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movinG fOrward - let's end violence against women!
Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Each year from 25 November (which is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December is held throughout the world the International Campaign of the 16 days of Activism against gender violence. Our project is to organize a youth exchange within the framework of this international campaign and have young people from different countries organize a series of events on the 2012 theme: "movinG fOrward - let's end violence against women!". During 7 days, in Ukraine, the young people will create collective events on this theme, which will be advertised in local mass media and will have the opportunity to attend national events specific to Ukraine. The objectives of our project is to give a transnational dimension to the international campaign in Ukraine. 25 participants from 5 countries (Ukraine, Romania, Czech Republic, Georgia and Belarus) are involved in this project. We would to continue the result of this campaign from previous years. The youth exchange will take place in Ukraine - Odessa. The main theme of the project it is gender equality. The main aim of the youth exchange is to raise awareness of the youth about gender-based violence and to make them understand that such phenomenon happens in all countries, at all level of societies. Coming from different cultural background, they will be able to compare the situation in their respective country and challenge stereotypes they may have on this theme. This youth exchange is relevant and will foster the participation of young people into transnational activism. Besides, this youth exchange will deal with the core values of the UE, among which are gender equality, and human rights. We will use a wide range of formal and non-formal education during this youth exchange. During group activities, we will rely on mini-lectures, debates, non -formal discussions, case studies, group and personal work. We will use video and written material as a support.

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  •   12 230,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

4 Partners Participants