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Organized Crime and Terrorist Networks (OC/TN) are a major challenge for the European Union and many different stakeholder groups are involved in creating awareness, preventing, identifying and intervene in case of risk or threat. But in order to develop better strategies and instruments, we still need a deeper understanding of these phenomena.TAKEDOWN therefore aims at generating such novel insig ...
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Political conflicts have long since gone beyond national borders and peace building has become central to the self-conception of the European Union as a foreign policy actor. Current challenges in Conflict Prevention and Peace Building (CPPB) trainings are that many programmes on offer are both too general/narrow, they are not applicable enough, weak on concrete skills enlargement and moreover tra ...
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Santa Barbara

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

• Ansökarens namn: Föreningen Framtidståget • Deltagande länder: Armenien, Sverige, Belarus, Bulgarien, Estland, Georgien, Italien, Lettland, Moldova, Portugal, Rumänien, Ryssland, Spanien, Turkiet, Ukraina • Antal deltagare: 35 • Projektets mål/syfte: att visa hur viktigt det är med personliga och familjerelationer i en ungdoms framtid genom att självreflektera och se anknytning mellan det person ...
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Peace from the grassroots

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

The UN Security Council approved last December the resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security, to recognize the role of youth in building sustainable peace and to lay out the need for governments and other stakeholders to support young people in this role. With this resolution, youth and youth organizations involved in peacebuilding see how their role in official or grassroots peace processes ga ...
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Volunteers Fighting Against Xenophobia

Start date: Mar 14, 2015, End date: Mar 13, 2017,

By this project we aim to provide non-formal learning opportunities- social integration, sense of anti discrimination for youngster with fewer opportunitiest and then we will let them learn about the opportunities after short term EVS such as Long term EVS, Erasmus+. The project also aims to spread the phylosophy of volunteerism in local and international level. Our EVS action took start in 200 ...
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...ts values. It will empower him / her in terms of self-esteem and probably will boost his / her engagement towards a more open and democratic society. It is in the mission of AFS to build a more peaceful world and we strongly believe in the improvement of these competences by working as a volunteer and by living in a host family. In order to create an even bigger impact we selected some organizatio ...
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YOUCODE - Young Community Developers

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Many researches reveal that lack of youth participation is a serious issue all around Europe. We are facing a strong crisis, not only for the economic threats we are now suffering, but especially for the lack of interest in improving our society, the relationships among the citizens and the respect of core values. Youth organizations have a key role in making the society a better place and have th ...
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Towards a Culture of Democracy - Advanced Betzavta Training Course

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The project consortium of "Towards a Culture of Democracy - Advanced Betzavta Training Course" consists of the coordinator, Kreisau-Initiative, with eight partner organizations from Armenia, Croatia, Denmark, Georgia, Poland, Romania and Serbia. These organizations represent the many shades of democracy that exist across Europe, each country coming with its own challenges in how to create change ...
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... those cleavages have their roots in the legacy of the past and cannot be seen disconnected from the heritage of past authoritarian regimes or from former territorial and ethnic conflicts. While many peace-building processes already start to integrate a people-to-people approach going beyond the mere institution building, they often do not address a direct confrontation with national remembrance t ...
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"Peace is...." - training course on aspects of peace and non-violence

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Feb 1, 2016,

"Peace is...."- training course on aspects of peace and non-violence is an international project gathering youth workers from 17 conflict affected communities across Europe. 36 young activists will meet to explore the concept of culture of peace and learn techniques of non-violence. Invited participants are currently running local - and many cases international as well - projects addressing issue ...
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...rty rights regimes) to the implementation of ICZM policies, viewed from the local level upwards, identified in the target countries • Impediments across national borders to implementation in both peaceful and conflict-ridden coastal zones identified • Toolkit of recommendations on how to improve the implementation of the Protocol on ICZM and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive defined • Pub ...
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Today’s sentiment of the society in Europe is troubled by fear of the future. With high rates of unemployment, more and more people tend to blame minorities, with slogans like ‘foreigners are taking our jobs!’. Xenophobia and discrimination are a serious issues in many multicultural countries. Taking into account the very recent extremist movements in EU and neighboring countries, raising xenophob ...
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Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth - Sustainable Partnership Meeting

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Nov 1, 2015,

EN The youth mobility (Contact Making Activity) Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth: Sustainable Partnership Meeting, to be held in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) from September 26 to October 4, 2014, will bring together representatives/coordinators of 14 youth organisations from 7 program countries and 6 neighboring partner MEDA countries (Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Israel/ Palestine, Bu ...
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Youth takes the Stage: Theatre and Campaigning

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

This is an Erasmus+ (Mobility of youth workers) project aimed at developing youth workers’ competences in facilitating youth-led campaigns using theatre methods. The project is composed of a series of three eight-day training courses to be held in three regions: Eastern Europe (Tbilisi, Georgia, November 2014), South-East Europe (Tirana, Albania, January 2015) and the EU (Stroud, United Kingdom, ...
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Explore your Potential

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Participation of young people is one of the key questions that youth workers address in their work. Concepts of participation usually refer to at least four dimensions: social participation, political participation, economic participation and cultural participation. Unfortunately, in today`s Europe young people do often not participate in any of these societal dimensions. With youth unemployment r ...
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Experience Democracy: From the personal to the political

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

'Experience Democracy: From the personal to the political' allows participants to take a closer look at how democracy is experienced within a group. There are many theories and discussions about democracy, but not very many trainings who put the practice of democracy under a microscope. The goal of this training is for every participants to reflect on how they behave within a group, and what the ...
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Act for Europe: Theatre for Active Citizenship

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Act for Europe: Theatre for Active Citizenship This is an Erasmus+ (Mobility of youth workers) project aimed at developing youth workers’ competences in using theatre methods to promote active citizenship of young people in Europe. The project is composed of a series of three eight-day training courses to be held in the UK (24 July- 1 August 2014), Albania (1-9 October 2014) and Georgia (22-30 Nov ...
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"Living together in diversity, transforming conflicts, creating an inclusive Europe" – this is the title of the 10-days train-the-trainer-seminar, to which more than 30 multipliers of youth work from Germany, France, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic and Hungary are expected in the Gustav Stresemann Institute (GSI) in Bad Bevensen. The aim of the project is to interlock the learning ...
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Become More Outdoor

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jan 16, 2015,

A seminar “Become More Outdoor!” is designed to bring together people who are working with youth on everyday basis (youth workers, youth leaders, project managers, peer-to-peer educators) and who do not have yet any or so much experience on using outdoor activities as a tool for learning. The seminar will give the chance for them to build common understanding on outdoor activities as an effective ...
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"Path to Peace: non-formal learning tools for conflict management using outdoor activities" is a 12 days training course hold in Styria, Austria, from the 5th to the 16th of August 2014. 20 youth leaders between 18 and 35 years from 10 countries (Austria, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Ukraine, Palestine, Georgia and Armenia) will meet in the natural countryside of Austria to learn about t ...
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In 2009, the European Parliament asked the Commission and the Member States to consider the EuroVelo- Network and Iron Curtain Trail as an opportunity for promoting European trans-border cycling infrastructure networks, supporting soft mobility and sustainable tourism?. The European Commission organised workshops to raise awareness of the ICT and awarded grants to preparatory projects to define th ...
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Challenging Gender Roles for Prevention of Trafficking (GGBGnetwork)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

...eration to resist the influence of traditional gender roles and to make their own choices based on knowledge, individual values and beliefs. The GGBGNetwork project, carried out by the Åland Islands Peace Institute, Åland, Finland, and the Resource Center for Women, Marta, Riga, Latvia, highlights the importance of youth empowerment as a tool for promoting more respectful gender relations and ther ...
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‘Everybody’s Song’ is a project funded under the EC Youth programme and the European Cultural Foundation in 5 South-East European countries – Cyprus, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia. The main aim is to promote the role of music as a tool of intercultural understanding by exploring the diverse cultural heritage of the five countries. Everybody’s Song’ organised an intercultural festival in B ...
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PreQual steps aims to support migrant women to enter the formal labor market within the health and care sector by implementing the course “Prequalification for migrant women in the health and care sector” in further European countries: Czechia, Greece, Hungary and Spain. As during the last three years the course has been developed, successfully implemented and tested in Austria, Germany and Italy ...
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The project aims to establish joint 2nd and 3rd Cycle Study Programs in International Relations at Macedonian universities adhering to Bologna Process requirements in the three HEIs in the Partner country. Further, to project will establish an International Relations Institute in one HEI to support the 2nd and 3rd cycle degree programs and research capabilities of all the HEI in the Partner count ...
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The organisation “Bridge to the Future” will implement as the hosting organisation the training course “Cooperation for Development – Project Management in International Youth Work” in Ganja, Azerbaijan, from the 23rd until the 31st of March 2013.In cooperation with 12 partners from Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Latvia and Romania the project will be realized by ...
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GeMTrEx supports improvement and professionalisation in the field of gender work. Professional standards for gender work and a proposal for training moduls were developed by the GemTrEx partnership.
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The training course is focussing on green growth as an overall theme with housing, transportation, energy and food production as specific themes towards mitigating the threats of negative climage change and global warming. The action is planned to take place as part of the Com2gether project in connection with COP 15 Climage Summit in Denmark 2009. The objectives of the project is to capacitate a ...
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Violence is still mayor problem of modern societies. Violence prevention should be part of every learning process. In the last years research has shown that the risk factors for violent behaviour are very different in depency of the target group. Intersectional approaches promise to foster group specific violence prevention, so that violence prevention with an intersectional approach will be m ...
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Ce séminaire itinérant à travers l'Arménie, la Géorgie et l'Est de la Turquie rassemblera 34 travailleurs de jeunesse et jeunes artistes pendant 10 jours. Le but de ce séminaire est de permettre aux participants issus de 15 pays différents (France, Arménie, Turquie, Géorgie, Belarus, Moldavie, Ukraine, Suède, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Bulgarie, Russie, Lituanie, Italie, Slovénie, Roumanie) de rencontrer ...
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Reason: A New Focal Point for Teaching EU StudiesAs of December 2009, the Lisbon Treaty has become the EU's new fundamental framework for the foreseeable future. The analysis of altered or novel treaty provisions becomes a high priority for interdisciplinary research-based teaching curricula in EU studies. Only a European academic network will be able to exploit input from the relevant disciplines ...
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...ds), Barcelona (Spain), Amarante (Portugal), Cluj Napaco (Romania), Palermo (Italy), Cordoba (Argentina), Nairobi (Kenya), Freetown (Sierra Leone), Accra (Ghana), Quezon City (Philippines) working on peace building, especially related to poverty, social exclusion and gender equality initiatives, will engage in job shadowing projects. During their meetings they will share with 50 other youth leader ...
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The Training of Multipliers: Peace Bag- Mainstreaming Peace Education in Youth Work, gave youth trainers to explore on different creative and innovative ways to teach peace and intercultural dialogue through non-formal learning methodologies. The success of the Project was due to the fact that it was implemented in 3 phases. The first phase, held from 02 – 29 July 2012, consisted of 4 online pre-t ...
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Learn! Include! Respect!

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

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Social Media for Democracy

Start date: May 1, 2012,

Training in Georgien mit 28 Fachkräfte der Jugendarbeit aus Programm- und Eastern Partnership Youth Windows-Ländern zum Thema Rolle und Einfluss von Sozialmedien in Demokratiserungsprozesse. Die Teilnehmende reflektieren darüber inwiefern soziale Medien die politische Partizipation im Allgemeinen und insbesondere bei jungen Menschen beeinflussen. Darüberhinaus überlegen sie wie Jugendorganisation ...
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Gateways to the OTHER...

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The project “Gateways to the OTHER...” is designed as a a Partnership Building Activity of 5 working days (excluding travel), which will be held in Armenia, Tsakhkadzor from the 17th of September till 21th of September 2012. The main themes of the project are the Intercultural dimension of EVS and building a Network of like-minded EVS organisation. Representatives of active EVS organisations will ...
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According to UNAIDS estimates, around 2.2 million people were living with HIV in Europe and Central Asia at the end of 2007. Estimated HIV prevalence varies from below 0.1% in parts of Central Europe to above 1% in parts of the Eastern Europe and Caucasus. Against this background our partners are deliberately chosen to come from some of the most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS countries: Armenia, Azerbaija ...
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Dancing for Tolerance

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

Project "Dancing for Tolerance” is going to gather young people from European countries belonging to the big European family. Project's main goal is to break taboos and prejudges among the youth and to strengthen brotherhood using the power and effectiveness of art and dance. Dance throughout centuries was an effective way of communication. From Lisbon to Moscow people danced to express themselve ...
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Human Rights EVS Caravan

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

During 2 months 10 EVS volunteers from 5 different countries (Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Italy and Spain) will visit towns and villages in the regions of Georgia to promote Human Rights among youth, especially among those ones with fewer opportunities. The activities will be directed to children and youth with different backgrounds: public schools, day care centers for children with economic diff ...
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Training for 20 youth workers from Armenia, Aserbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria and Lithuania in Berlin. The Overall Goal of this Training is to pass on the method of simulation games in order to enable the participants to use them in their work. The training will improve training competences of trainers, facilitators and team leaders in the field of non-form ...
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