struggle to provide democratic systems for dealing with conflict and student appeals3. Many student conflicts remain unresolved due ...
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Technology in Rehabilitation

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

During last years, rehabilitation activities have been becoming very important since the number of people with disabilities is growing for many reasons, like ageing of the population and increase of chronic diseases. The introduction of leading-edge technologies in the treatment of disabilities is central in order to improve the efficiency of rehabilitation and the access to health-care services. ...
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Striving to reform Belarus high education system according to the Bologna process, the Ministry of Education of Belarus set the target for HEIs to reform curricula from the existing system “5 plus 1” to the system “4 plus 2”, which should comply with the Bologna system principles. However, decreasing a training period from 5 to 4 years for physics specialists causes a certain risk providing an imp ...
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Introducing Transdisciplinary European Studies in Tajikistan

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

...specific needs of Central Asia. After the end of the project the Master program will be taken over by a sub-consortium of NTU, Russian-Tajik Slavonic University and Academia of Science of Republic Tajikistan. The program serves as a methodological template for other degree programs in the region. Tajik ministry of education and Science will support the implementation of the program by joining the ...
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Reason for the project: Reinforce and modernize libraries and improve the level of competencies and skills of library staff in HEI’s in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus. The level of competencies and skills of library staff is not of a high standard in the target PC's. Library staff need to be trained in modern library standards & practices. The main challenge they face is to transform themselves into ...
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Joint project for the modernization of educational programs in climate engineering, regional priority for Russia and China, national priority for Azerbaijan.3 AIMS IN EACH COUNTRY:Reduce skills gaps on intermediate levels (construction site coordinator, design technician) by improving the employability of students and by perfecting corporate executives.Professionalize teaching programs in line wit ...
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Currently universities of economics and business in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have to master a series of challenges. They have• to demonstrate that they are reliable providers of good quality higher education by providing graduates with competencies required to evolve their professionality and to develop capacity for the labor market• to enrich the qualification-portfolio of HEI-teache ...
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Introduction of part-time and short cycle studies in Serbia

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Dynamics of the labour market force both employees and unemployed to adopt their qualifications to employers’ new needs. Part-time studies (PT) aim to provide, to mostly adult employed students, appropriate modes of study. Short cycle higher education programs (SCHE) provide mostly professional studies, lasting up to two years, aiming to prepare students for specific jobs. They are suitable to st ...
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Harmony project aims to contribute to development of a comprehensive internationalization strategies and their harmonization at EU and Partner Countries (Armenia, Belarus, Russia) within the framework of HEA in accordance with the main provisions of the Bologna Process through modernization of international relation management of the partner countries universities, promoting the academic mobility ...
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