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Hosting org's are going to be 3 cultural and educational institutions: public - Cultural Centre and Library, NGO - Creative Multi-function Object (Foundation KOM) and NGO–A Friends Associations of Children and People with Disabilities in Milicz (MSPDiON).Sending org's will be 3 NGO's from a partner countries: Russia, Belarus and Georgia. Coordinating org. is Foundation Mobile Poles.We will invite ...
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MOSAIC: Making Opportunities to Strengthen Amity and InterCulturality

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

...m enriching inputs and new activities and all the other partners can have a greater impact thanks to the synergies they can create with the other organizations of the project at local, regional, national and European level. The users of the Receiving Organizations will have the chance to weave interrelations with persons from other cultures and to tell their stories of life. The local community wi ...
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Serve. Experience. Learn

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

People living in social exclusion, children living at risk or foster houses, social isolation of people and children with mental disabilities, limited possibilities of old people’s communities, intolerance among different national minorities, stray animals – these are some of the many severe and painful social problems in a nowadays Lithuanian society. Modern society of ours has created many forms ...
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Les diversités jeunes IV

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

...also encourage the hosting organisation and their public to open themselves to the external world, to the difference, and foster the cooperation between the local organisations at the regional level and the collaboration with foreign associations too to grow up all in the European dimension.Our aim is also to allow in our EVS volunteers civic skills but also professional ones: that’s the reason wh ...
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Against the background of a raising number of refugees and IDPs in Europe, predominantly due to the war in Syria and Ukraine and not to forget the “old” IDPs from the wars in the 1990ies in the Caucasus, the project would like to provide youth workers from Western and Eastern Europe with a platform debating reasons and effects of migration as well as approaches and concrete activities for addressi ...
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Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

...ects their behavior and mentality;A.4 - To create a space for dialogue among youth and youth workers from Europe and its neighbor countries for fostering transnational cooperation/trans-regional cooperation in refugees related issues;A.5 - To promote peace education and non-violent conflict resolution among youth in the country and in the region;A.6 - To highlight the role of new youth programme ( ...
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Historically, young people have faced social exclusion, and the recent economic downturn has prompted high unemployment,which particularly affects the younger generation. However,some disadvantaged groups of young people face exclusion in the longer term for reasons beyond the current crisis. Remaining outside the global labor market has far-reaching consequences – not solely economic. These inclu ...
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Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

This contact seminar aims to develop networking between organizations SEE, MEDA, EECA and Europe and strengthen the European project Erasmus +, utlizando such key issues as art and music as tools of integration. It is important to generate new prospects encouraging participation, planning and implementation of projects from start to finish and provide a space for participants to know each other as ...
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Youth work as a school of democracy - Democracy education revisited

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

One of the ongoing challenges and tasks for a democracy is to develop a democratic culture among its citizens. Democratic institutions certainly form an important base but without the development of corresponding attitudes among the people, they are running the risk to remain an empty shelf.For the field of youth work the question therefore appears to what extend it can contribute to the developme ...
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The Schuman Volunteers Theory

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The Schuman Volunteers Theory is a hypothesis formed by seventeen organizations from eight countries. Non-governmental organizations, youth information centers, special kindergartens and an informal group of secondary school students have come together to create the conditions necessary to carry out an experiment. Its goal is to prove our E=MC2 theory, where E stands for Europe, M stands for Mobil ...
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Let's Get Youth Up & Running - Training of Youth Workers

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

"Let’s get youth Up & Running" was a training course for developing basic youth work competences. It was for members of youth organisations who wanted to learn more about being a youth worker, and engage with the young people they work with in active participation – both in youth work itself and in society. Who wanted to develop a sense of citizenship with the young people, and to reach out to and ...
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Schuman Volunteers Explore Mobility

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This project tried to draw attention on the issue of different types of migration and the social implications it brings. Europe’s history has been shaped by migration, at the moment the EU is struggling with a new wave of immigration while internal mobility within the EU (and to some extent its neighboring regions) is being promoted and supported. This project has given six young people from Pola ...
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Strengthening Employability through the Youth Work

Start date: Jun 3, 2015, End date: Mar 2, 2016,

Activity: Seminar KA1 Project Title: “Strengthening Employability through the Youth Work" Venue: Salerno (SA) - Italy Duration: 21/09/2015 - 25/09/2015 Countries: Serbia, Portugal, Albania, Latvia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, Georgia, Hungary, France, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Kosovo, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic Applicant: SalernoEuropa (Italia) Number of Parti ...
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Coaching for Change

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

... of each organisation as the organisation development depends on the capacity of the staff and members involved in the activities networking towards active citizenship across sectors on regional level. - Benefit on the individual level: participants become more creative, full of initiative, self-confident and generally more efficient. In addition, competences gained during this training will rai ...
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"Peace is...." - training course on aspects of peace and non-violence

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Feb 1, 2016,

"Peace is...."- training course on aspects of peace and non-violence is an international project gathering youth workers from 17 conflict affected communities across Europe. 36 young activists will meet to explore the concept of culture of peace and learn techniques of non-violence. Invited participants are currently running local - and many cases international as well - projects addressing issue ...
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Betzavta International: Learning the Language of Democracy

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The training course offered here is called Betzavta International: Learning the Language of Democracy. The Betzavta method is used to look at how democracy works (or does not work) in a small group and provides a space of self-reflection for every individual to think of their role in a group and in the larger society. Although Betzavta is gaining increasing international popularity due to its abi ...
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ACTng for Youth Employment

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The project "ACTing for Youth Employment!" was an international training course where 29 youth workers, members of the initiatives and non formal groups, with extensive experience necessary for acting as multipliers, from Program Countries (Luxembourg, Italy, Bulgaria and Lithuania) and Partner Countries (Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine) increased their employ-ability skills; learned how to bridge th ...
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Happy Ever After

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The main activity, the Happy Ever After seminar (A1) was held in Kobuleti, Georgia for five programme days in October 2015. The arrival day was the 11th of October and the departure day was the 17th of October. The participants came from Finland, Georgia, Denmark, Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, Turkey and Armenia. Each country will send 2-4 participants each, so there were 22 participants in total. The ...
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Can&DO – Capability of Creativity and Culture for Change-Doing

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

CONTEXT/BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT The ENP-East countries showed strong differences in the unemployment rate by age, which was also the case in the EU. The unemployment rate of people aged15–24 years was at least twice as high as for persons aged 25–74 years in all ENP-East countries (ENP–East countries, Youth statistics, Eurostat, 2014). In the EU-28, at 23.4 %, more than one out of every five you ...
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Youth Empowerment and Participation

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

In today's society many young people tend to feel marginalised and unable to find their place. It is therefore very important that adults, in particular, youth workers and youth leaders encourage young people so that they can realise their capabilities and be actively involved within society. Youth participation and empowerment have indeed become very important issues in youth work and youth polic ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Training course ?Youth builds Peace in Europe? was held in Kobuleti, Georgia, on 20 - 28 June 2015. In the training participated together 32 youth workers, youth leaders and youth educators as well as youth activists from 13 European countries: Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Moldova. Peace-building and conflict transfo ...
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Explore your Potential

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

... (2013) only 22% of young people within the EU are involved in youth clubs or any kind of youth organisations. The same survey states in the category of political participation, that voting in local, regional and national is with 56% rather low, and standing as a candidate is not an option for 79% of young Europeans. Against this background, the project aims to contribute to the development of mea ...
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Contact Making Seminar New prospects for Minorities and Inclusive Europe

Start date: Apr 20, 2015, End date: Sep 19, 2015,

Contact Making Seminar New prospects for Minorities and Inclusive Europe was realised in Potenza (Italy) in the period 23.08.2015-31.08.2015 (the dates were changed with the authorizathion of Italian Erasmus N.A.). The aim of the seminar was to find partners and develop new projects on the topics of social inclusion and European citizenship for youths from minorities background. We had 29 partici ...
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The eSw, protestant student work in Westphalia (BK) Inc. plans a youth meeting at the youth education center in Hagen/Berchum with 12 groups and all in all 60 participants under the topic “Let’s Deal with Our Past. 70 Years After World War II. Peacekeeping as a Challenge for Younger Generations in Europe” in the time from the 27th of March to the 4th of April 2015. The youth meeting is part of the ...
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Solidarity Tracks organized an 11 day training course in Lefkas Greece for 37 youth leaders and youth workers active in the field of non formal education, coming from 19 youth organizations, from 14 different countries of E.U., eastern Europe and the Caucasus. During this Training course, participants exchanged views and applied methods about developing, following and assessing the soft skills ac ...
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Mindful Youthwork

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Mindful Youth Work will organized by Prisms together with Toros University in Mersin, Turkey between the 8 - 15 October 2014 . It will be hosting 27 participants coming from Malta, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Romania, Italy, Ukraine and Greece. The project, Mindful Youth Work, is aimed to increase the evaluative and reflective capabilities of youth work with particular reference to the y ...
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Connecting Young Barents (CYB)

Start date: Jun 26, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

The Barents region during the last few years faces the problem of the Youth outflow to the central and southern parts. This project is intended to create Communication network for the young people in the Barents region. It will give the youngsters the opportunity to share their successes, to meet and communicate with other youngsters, and as for youth workers it is a great possibility to establish ...
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"Every Wall is a Door: Inclusion and Employability for youth with fewer opportunities"" is an ERASMUS+ KA1/Mobility of Youth Workers seminar that was implemented in Kalamata, Greece from the 7th to the 14th of December 2014. In it participated 26 youth workers, 1 trainer and 1 facilitator from 13 different countries, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Sw ...
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Youth Entrepreneurship Empowerment Centres

Start date: Jun 24, 2014, End date: Jan 24, 2015,

Employment, adequate social conditions and well-being are among the greatest concerns for young people. Youth all over Europe is at high risk of social exclusion and poverty, especially during the transition from education to employment. The idea of the training was driven by the fact that young people in general and the ones with fewer opportunities especially often lack necessary competences and ...
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Rire, un outil d'animation à la portée de tous

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

"Laughter, a pedagological tool for everyone" is a tool for youthworkers who wish to improve their knowledge with a new tool and to enrich their exercice's book, to renew it. This training course is based on several modules, next to the others, allow people to become used of technic (tool management) and to spread it around by learning and practising with other people. The following process is lea ...
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"Path to Peace: non-formal learning tools for conflict management using outdoor activities" is a 12 days training course hold in Styria, Austria, from the 5th to the 16th of August 2014. 20 youth leaders between 18 and 35 years from 10 countries (Austria, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Ukraine, Palestine, Georgia and Armenia) will meet in the natural countryside of Austria to learn about t ...
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BBEE : Building Bridges with Eastern Europe

Start date: Jun 20, 2014, End date: Sep 20, 2014,

The Contact-Making seminar "BBEE : BUILDING BRIDGES WITH EASTERN EUROPE" will gather youth workers from 26 youth organisations from 20 different European countries (14 Programme countries : France, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Denmark, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Malta, Germany, Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, and 6 Eastern Partnership countries : Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Ar ...
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The seminar “Youth in the Focus: Sharing Inclusion Measures” intends to share best practices and to offer a platform for NGOs active in the inclusion field to learn from each other. For this reason 33 participants representing organisations working on youth inclusion and empowerment in Portugal, Turkey, Slovenia, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Portug ...
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The project aims at development of the National action groups of Bologna Practitioners in the Partner Countries together the four main groups of stakeholders - Academia, Market, Government, Students - to work out and implement the strategy of Bologna Promotion in their home countries. The specific objectives are: "Creation of ""Government -Univesrity - Student - Market (GUSM) Tetragons"" - collab ...
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"Creative Mathematics in Multicultural Europe" - International Youth Convention, is an annual event of YEU International since 1983 that uses non-formal education that will require young people to be active and creative in soMngrthe 'mathematical equation' Young People - (borders + barriers) = Peace + Understanding. 75 participants from 25 different European and Mediterranean countries will focus ...
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Volunteers' Centre of Vojvodina & Nature Conservation Movement (VCV [ ) : |^| | ||||1 training course in close cooperation with South East European Youth NetWbrk.-ÎT lij'fgi^Jj^^ place in Ecological Centre Sremski Karlovci, located in Vojvodina, Serbia; It wH f|l!Íef^K5 participants from 20 Programme and South East Europe partner countries ." ''' :. .::£| |||| | |The training course is ai ...
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The "Participation for All through Non-formal Education" project is an innovative 12 months programme between four organizations working with young people in Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.. "..\The overall aim of the project is to increase participation in public life and integration into society of young people fewer opportunities by promoting the non-forrrfal education and building ...
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The Volunteer Library

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

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Start date: Apr 1, 2012,

“Peace towards a new World” is an 8 -day TC under the 3.1 Youth Action that will be held in Palermo (Italy). It is targeted to youth working with young people with fewer opportunities and it involves youth from 15 organizations: 8 from EU (Italy, Malta, Lithuania, Netherlands, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria) and 7 from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Mol ...
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Each year from 25 November (which is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December is held throughout the world the International Campaign of the 16 days of Activism against gender violence. Our project is to organize a youth exchange within the framework of this international campaign and have young people from different countries organize a series of events ...
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