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7 European Projects Found

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Mobilité de travailleurs belges du secteur jeunesse

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

1.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVESThe objective of the project: enable mobility of youth workers of this consortium (partnership of organizations of the youth sector, members of the European network Ecett) to improve the quality of their work with young people, by adopting a biased position and enquiring with their peers abroad.Professionals of “youth” feel sometimes helpless when confronted to some situ ...
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This mobility project is dedicated to CEID’s professionals, a non-profit organization working in medical and social support for addicted people for 40 years. The organization managed several centers and 160 employees in teams of prevention, psycho-educational support and medical care in the Aquitaine region. To provide efficient support and adjust with the cultural characteristics, our organizatio ...
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ECEtt (European Companionship in Education – training by travel) is a European network of knowledge exchange between therapeutic communities for drug addicted persons ( The journeyman apprenticeship training method (produced and evaluated by “ECEtt-Pilot 2006-2008”, project funded by “Leonardo da Vinci” Agency) made possible for many European partners of the ECEtt network to exchang ...
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Trempoline Mobilité Belgique

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project "Trempoline mobility Belgium" presented by the Trempoline ngo in the frame of Erasmus + grants, follows different projects ECEtt funded by the Leonardo da Vinci, namely ECEtt Pilot- 2006, ECEtt-ToI-2009, contributing to the establishment and operation of a network of exchange of good practices in the business of humans according to a method based on the companionship (called method MEC ...
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ECEtt Erasmus+ Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...ntion, treatment and social reintegration, management and coordination, etc. During 2 years, we will conduct 28 mobilities in 7 foreign host organizations (Monar, Poland; CEIS Formazione, Italy; Phoenix Futures, UK; Kethea, Greece; Coolmine, Ireland; Trempoline, Belgium; Argo, Greece). Participants will benefit from mobility type "B" (1 week), resulting in the identification and description of "go ...
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ECEtt Leonardo Mobility IRL- Training by travel

Start date: Aug 4, 2014, End date: Aug 3, 2015,

This Mobility project is a follow up of the previous Ecett projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci. The innovative training method of Ecett has been described, tested and transferred from 2006 until 2015 in the field of therapeutic communities for addicted people and of social work. It consists in benchmarking, research and description of good practices which can be transferred in other places of t ...
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...icians of this e-learning course.-To evaluate this process.Partners: KETHEA (Greece), PROJECTO HOMEM (Portugal), ASOCIACION PROYECTO HOMBRE (Spain) and MONAR (Poland), CEIS FORMAZIONE (Italy) and PHOENIX FUTURES (United Kingdom). In total, these associations count on 30 years experience, are taking care of 63.640 persons actually for treatment and 102.513 for prevention. They have 3.324 employees ...
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